The Department of Entomology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is inviting applications for the post of Assistant Professor, twelve-month, tenure track appointment, research responsibility (75%), teaching responsibility (25%).
The successful applicant will develop and conduct an active research program in the area of Forest Entomology to include development of strategies to manage forest pests or forest health. This position requires a balance of research to improve our fundamental understanding of insects in forest ecosystems as well as field-oriented research to address evolving pest problems. Expertise of the incumbent and needs of the stakeholders will influence research direction. Applications are solicited from individuals with a wide range of expertise (e.g., chemical ecology, invasive species, insect pathology, global climate change, population dynamics, or ecosystem and landscape ecology). The position requires cooperation and collaboration with research and extension personnel in LSU's School of Renewable Natural Resources, the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, other state and federal agencies, and with stakeholders in the forest industry. The successful applicant will be expected to obtain competitive, extramural funding, participate in graduate student training as a member of the Graduate Faculty of Louisiana State University, and serve as a liaison to the forestry industry. The incumbent will be responsible for teaching a course in insect ecology and an additional course in their area of expertise and will contribute to other aspects of the academic program of the Department.
Find more details in the attached document.
Posted by: Allison, Jeremy <Jeremy.Allison(a)<>>
Gesendet: Montag, 22. November 2021 22:19
Jeremy Allison
Forest Insect Chemical Ecologist
Great Lakes Forestry Centre - Sault Ste Marie
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
jeremy.allison(a)<> / Tel: 705-255-3628
Coordinator IUFRO Working Party Behavioral and Chemical Ecology of Forest Insects
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Insect Behavior
I am writing you on behalf of IUFRO WP 7.03.16 to let you know about a new initiative to highlight graduate student research on the behavioural and chemical ecology of forest insects. Beginning in January 2022 we will host a series of three webinars that will provide a platform for graduate students to present their work and develop their networks.
Talks will be pre-recorded and submitted in advance of each symposia for judging. The top three from each region will be presented for a total of six student presentations per symposia. The best talk from each region (i.e., two will be selected from each symposia) will be recognized and our goal is to offer financial assistance to each winner to attend the IUFRO All-Division 7 meeting in 2022 in Portugal where the winners will present their talks in a symposium highlighting student research in the working party (the symposia has been approved by the organizing committee of the All-Division 7 meeting and we have some funding already secured).
The first webinar will occur 24-January at 12:00 UTC and will have talks from graduate students studying in Europe (n=3) and Africa (n=3).
The second webinar will occur 21-February at 18:00 UTC and will have talks from graduate students studying in North America (n=3) and Central/South America (n=3).
The third webinar will occur 28-March at 04:00 UTC and will have talks from graduate students studying in Asia (n=3) and Oceania (n=3).
We ask your assistance in bringing this webinar series to the attention of anyone interested in attending and watching, and in particular helping make graduate students aware of this opportunity. Anyone interested in participating needs to visit the registration page
(see…<…>). Although only the top three talks from each region will be played in the webinars, all submitted talks will be uploaded to the WP 7.03.16 YouTube page where they can be viewed. Registration is now open and in a few weeks we will be contacting students interested in participating to explain deadlines and the submission process.
Thank you for your assistance. Best wishes,
Jeremy, Sigrid, Andres and Quentin
IUFRO WP 7.03.16
Dear all,
The IUFRO symposium on pine wilt disease* (working party 7.02.10) will
take place from Nov 22nd to 26th, 2021 as a virtual meeting. Talks will
be related to :
- the situation of the pine wood nematode invasion in infested regions
or countries,
- the insect vectors,
- the host trees and development of the pine wilt disease,
- the interactions within this complex multi-player system, and
- the management of the pine wood nematode.
The schedule is available here :
To register and obtain your connexion links to this webinar (it is
free), please visit :
Feel free to circulate this information.
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees,
Christelle Robinet
* This event corresponds to the rescheduling of the symposium that was
initially planned in Orleans (France) in March 2020 and that was
cancelled due to COVID-19.
*Dr. Christelle ROBINET*
Research Director
Coordinator of IUFRO WP 7.02.10
INRAE Val de Loire, site d'Orléans
Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière (URZF)
2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin - CS 40001 - Ardon
45075 Orléans cedex 2
Tel: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
E-mail: christelle.robinet(a) <>