Dear colleagues,
We are looking for a PhD student to work in a project "Forest Phytophthoras -
ecology, diversity and management." We would be grateful if you can pass this
information to any students you know of who might be interested.
The position is part of a larger recruitment of 5 PhD students at SLU Alnarp, who will be
embedded in Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network PROTECTA
(H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017-766048). In total, PROTECTA will recruit 15 students to academic and
industrial research PhDs across Europe, with the aim to develop new and innovative ways
to control oomycete diseases across the agriculture, environment, forestry and aquaculture
sectors. We will study selected oomycete pathogens and their hosts in multidisciplinary
cross-sectoral projects. Students will therefore be well connected to relevant industry
mentors and undertake secondments at different locations in the consortium.
The prospective students can find the information at SLU webpage:
Best regards,
Johanna Witzell & Michelle Cleary
Johanna Witzell
Associate Professor, PhD
Editor-in-Chief Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Southern Swedish Forest Research Center
PO Box 49, SE-230 53 ALNARP
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 3
Phone: +46 40-41 51 85, Mobile: +46 70-295 08 20
Web:; ;<>
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