Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you about the following technical session at the IUFRO Congress in
Stockholm, 2024:
"Biology, ecology and management of pest and pathogen invasions in forests: a global
Invasive alien tree pests (including insects and pathogens) are increasingly introduced
directly or indirectly by humans into places out of their natural range of distribution,
where they can become established and spread and have a detrimental impact on local
ecosystems. Given the increasing global demand for forest products that relies on healthy
and productive forests, the need to limit the potential movement of pests, and to contain
and control new pest incursions through improved biosecurity systems is one of the most
pressing phytosanitary issues in the world today. Key to successful control and management
of new invasions is their early detection and rapid on-the-ground response by relevant
agencies, which can be severely challenged by lack of adequate resources, preparation, and
technological tools. Yet, several technologies are now mature for development of
need-driven, practical scale biosecurity toolkits. Increased knowledge of pest biology and
ecology, and the intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing their spread, is needed to
make informed decisions about mitigation measures to reduce economic and ecological
impacts. Capacity building activities delivered by nations with a more-developed
biosecurity system are becoming increasingly valuable for early detection of invasives.
This session will cover and welcome a broad range of topics related to biosecurity,
invasion biology, international regulations that limit the spread of forest pests and the
management of incursions of pests, including: rapid and portable molecular tools, eDNA
methods for monitoring populations, smart trapping, AI recognition systems, sentinel
plantings, phytosanitary programs and treatments, surveillance tools, biological control,
and use of tree resistance breeding to avoid impacts. A global perspective will be brought
by discussions of the regulatory context of international trade of forest products, the
science that underpins this regulatory context, and by showcasing a variety of biological
invasions of pests from around the world, including case studies of preparedness and pest
incursion response.
The session includes short and long talks and posters. The deadline for submission is 2
June 2023:
We hope you will consider to contribute to this session!
Kind regards,
Michelle Cleary, Alberto Santini, Ecki Brockerhoff, and Chris Howard
Dr. Michelle Cleary
Forest Pathologist, Associate Professor (Docent)
Senior Lecturer in Forest Pathology
Deputy Head of the Department for Research
Vice-Director of the Centre for Excellence on Fast-growing Broadleaves (TREES FOR ME)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/ Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre/Sydsvensk Skogsvetenskap
Mailing address : Box 190, 234 22 Lomma
Visiting address : Sundsvägen 3, 230 503 Alnarp
Telephone (office) : +46 (0)40 415181
Telephone (mobile) : +46 (0)76 7878771
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