Hello colleagues,
Please circulate as you see fit the attached advertisement for two
postdoctoral positions available immediately at the Ohio State
University to work on the "omics" of ash resistance to the emerald
ash borer.
Some of you may have seen a similar advertisement a couple of months
ago for a postdoctoral opening for someone to work on pine. That
position is separate and in addition to the two advertised here.
Please let me know if you have any questions on this matter. I
apologize in advance for any duplication of messages coming through
both forent and forpath.
Thank you!
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello, Assoc. Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology
The Ohio State University
201 Kottman Hall
2021 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Tel: (614) 688-5401
Lab: (614) 688-5409
Fax: (614) 292-4455
Environmental Science Graduate Program (ESGP)
Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Program (PMBB)
Dear Forest Pathology and Forest Entomology Friends
Following the idea to do this during the course of the APS Forest Pathology
field trip last year, a web-based photo album of forest pathologists (and
some forest entomologists) has now been completed. It is in every way a
work in progress but already includes some amazing (some amusing)
photographs. Hopefully these will be enjoyed by our community and certainly
I have already had fun using some of the images in lectures. There is an
"introductory statement" that comes together with the album, giving some
history and also how you might contribute to making this a more
comprehensive and useful resource. The URL is
Your comments and contributions would be appreciated. Enjoy!!
Best wishes
Mike Wingfield
Michael J. Wingfield (Ph.D., FRSAF, ASSAf)
Mondi Professor of Forest Protection
Director, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI);
Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) &
DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB)
University of Pretoria, PRETORIA 0002, South Africa
Phone (office): +27 12 420 3938
Fax (office): +27 12 420 3960
E-mail: <mailto:mike.wingfield@fabi.up.ac.za> mike.wingfield(a)fabi.up.ac.za
WEBSITE: http://www.fabinet.up.ac.za/people/mjwingfield
Message circulated on behalf of Mike Wingfield by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO
Can you please post the following on FORPATH? Thanks!
Position announcement - PhD student needed to start spring semester (January 2010) to work on climate change effects on fungal symbionts associated with mountain pine beetle. Background working with fungi required, entomological experience a definite bonus. For additional information contact Diana L. Six, College of Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana, Missoula, MT Diana.six(a)cfc.umt.edu<mailto:Diana.six@cfc.umt.edu>
Diana L. Six
Interim Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
Professor of Forest Entomology and Pathology
Department of Ecosystem Sciences
College of Forestry and Conservation
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812
Please forward this on to any interested parties:
Phytophthoras in Forests and Natural Ecosystems. Proceedings of the fourth
meeting of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations
Working Party S07.02.09 held August 26-31, 2007, at Asilomar near
Monterey, CA is now available.
If you did not receive the Proceedings at the Fourth Sudden Oak Death
Science Symposium, please order a free copy per the instructions below.
Now available....
Goheen, E.M.; Frankel, S.J., tech. coords. 2009. Phytophthoras in Forests
and Natural Ecosystems. Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Working Party
S07.02.09. August 26-31, 2007, Monterey, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-221.
Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific
Southwest Research Station. 334 p.
The fourth meeting of the International Union of Forest Research
Organizations (IUFRO) Working Party S07.02.09, Phytophthoras in Forests
and Natural
Ecosystems provided a forum for current research on Phytophthora species
worldwide. Seventy-eight submissions describing papers and posters on
developments in Phytophthora diseases of trees and natural ecosystems in
Europe, Australasia, and the Americas are included. Research topics
are Phytophthora biodiversity, ecology, epidemiology, management, and
hostpathogen interactions.
This is also online at:
There is NO charge for this publication and to order single or multiple
Email: rschneider(a)fs.fed.us (include full mailing address)
FAX: (970) 498-1122
Phone: (970) 498-1392
Mail: Send your name and address in block format (as if you are
addressing an envelope) to:
Publishing Services
Rocky Mountain Research Station
240 West Prospect Road
Fort Collins, CO 80526-2098 USA
- Susan
Susan J. Frankel
Sudden Oak Death Research Program Manager
USDA-Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station
Mailing address:
PO Box 245
Berkeley, CA 94701
Street address:
800 Buchanan Street, West Annex Building,
Albany, CA 94710-0011
Phone: 510-559-6472 FAX :510-559-6440
Dear Colleagues,
Please circulate the attached ad for a postdoctoral position in my
lab as you see fit.
Thank you!
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello, Assoc. Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology
The Ohio State University
201 Kottman Hall
2021 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Tel: (614) 688-5401
Lab: (614) 688-5409
Fax: (614) 292-4455
Environmental Science Graduate Program (ESGP)
Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Program (PMBB)
Dear Mailing List Members:
As at past IUFRO World Congresses, there will be the opportunity to honour
special scientific performances and achievements with selected IUFRO Awards
in the Seoul Congress in 2010.
