Dear All,
The Global Plant Health Assessment (GPHA) has been conducted under the aegis of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ICPP). The first phase of the GPHA was completed by approximately 100 scientists that contributed on a voluntary basis to understand the current state of plant health (annual crops, perennial crops, home gardens, peri-urban agriculture, urban trees, and forest trees) relative to the provision of ecosystem services (provisioning, regulating, and cultural services).
The GPHA website provides access to the documents that arose from the first phase:
The ICPP is now supporting phase 2 of the GPHA. The second phase will expand the assessments of phase 1 to address the future of plant health through networked projects.
The GPHA does not offer or provide sources of funding. It provides an opportunity to exchange research ideas and methods to support research and education to address the present and future of plant health.
A workshop has been planned for November 2024, in Toulouse, France. The workshop is open to any scientist that would like to contribute to the second phase of the GPHA. The goal of the workshop is to develop an overall strategy involving a collective of individual scientists and a collective of specific projects to address the state, and future, of plant health.
Several scientists from Division 7 participated in the first phase of the GPHA and all are welcome to participate in this new initiative. Attached is the programme for the upcoming workshop. If you would like to participate, or wish further information, please contact Laetitia Willocquet (lwillocquet(a)gmail.com<mailto:lwillocquet@gmail.com>).
Best wishes, Tod
Tod Ramsfield, PhD
Co-coordinartor IUFRO Division 7 - Forest Health
Research Scientist Forest Pathology, Canadian Forest Service
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
Tod.Ramsfield(a)NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca<mailto:Tod.Ramsfield@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca> / Tel: 825-510-1303
Chercheur, Pathologie forestière, Service canadien des forêts
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Tod.Ramsfield(a)NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca<mailto:Tod.Ramsfield@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca> / Tel : 825-510-1303