Dear friends and colleagues,
Pre-registration for IUFRO 07.03.05 - 07.03.12 Joint Meeting "A global perspective on the ecology and management of bark and wood boring insects", Bariloche, Argentina (1-4 September, 2015) is now open. Information about the meeting is at .
We are expecting a rather large number of attendees for the meeting and have limited space. If you plan to come, please fill the pre-registration form<…>, so that we can organize things best.
The organizing committee.
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Please visit our website<> for more information.
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[Forest Service Shield]
Andrew Liebhold
Research Entomologist
Forest Service
Northern Research Station
p: 304-285-1512
c: 724-317-8668
f: 304-285-1505
180 Canfield St.
Morgantown, WV 26505<>
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Caring for the land and serving people
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Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce that the call for abstracts for the *5th
International Symposium on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions
*to be held in Orleans, France (only 1h South of Paris) from *23 to 28
August 2015* is now open !
***** This Symposium is not restricted to forest trees. People working
on ornamental and fruit trees are most welcome !! *****
For those who experienced the previous editions of this Symposium, you
know that they are always very interesting, very rich, not only because
of the diversity of the attendees (phytopathologists, breeders,
entomologists, physiologists, evolutionary biologists ...) but also
because they are always organized in a way that most of the attendees
have an oportunity to present their work and in a format that fosters
Also, compared to many other meetings, the registration fees are not so
high. It is 600 € for early bird registration (1 April) and only 500 €
for graduate students. These fees include all the meals (lunches +
diners) + field tour and conference diner.
Last but not least, some of you are *project leaders, group coordinators
or in the process of building a project*, and we have negociated some
extra free meeting rooms where you will be able to gather your troops,
so think seriously about this opportunity.
*Now is time to think seriously about participating to this event !*
There is a brand new website waiting for you with lots of information to
help you organize your trip and your presentation :
Although registrations to the meeting will open 2nd of
February,***_online abstract registration is now open !_*
Please circulate this information around you and think about other
colleagues or students in your lab who may be interested (think also
that France still is a good place for summer holidays, either before or
after the meeting !!).
We look forward to seeing you in Orleans !
*/The local organizing team/*
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to remind you about the incoming Joint IUFRO 7.02.02 "Foliage, shoot and stem diseases of forest trees" and 7.03.04 "Diseases and insects in forest nurseries" Working Party Meetings that will be held in Uppsala, Sweden on the 7 - 12th June 2015 (enclosed iCal reminder for Outlook users). In this letter we provide some information on the abstract submission, conference fees and registration.
More information can be found in the webpage of the meeting, which will be continuously updated during these months:
Scientific communications:
We welcome communications in both poster and oral presentation formats. Please send us an abstract of your communication max. 250 words. Please find enclosed word document for style guidelines. Send them to jonas.oliva(a)<> , before 1st March 2015. Decision on oral or poster presentation will be given the 15th April 2015.
Deadline for abstract submission: 1st March 2015 (enclosed iCal reminder for Outlook users)
Decision: 15st April 2015
We will have a special issue in the open-source journal Forests (IF=1.139). Everybody attending the conference is welcome to submit their communication/s to the Special issue as a full-paper. Note that manuscripts will undergo full peer reviewing process. Deadline for submission 30th July 2015. The scientific committee will select 10 communications to be published in Forests free-of-charge. Please let us know when you submit your abstract whether you would be interested in publishing those results in Forests. More info:
Conference fee
Conference fee will be of 3500 SEK (Swedish Krona) for regular attendees, but students will have a reduced price of 2000 SEK. Conference fee will include lunches. Note that dinners, breakfasts or lodging, are not included into the conference fee . It is important to note the conference organisers will not take care of booking/organising lodging. Most hotels in Uppsala are easily found and booked in Internet.
Registration will be open next week. Deadline is 15th of May 2015 (enclosed iCal reminder for Outlook users)
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:
IUFRO "Foliage, shoot and stem diseases of forest trees"
Jonàs Oliva: jonas.oliva(a)<>
Jan Stenlid: jan.stenlid(a)<>
IUFRO "Diseases and insects in forest nurseries"
Audrius Menkis: audrius.menkis(a)<>
Hope to see you soon in Uppsala!
Jonàs, Jan and Audrius
Jonàs Oliva, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor - Forskarassistent
Dept. Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU
Box 7026
75007 Uppsala, Sweden
telefon: 018-671602
fax +46 18 673599