Dear Susan and organisers
Yesterday I registered for the electronic conference "Pathways Into Policy"
In the beginning of the process I also clicked on two prominent buttons on the very first
page to install ILIVID program as I thought it is necessary for the video conference to
function. That program installed other spy-like ware (add ons) on my computer including
searchnu that hijacked and replaced the default home page so it behaves like virus (please
see additiona information I unistalled
ilivid but the Searchnu is still on and some of my word office programs are crashing so I
will have to involve our technical support to sort it out for me.
I wonder are you aware of this, should the link to install ILIVID be there and should
people be informed?
Adnan Uzunovic, PhD
Research Scientist, Mycologist
2665, East Mall, Vancouver, (BC), Canada, V6T 1W5
a 604-222-5729 604-6222-5690
-----Original Message-----
From: rg70200-forpath-bounces(a)
[] On Behalf Of Frankel, Susan -FS
Sent: February 26, 2013 11:38 AM
To: rg70200-forpath(a)
Cc: emilyfp(a)
Subject: [IUFRO RG 7.02 FORPATH] Invitation to join: International knowledge exchange on
biosecurity governance and implications for tree pest introductions and spread
On behalf of the organizers, Imperial College London, Forest Research UK, the Food and
Environment Research Agency (FERA) and other partners, we invite you to electronic
"Pathways Into Policy: International knowledge exchange on biosecurity governance and
implications for tree pest introductions and spread"
which will run until 13th March 2013.
The e-conference focuses on the knowledge gaps and research priorities and will be
organized around three themes:
Theme 1: Defining key pathways and assessing their significance
Theme 2: Comparing approaches to pathway management and tree pest and disease prevention
Theme 3: Exploring underlying justifications for pathway management and tree pest and
disease outbreak prevention
We invite you to submit a contribution (no more than 300 - 500 words (approximately one
page)). All major contributors will appear as co-authors on the report to Living with
Environmental Change program (LWEC). Informal comments are also welcome.
To subscribe to the e-conference, please go to
In case of any difficulties subscribing, please contact Emily Porth, emilyfp(a)
This project is funded by Living with Environmental Change (LWEC) Tree Health and
Biosecurity Initiative, please go to for further details.
We do hope you can join us.
Mariella Marzano, Norman Dandy and Emily Porth - Forest Research, UK
Clive Potter and Helen Bayliss -Imperial College London
Emily Porth, Project Researcher, Social and Economic Research Group, Forest Research
Susan Frankel, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station
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