Hello forpathers and forenters,
Below are a couple of pictures sent to me by a local arborist, wondering what’s going on on the main limbs of a white oak. I am contacting you because I find that this kind of very localized bark discoloration/staining is quite common in oaks. I’ve always suspected these were very small, localized infections by some species of Phytophthora, like citricola, citrophthora, etc. but I’ve never verified. Whatever it is, it seems to me it never goes anywhere, i.e. the lesions remain very small and do not have any serious impact on the host.
Does anyone else actually know what these are? It would be of great interest to me personally, in addition to providing an answer to the arborist.
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello Professor
Department of Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office | 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2(a)osu.edu<mailto:bonello.2@osu.edu> | http://plantpath.osu.edu/bonello
Center for Applied Plant Sciences | http://caps.osu.edu
Translational Plant Sciences Graduate Program | http://tpsgp.osu.edu
Environmental Science Graduate Program | http://esgp.osu.edu/
Infectious Diseases Institute | https://idi.osu.edu/
The STEAM Factory | https://steamfactory.osu.edu/
Dear colleagues,
I am delighted to announce that the next joint meeting of the IUFRO
working parties 2.02.15 (Breeding and genetic resources of five-needle
pines) and 7.02.05 (Rusts of forest trees) will take place in Invermere,
British Columbia, Canada, on July 22-26, 2019, with an extended field
trip on July 26-30, 2019. This beautiful site is in the heart of the
Columbia Basin, flanked to the west by the Purcell Mountains and to the
East by the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The attached announcement provides
some details and asks for an initial response from those interested in
either or both of these working groups.
The Proceedings of the previous joint meeting of these two IUFRO working
parties, that was held in June 2014 in Fort Collins, Colorado, are
available here:
Please feel free to disseminate this announcement.
I hope to see many of you next year in British Columbia.
Best regards,
Pascal Frey, coordinator IUFRO 7.02.05
Dr Pascal FREY
INRA, University of Lorraine
Department of Tree - Microbe Interactions
Ecology of Forest Pathogenic Fungi team
F-54280 Champenoux
Phone: 33 383 394 056
Mobile: 33 6 31 45 94 07
E-mail: pascal.frey(a)inra.fr
Twitter: @pascal_frey
Dear IUFRO pathologists,
Please find below and attached a call for abstracts for a technical session to be held at the IUFRO XXV World Congress meeting, September 29-October 5, 2019 in Curitiba, Brazil (http://www.iufro2019.com<http://www.iufro2019.com/> ).
We also would like to draw your attention on the existence of the new IUFRO 7.03.01 Working Party "Reproductive structure insects & pathogens" ( https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-7/70000/70300/70301/ ), which aims at expanding communication and co-operation among scientists and forest managers on the interactions between tree reproductive structures and both the insects and pathogens that feed and develop on them, as well as on the interactions between insects and pathogens when exploiting reproductive structures.
Please feel free to contact us (see emails below) for more information and joining the mailing list of this WP.
We will be happy that you circulate these informations among your own networks.
Sincerely yours,
Thomas, Marie-Anne & Olle
TITLE OF THE SESSION : D7b - Biodiversity, biotic interactions and threats to forest ecosystem services associated with tree reproductive structure insects and pathogens in a changing world
Thomas Boivint1, Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg2 and Olle Rosenberg3
1Mediterranean Forest Research Unit, INRA, France. 2Research Unit of Forest Zoology, France. 3Skogforsk, The Forestry Reasearch Institute, Sweden.
Insects and pathogens exploiting tree reproductive structures are considered the most important constraint to the reproductive success of trees during the seed pre-dispersal phase. In a context in which the effects of both climate change and biological invasions are increasingly prevalent to these species, this session will propose experimental and theoretical contributions to biodiversity, biotic interactions and threat assessment and management associated with native and exotic insects and pathogens of tree reproductive structures.
Abstracts will be accepted for both posters and oral presentations. Authors are limited to a maximum of two abstracts as presenting author.
Abstract submission deadline: December 31, 2018. Registration and payment deadline: May 31, 2018.
You must be registered for the event to submit an abstract, but you may pay for registration later, up to May 31. Registration and abstract submission must be completed online at http://www.iufro2019.com/
If you have questions about the session, please feel free to contact:
Thomas BOIVIN thomas.boivin(a)inra.fr<mailto:thomas.boivin@inra.fr>
Marie-Anne AUGER-ROZENBERG marie-anne.auger-rozenberg(a)inra.fr<mailto:marie-anne.auger-rozenberg@inra.fr>
Olle ROSENBERG olle.rosenberg(a)skogforsk.se<mailto:olle.rosenberg@skogforsk.se>
Chargé de Recherche/Research scientist
UR629 Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes
Equipe Biologie des Populations et Evolution
INRA Centre de recherches Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Domaine Saint-Paul,CS 40509
F-84914 Avignon cedex 9
Tel : (+33) 4 32 72 29 44
Web page : <https://www6.paca.inra.fr/ecologie_des_forets_mediterraneennes/Les-personne…> https://tinyurl.com/TBoivin
Dear colleagues,
We are looking for a PhD student to work in a project "Forest Phytophthoras - ecology, diversity and management." We would be grateful if you can pass this information to any students you know of who might be interested.
The position is part of a larger recruitment of 5 PhD students at SLU Alnarp, who will be embedded in Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network PROTECTA (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017-766048). In total, PROTECTA will recruit 15 students to academic and industrial research PhDs across Europe, with the aim to develop new and innovative ways to control oomycete diseases across the agriculture, environment, forestry and aquaculture sectors. We will study selected oomycete pathogens and their hosts in multidisciplinary cross-sectoral projects. Students will therefore be well connected to relevant industry mentors and undertake secondments at different locations in the consortium.
The prospective students can find the information at SLU webpage: https://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/jobs-vacancies/
Best regards,
Johanna Witzell & Michelle Cleary
Johanna Witzell
Associate Professor, PhD
Editor-in-Chief Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Southern Swedish Forest Research Center
PO Box 49, SE-230 53 ALNARP
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 3
Phone: +46 40-41 51 85, Mobile: +46 70-295 08 20
Email: johanna.witzell(a)slu.se<mailto:johanna.witzell@slu.se>
Web: https://www.slu.se/en/cv/johanna-witzell/;
http://forestpathologylab-slualnarp.se/ ; www.phytophthora.se<http://www.phytophthora.se/>
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/johannawitzell<http://www.linkedin.com/in/johannawitzell>
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