Barbara J. Bentz, PhD
Research Entomologist
USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station
860 N. 1200 East
Logan, UT 84321
435-890-3186 (mobile)
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To the Forent and IUFRO Div 7 listserve administrators,
At the risk of some redundancy among listserves, please send out the following message your respective memberships.
Scott Salom
Save the Date for 6th North American Forest Insect Work Conference, May 31- June 3, 2016
Dear Forest Entomologists and Health Specialists Everywhere,
We are pleased to make the formal announcement for the 6th North American Forest Insect Work Conference to be held in Washington D.C. from May 31 to June 3, 2016. This is a notice to have you save these dates on your calendar.
The conference theme is "Toward Healthy Forests: Leadership, Vision, and Action." The theme recognizes the host city, Washington D.C. which serves as the headquarters for federal agencies charged with managing National Forests in the U.S. The main goal of the conference will be to bring researchers, practitioners, and students in contact with agency leadership to inform each other and consider future trends and directions regarding forest health. Special emphasis will be on encouraging the use of research-based information in developing policies and actions that most benefit forest health in the face of a changing global environment. Our next generation of forest entomologists (students and post-docs) are our future leaders. Their exposure to agency leadership policy and the political environment that helps shape it will be critical in their professional development.
The Conference will be held at the Washington Marriott at Wardman Park (http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/wasdt-washington-marriott-wardman-par…)
We have arranged to contract off-season govt. per diem room rates during prime travel season.
Organizing Committees have been formed
Organizing Committee: Scott Salom (salom(a)vt.edu<mailto:salom@vt.edu>) - Chair; Bob Rabaglia (brabaglia(a)fs.fed.us<mailto:brabaglia@fs.fed.us>) and Kier Klepzig (kklepzig(a)fs.fed.us<mailto:kklepzig@fs.fed.us>) - members
Program Committee: Kier Klepzig - Chair; Don Duerr (dduerr(a)fs.fed.us<mailto:dduerr@fs.fed.us>), Nadir Erbilgin (erbilgin(a)ualberta.ca<mailto:erbilgin@ualberta.ca>), and Dan Herms (herms.2(a)osu.edu<mailto:herms.2@osu.edu>) - members
The conference will be managed in association with Continuing and Professional Education at Virginia Tech. This group specializes in planning conferences such as ours.
We hope to have a website running soon to help facilitate information about the conference. Timely announcements will be made before long to get your input into developing a program. We will also provide details on registration, signing up for field trips, and booking reservations.
Please contact the organizers if you have any questions or suggestions.
Scott M. Salom, Ph.D.
Professor – Forest Entomology
Department of Entomology
216 Price Hall MC 0319
170 Drillfield Drive, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: 540-231-2794
Fax: 540-231-9131
Dept. Website: http://www.ento.vt.edu/people/tenure/salom-scott/index.html
Interfaces of Global Change Website: http://globalchangephd.com<http://globalchangephd.com/>/
Dear Colleagues,
Regarding the meeting below, please find attached an updated document with an indication of the programme plus hotel price and booking information. Could you please let me know your interest in attending before booking the hotel in case places are becoming restricted.
With best wishes,
Hugh Evans
Professor Hugh F Evans
Uwch Arweinydd Prosiect yng Nghymru / Senior Project Leader in Wales
Part-time (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) at one of our offices:
Forest Research in Wales Forest Research
Adeilad Edward Llwyd / Edward Llwyd Building Alice Holt Lodge
Campws Penglais / Penglais Campus Farnham
Aberystwyth Surrey
Ceredigion GU10 4LH
SY23 3DA
Uniongyrchol/Direct: +44(0)1970 621527 +44(0)1420 22255 (switchboard)
Rhif ffôn Symudol gwaith /Work mobile: +44 (0)7917000234
E-bost/E-mail: hugh.evans(a)forestry.gsi.gov.uk
www.forestry.gov.uk/forestresearchwww.forestry.gov.uk/fr/dyficatchmentwww.impactproject.eu <http://www.impactproject.eu/>
From: Evans, Hugh
Sent: 06 August 2014 16:06
To: 'rg70300-forent(a)lists.iufro.org'; 'rg70200-forpath(a)lists.iufro.org'; 'div7(a)lists.iufro.org'
Subject: EU COST Action FP1002 PERMIT Final Conference - CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS
Dear Colleagues,
The EU COST Action FP1002 PERMIT deals with invasive organisms and their association with pathways for international transfer. The Action has been running for over 3 years with particular concentration on the live Plants for Planting pathway. We are now in the final year of the Action and during the final week of October this year will be having a conference to summarise the work of PERMIT and to interact with others in this field. The location will be Estoril (near Lisbon) in Portugal and the local organiser is Dr Edmundo Sousa.
