Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the respective session conveners, I would like to draw your attention on the
following sessions at the next European Geosciences Union (EGU) general Assembly in Vienna
(22.-27. April 2012). In my function as Scientific Officer for aboveground processes in
the division Energy, Resources and the Environment (ERE), I would like to cordially invite
you to submit your Abstract by 17th of January, 2011 (Abstract submission deadline).
Sessions ERE 1.8 and 1.10 are initiated and organized by the IUFRO Task Force "Forest
Please feel free to contact me any time for further details. Please forward this message
to colleagues who might be interested. Hope to see you at EGU-GA 2012 in Vienna!
Best Regards,
Viktor Bruckman
Further details and session links:
Biomass from Forests - Potentials and consequences
Biomass as a raw material for industrial processes and energy
Short Rotation Forestry for Bioenergy
Dipl.-Ing. Viktor Bruckman
Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies (KIOES)
of the Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Bäckerstraße 5, 1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Postal Address: Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, A-1010 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 51581 3200
Fax: +43 1 51581 3203
Mobile: +43 664 73548107
Email: viktor.bruckman(a)