*Research Scientist position in Ecology and forest insect invasions***
The Forest Zoology Research Unit(INRAE URZF
<https://urzf.val-de-loire.hub.inrae.fr/>), located in Orléans in the
Centre Val de Loire region (France), is expected to soon open a
permanent research scientist position in the field of forest insect
community ecology in the context of biological invasions.
URZF studies the response of pest forest insect populations to
anthropogenic changes, with two main research axes: (1) invasions of
exotic insects linked to the intensification of human activities, and
(2) expansions of native insects threatening plant or human health in
connection with climate change. The invasive success of a species
depends both on its "invasiveness" (currently studied in the unit) and
on the "invasibility" of the recipient environment, /i.e./, its
vulnerability to invasion. This issue involves hypotheses such as the
biotic resistance hypothesis (a crucial question not yet addressed in
our unit). If this researcher position is opened, your mission will be
to study the invasibility of environments colonized by invasive forest
insects, using concepts and tools from community ecology.
The strengths of the unit include:
- International recognition in the field of invasions/expansions, and
co-leadership of a Franco-Chinese International Joint Laboratory,
- Integration of multiple disciplinary approaches,
- Dedicated infrastructures and facilities for laboratory and field
To apply, *visit the **INRAE Jobs*
at the end of January or early February 2025*. To receive a notification
by email on the opening date, you can create a job alert
<https://jobs.inrae.fr/formulaire-alerte-campagne>now in just three clicks.
*Dr. Christelle ROBINET*
Directrice de Recherche
Directrice Adjointe de l'URZF
INRAE Val de Loire, site d'Orléans
Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière (URZF)
2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin - CS 40001 - Ardon
45075 Orléans cedex 2
Tel: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
E-mail: christelle.robinet(a)inrae.fr <mailto:christelle.robinet@inrae.fr>