Please respond to:
Kim Camilli, Pathologist, CalFire
Dear colleagues,
I am sending this note regarding the
California Forest Pest Council (CFPC), to
1) update contact and interest information of current members,
2) give an opportunity to anyone wanting to be on its mailing list
3) to see if others would like to become members of the Council and its
The CFPC is an organization whose aim is to foster education
concerning forest pests and forest health, and advise the
California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection
on forest health protection. See
The major Forest Health protection issues covered
include established and emerging
insects, pathogens, abiotic factors,
invasive weeds, and animal problems.
The CFPC publishes an annual
California Forest Pest Conditions Report,
which is a great outlet for noting changes
in severity and occurrences of forest health problems.
CFPC has annual meetings every fall (this year, Nov. 18-19)
open to anyone interested in forest health, including
CFPC members, forest managers, forest pest specialists,
policy makers and analysts, and government agencies.
It also has summer field tours showcasing
California forest problems caused by
1) weeds, and 2) insects and diseases.
All are welcome to receive alerts of upcoming events,
or to join the council and its committees
and membership is free!
Please use the attached EXCEL form to update
contact info or show interest in being a member of
CFPC and / or one or more committees.
Email responses to: kim.camilli(a)
Kim Camilli, Pathologist
California Dept. of Fire and Forest Protection
South Coast and Southern California Forest Health
This message is being sent to the old CFPC membership
list and the following lists:
Please forward to others you think will be interested!
Paul Zambino
Pathology Committee Chair
California Forest Pest Council
(See attached file: 2008 CFPC Data Request-revised.xls)(See attached file:
CFPC Annual meeting.doc)
Please only use the alternate form
below only if you can't access the EXCEL form.
Title / Organization
___Tour attended W(eed) I(nsect and Disease)
Do you want to: (X)
___Be on email list? (To receive notices)
___Be a member?
___OK to Post Your Contact Info on Web Site?
___Be on a committee?
___Be on Insect Committee?
___Be on Disease Committee?
___Be on Weed Committee?
___Be on Animal Damage Committee?
___Be on Southern California Committee?
___Be on Editorial Committee?
Paul Zambino, Ph.D.
Plant Pathologist, Forest Health Protection
Southern California Shared Service Area
San Bernardino NF - SO
602 S. Tippecanoe
San Bernardino, CA 92408-3430
Ph: (909)382-2727 FAX: (909)383-5586
Cell: (909)215-0394
Email: pzambino(a)