Dear colleagues,
two Czech entomologists - Petr Svacha and Emil Kucera - were arrested in India for
collecting insects without government permission. Both colleagues are renowned and
reliable scientists. Svacha is an expert especially in the larvae of the beetle Family
Cerambycidae (longhorn beetles), and Kucera discovered a lot of new insect species, often
named after him. In my opinion, knowledge is the first step in conservation nature.
Therefore each one day incarcerating Mr. Svacha or Mr. Kucera is also a setback in
conservation nature. There is a petiton for releasing in the web, but unfortunatelly
focussed on Svacha only. Now The Czech Entomological Society started a new petition for
releasing both scientists. Pleas sign the new petition! Details see below:
Many thanks and best regards,
Petr Zabransky
President of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oesterreichischer Entomologen
Ludo Hartmann Platz 7
1160 Wien