If you know scientists doing outstanding forest research, nominate them for
one of the IUFRO Awards and give them the opportunity to travel to and
participate in the Congress as well as the chance to present their research
to the Congress participants.
Choose among the Scientific Achievement Award (SAA), Outstanding Doctoral
Research Award (ODRA) and the IUFRO Student Award (ISA) and make your
nomination soon. Bear in mind that you can only nominate candidates from
IUFRO Member Organizations, - no self-nominations are accepted - and that
the deadline for submission is 31 July 2009.
Find more information and nomination forms on our website
http://www.iufro.org/discover/awards/ and send your nominations to the Chair
of the IUFRO Honours & Awards Committee (Dr. Su See Lee, leess(a)frim.gov.my)
with copy to the IUFRO Executive Director (Dr. Peter Mayer,
Dr. Su See Lee
Chair of the IUFRO H&A Committee
IUFRO AWARDS at the IUFRO World Congress 2010
Scientific Achievement Award (SAA)
Up to 10 awards to recognize distinguished individual scientific
achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO. Criteria for
judgment will be dissemination of results, implementation of knowledge,
methods or techniques in practical forestry and skilled research management
(success in publications, meetings, funding, etc. in a larger group than the
individual) and involvement in IUFRO activities.
Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (ODRA)
One award per IUFRO Division to recognize outstanding individual scientific
achievements among young Doctoral researchers and to encourage further work
within the fields of research covered by the Union.
IUFRO Student Award (ISA)
One award per IUFRO Division to recognise outstanding individual
achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or
equivalent), and to encourage their further work within the fields of
research covered by the Union. Nominations can be made through IUFRO member
organizations or officeholders and through members of the International
Forestry Students Association (IFSA).
Furthermore, the Congress will also offer
Best Poster Award (BPA)
To encourage public dissemination of high quality research and to recognize
distinguished poster presentations by young scientists during the IUFRO
World Congress.
and IUFRO World Congress Host Scientific Award
Honors a truly outstanding scientist from the Congress host
country/countries who has elevated the profile of forest science and
research accomplishments.
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
c/o BFW Mariabrunn, Hauptstrasse 7 │ 1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-877 0151 0 │ Fax: +43-1-877 0151 50
Website: <http://www.iufro.org/> www.iufro.org │ E-mail:
Dear Dr Gomez
I am the curator of the National Forestry Mycological Herbarium at Scion,
the New Zealand Forest Research Institute. Our herbarium acronym is
I would like to borrow a specimen from the mycological herbarium at the
University of Murcia. The information for the botanical herbarium is on the
web - but I could not find a reference to the myco;logical herbarium.
Would you be able to forward this message to the right person? The
specimen that I seek is JL 7045.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely
Margaret Dick
Curator NZFRI-M
Forest Biosecurity
NZ Forest Research Institute Ltd
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua
Ph: 07) 3435531 Fax: 07) 3480952
Dear colleagues,
Forwarded at the request of Nancy Taylor, our clinic director.
Please reply directly to her, if warranted.
>Original-recipient: rfc822;bonello.2(a)osu.edu
>Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 13:20:43 -0400
>To: bonello.2(a)osu.edu
>From: "Nancy J. Taylor" <taylor.8(a)osu.edu>
>Subject: Please forward
>X-Bayes-Prob: 0.0001 (Score 0)
>X-CanItPRO-Stream: bonello.2
>X-Canit-Stats-ID: 872952572 - 49b0a64bba8d
>Received: from PP-TaylorLaptop.osu.edu (dhcp34-227.ag.ohio-state.edu
> by defang10.it.ohio-state.edu (8.13.7/8.13.1) with ESMTP id
> for <bonello.2(a)osu.edu>; Tue, 19 May 2009 13:20:03 -0400
>Message-Id: <>
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
>Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 13:20:43 -0400
>To: bonello.2(a)osu.edu
>From: "Nancy J. Taylor" <taylor.8(a)osu.edu>
>Subject: Please forward
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary="=====================_18395359==.ALT"
>Would you pose this question to the forest pathology group?
>Is anyone aware of any research (currently underway or completed)
>which confirms or disproves the pathogenicity of Setomelanomma
>holmii on spruce? This is the fungus which is associated with the
>spruce needle drop (SNEED) phenomenon.