We have a relatively limited number of places at the venue (around 70 participants) and are now publicising the meeting (see attached) and would encourage you to consider contributing to it. Depending on the applicants location and the subject matter of the presentation, there is a possibility of providing financial support for travel and accommodation (EU COST rules restrict the geographic locations that can be supported). Applicants from Argentina, New Zealand and South Africa may be able to apply for funds in those countries since they have signed up to COST and guaranteed some funding for travel to COST meetings.
I look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, to meeting some of you at the conference in October.
With best wishes,
Hugh Evans
Chair of FP1002
Professor Hugh F Evans
Uwch Arweinydd Prosiect yng Nghymru / Senior Project Leader in Wales
Part-time (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) at one of our offices:
Forest Research in Wales Forest Research
Adeilad Edward Llwyd / Edward Llwyd Building Alice Holt Lodge
Campws Penglais / Penglais Campus Farnham
Aberystwyth Surrey
Ceredigion GU10 4LH
SY23 3DA
Uniongyrchol/Direct: +44(0)1970 621527 +44(0)1420 22255 (switchboard)
Rhif ffôn Symudol gwaith /Work mobile: +44 (0)7917000234
E-bost/E-mail: hugh.evans(a)forestry.gsi.gov.uk
www.forestry.gov.uk/forestresearchwww.forestry.gov.uk/fr/dyficatchmentwww.impactproject.eu <http://www.impactproject.eu/>
+++++ The Forestry Commission's computer systems may be monitored and communications carried out on them recorded, to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. +++++
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On leaving the GSi this email was certified virus-free
Announcing the 2014 Emerald Ash Borer Research and Technology Development Meeting
October 15-16, 2014
Wooster, Ohio
The Ohio State University is pleased to host the 8th Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Research and Technology Development Meeting at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, Ohio. The program will include submitted oral and poster presentations. Submissions for all EAB related research and technology development are welcome.
Attendance is limited to the first 225 people that register. The deadline to submit paper and poster titles is September 26, 2014.
See the following website for registration ($50), call for paper and poster presentations, lodging information, and agenda (when finalized):
Funding for this meeting has been provided by USDA APHIS.
Please excuse any duplicate email announcements.
Dear Colleagues,
The EU COST Action FP1002 PERMIT deals with invasive organisms and their association with pathways for international transfer. The Action has been running for over 3 years with particular concentration on the live Plants for Planting pathway. We are now in the final year of the Action and during the final week of October this year will be having a conference to summarise the work of PERMIT and to interact with others in this field. The location will be Estoril (near Lisbon) in Portugal and the local organiser is Dr Edmundo Sousa.
We have a relatively limited number of places at the venue (around 70 participants) and are now publicising the meeting (see attached) and would encourage you to consider contributing to it. Depending on the applicants location and the subject matter of the presentation, there is a possibility of providing financial support for travel and accommodation (EU COST rules restrict the geographic locations that can be supported). Applicants from Argentina, New Zealand and South Africa may be able to apply for funds in those countries since they have signed up to COST and guaranteed some funding for travel to COST meetings.
I look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, to meeting some of you at the conference in October.
With best wishes,
Hugh Evans
Chair of FP1002
Professor Hugh F Evans
Uwch Arweinydd Prosiect yng Nghymru / Senior Project Leader in Wales
Part-time (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) at one of our offices:
Forest Research in Wales Forest Research
Adeilad Edward Llwyd / Edward Llwyd Building Alice Holt Lodge
Campws Penglais / Penglais Campus Farnham
Aberystwyth Surrey
Ceredigion GU10 4LH
SY23 3DA
Uniongyrchol/Direct: +44(0)1970 621527 +44(0)1420 22255 (switchboard)
Rhif ffôn Symudol gwaith /Work mobile: +44 (0)7917000234
E-bost/E-mail: hugh.evans(a)forestry.gsi.gov.uk <mailto:hugh.evans@forestry.gsi.gov.uk>
www.forestry.gov.uk/forestresearch <http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestresearch>
www.forestry.gov.uk/fr/dyficatchment <http://www.forestry.gov.uk/fr/dyficatchment>
www.impactproject.eu <http://www.impactproject.eu/>
+++++ The Forestry Commission's computer systems may be monitored and communications carried out on them recorded, to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. +++++
The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government Secure Intranet (GSi) virus scanning service supplied exclusively by Cable & Wireless in partnership with MessageLabs.
