Dear colleagues and friends,
We would like to inform you about the upcoming “5th Phytophthora, Pythium and related
genera workshop” that will take place in Beijing, China on 24-25 August 2013, immediately
prior to the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP; 25-30 August, 2013).
This is a two-day pre-congress workshop that will provide an additional platform to bring
together scientists working on Oomycetes. The objective of the first day is to introduce
the methodology for studying Oomycetes, in particular, Phytophthora and Pythium species
(from isolation to characterization using morphological and molecular tools). The second
day will cover contemporary research topics presented by invited and contributed speakers
(see webpage for range of topics). During the evening there will be a poster session
where all participants can present their work (these posters can be the same that will be
presented during the ICPP)
Abstract Submission: Workshop deadline (to be considered for oral presentation) is April
1st 2013 and for the ICPP 28 February 2013.
For abstract submission, registration and detailed information on the workshop, please
visit the congress website:
If you are interested in contributing to the sessions (oral papers and posters), please
inform the session organizers while submitting your abstracts online using the ICPP web
page. Final selections for oral presentations will be made after registration has been
Sessions for the second day are:
Session 1 Genomics and Oomycetes. Opportunities in comparative genomics.
Session 2 Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Oomycetes
Session 3: Emerging diseases, new technologies and management of Oomycete diseases in
agricultural and natural settings
Session 4 Population biology, gene flow and hybridization.
The members of scientific committee are Drs. Yilmaz Balci
(<>); David Cooke (david.cooke(a);
Frank Martin (Frank.Martin(a)ARS.USDA.GOV) and Zhao Wenxia
(<>) for all local arrangements.
Yilmaz Balci
Assistant Professor
University of Maryland
Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
2114 Plant Sciences
College Park, MD
phone: 301 405 9744
email: ybalci(a)