>Nancy J. Taylor, Director
>C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
>110 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road
>Ohio State University
>Columbus, OH 43210-1087
>Phone: (614) 688-5563
>FAX: (614) 292-4455
>Email: taylor.8(a)osu.edu
>Content-Type: text/plain; name="CANIT-VOTING-LINKS-872952572-49b0a64bba8d.txt"
>Content-Disposition: inline;
> filename="CANIT-VOTING-LINKS-872952572-49b0a64bba8d.txt"
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>X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.420 (Entity 5.420)
>Teach CanIt if this mail (ID 872952572) is spam:
>Spam: https://antispam.osu.edu/b.php?c=s&i=872952572&m=49b0a64bba8d
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>Forget vote: https://antispam.osu.edu/b.php?c=f&i=872952572&m=49b0a64bba8d
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello, Assoc. Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology
The Ohio State University
201 Kottman Hall
2021 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Tel: (614) 688-5401
Lab: (614) 688-5409
Fax: (614) 292-4455
Environmental Science Graduate Program (ESGP)
Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Program (PMBB)
A reminder that the annual South Wide Forest Disease Workshop will be
held 29 June-2 July 2009 in Greenville, South Carolina at the Hyatt
Regency Greenville hotel.
Please visit the SWFDW website
(https://fp.auburn.edu/sfws/enebak/swfdw/swfdw.html) and be sure to
make your hotel reservation as soon as possible. We have a block of 25
rooms set aside for the group until 8 June, please make your
reservations by this date. Room rates are $92.00 (USD) per night plus
tax for single occupancy (add $10 for each additional room occupant).
Here are the details:
Date: 29 June -2 July 2009
Place: Hyatt Regency Greenville, 220 North Main Street, Greenville,
South Carolina 29601
Phone reservation: (864) 235-1234 or 800-233-1234.
Ask for the "South Wide Forest Disease Workshop" group rate. Visit
http://greenville.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp for hotel
Registration fees:
Professional: $195 per person; student: $175 per person.
Deadline for registration is 23 May 2009 and a late fee of $50 will be
added after this time.
Registration fees include Monday mixer, meeting room costs, snack and
coffee breaks, and the field trip, lunch, and banquet on Wednesday.
Abstracts and Posters:
Call for Paper Presentation and Poster Session. If you are interested
in making a paper presentation or participating in the poster session,
please send your abstract to Bill Jones (wejones(a)fs.fed.us) by 30 April
2009. Please see website for mailing address.
Outstanding Forest Pathology Paper Awards:
Two awards for outstanding forest pathology papers will be awarded; one
for RESEARCH and one for EXTENSION. Authors should provide a reprint
for material published January 2008 through June 2009, labeled for
category of entry; Research or Extension. The papers will be posted on
the web and voted on by the SWFDW membership. Papers to be considered
must be received no later than April 30, 2009. email reprints to Scott
Enebak at enebasa(a)auburn.edu
An exciting field trip is planned for Wednesday, 1 July. This field
trip will highlight several pathology issues in upstate South Carolina
such as screening hybrid chestnut seedlings and the role of fire on
plant diseases, just to name a few issues.
Please feel free to forward this information to others who might be
interested in attending.
Hope to see you in Greenville on 29 June!
Dr. Lori G. Eckhardt
Assistant Professor & Director
Forest Pathology & Entomology
Forest Health Dynamics Laboratory
Forest Health Cooperative
3301 School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Bldg
Auburn University, AL 36849-5418
Phone: (334) 844-2720 Lab: (334) 844-1058 Fax: (334) 844-1084
Email: eckhalg(a)auburn.edu
Website: https://fp.auburn.edu/sfws/eckhardt/
"A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by
encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discoveries are among them, as
comets amongst the stars..." Linnaeus
The Industry pest management group in Western Australia has a 3 year
fixed term position available for a research scientist in plantation
health of Eucalyptus globulus. The successful candidate will be employed
by Murdoch University and will be working within the Forestry CRC and
with industry partners and Murdoch University. There will be strong
direction from the Plantation Industry members of the IPMG.
The candidate will spend the majority of their time within the
plantation estate in Western Australia with opportunities for links with
Green Triangle (SW Victoria & SE South Australia) based IPMG members and
staff. The preference for location is Albany Western Australia, but
negotiation for location elsewhere in southwest WA is an option.
Application procedures and a position description with detailed
selection criteria are available from the University's web site at
http://jobs.murdoch.edu.au/ All applicants should address the selection
criteria within their application.
Dr Treena Burgess
Forest Pathologist
Murdoch University
Western Australia, 6150
ph. +61 89360 7537
fax. +61 89360 6303
mobile. 0438121531
http://path.murdoch.edu.au <http://path.murdoch.edu.au/>