On leaving the GSi this email was certified virus-free
Dear Colleagues - Please forward!
The USDA Forest Service, Research and Development in Washington DC is planning to hire a National Program Leader for Forest Entomology and Pathology Research. The job will most likely be open to all qualified applicants (not restricted to current Forest Service employees).
For further Information, please contact Linda Heath, Acting Director, Forest Management Sciences, by email at Lheath(a)fs.fed.us or telephone 202-205-0878.
If you are interested in applying, please fill in the outreach form attached and return it to Tanya Brevard, staff assistant, Forest Management Sciences, E-mail: tbrevard(a)fs.fed.us<mailto:tbrevard@fs.fed.us>; Fax: 703-605-5133. The deadline to reply to this outreach notice is no later than August 22, 2014.
- Susan Frankel
Susan J. Frankel
Acting, National Program Leader, Forest Entomology & Forest Pathology
USDA Forest Service, Research & Development
Yates Building, Washington, DC
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
World Biodiversity Congress (WBC), November 24-27, 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
INVITATION from the President WBC-2014
Integrating Bio-conservation with Natural Heritage
<http://www.wbc2014.in> http://www.wbc2014.in
Dear Sir/ Madam,
There is growing recognition of the fact
that biological resources and diversity are vital to humankind's economic
and social development. It is accepted that Biological diversity is a global
asset of tremendous value, and it needs to be preserved for future
generations. At the same time, the threat to species and ecosystems has
never been greater than it is today and, it is vital that biodiversity
conservation is given due recognition in order to ensure that the ongoing
development embodies a strong sense of sustainability. Sri Lanka is an
island, 65,610 km2 in area situated close to the Southeast corner of the
peninsula of India. Despite its relatively small size, Sri Lanka possesses a
high level of biodiversity. Sri Lanka is one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots
identified in the world and has the highest biodiversity per unit area of
land amongst Asian countries.
Sri Lanka welcomes the Scientific
Community to WBC-2014 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. The scheduled congress
organized by Global Scientific Research Foundation, Bangalore, India in
association with Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka and Department of
Biological Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, will provide a
platform for Scientists and conservation leaders. WBC-2014 also provides a
platform for environmental consultants , environmental advocates, corporate
and public policy-makers across the world for knowledge exchange and network
development. This conference will help traditional communities and
conservation scientists to collaboratively generate knowledge about nature
and its conservation. The conference emphasizes on conservation of
Biodiversity and natural heritage and will highlight the crucial role of
biodiversity in our global society and relate biodiversity to the global
millennium goals in order to achieve sustainable development
Indeed it is our honour as
Organizers of WBC-2014, to request your esteemed organization to support the
WBC to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka during 24th-28th November 2014.
Collaborators of the World Biodiversity Congress can help us to spread the
information, can contribute by sending congress emails to your membership,
including us in your newsletter, adding our conference to your calendar of
events, participating in the conference program, providing an opportunity by
allowing the organizers to include an advertisement in your publication and
so forth. The collaborating organizations / institutions shall be
recognized as such on the conference website and in conference materials. We
greatly acknowledge the sponsorship of the organizations for the success of
the biodiversity congress.
We are sure your esteemed organization
would be one of the collaborators of the World Biodiversity Congress. If you
consider our request, kindly send your logo and consent to use the same in
the congress website and in congress materials. We welcome your suggestions
for the successful organization of the congress and looking forward to your
For preliminary information on the scheduled Congress please visit:
<http://www.wbc2014.in> http://www.wbc2014.in
We also welcome you and invite your esteem self
as a Delegate to this Congress and welcome you to Colombo, Sri Lanka to
enjoy the wonderful Biodiversity and hospitality of Sri Lanka..
With warm regards,
Dr. Anita M.
President, World Biodiversity Congress 2014, Sri Lanka