Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that WP7.02.13 Forest Health in Southern Hemisphere Commercial Plantations announce our second meeting:
Novel and classical strategies to manage forest health in plantations
Where: Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
When: 17-20 September 2023
Carlos Frederico Wilcken, Caroline Dias de Souza, Edson Luiz Furtado, and Leonardo Rodrigues Barbosa will be the local organisers.
Attached is the first announcement. Also available online here:…
March: call for abstracts - Registration open
May: abstract submission deadline - Early registration close
June: abstract acceptance communication
September 17th: Opening session at 7 p.m.
Please share this announcement with your forest pathology and entomology colleagues.
Apologies if you receive this message more than once as we will be circulating through several channels.
Best wishes,
Stuart Fraser
Research Group Leader, Ecology and Environment
Titokorangi Drive (formerly Long Mile Road), Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand
DDI +64 7 343 5500 | Mobile +64 22 160 1097…
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Hola todos/todas/hello everyone
Please help me share this job advertisement linked below- we are seeking a
highly organized person with a forest health background to lead a citizen
scientist monitoring program with sentinel trees in the urban forest of
Buenos Aires, Argentina. A brief description below:
Por favor, me puedes ayudar en compartir y publicitar este aviso de empleo
del responsable del proyecto red ICBUGS en Buenos Aires, Argentina- por
favor en sus redes y bolsas de trabajo.
Los Programas Internacionales del Servicio Forestal del Departamento de
Agricultura (USFS-IP) apoyan investigaciones en varias temáticas como, por
ejemplo: sanidad forestal y especies invasoras, manejo sustentable de
plagas forestales, fauna y migración y conservación, y participación
comunitaria a nivel mundial. USFS-IP busca un(a) Responsable de Proyecto de
investigación focalizado en sanidad forestal de arbolado urbano en la
ciudad de Buenos Aires, para la Red Internacional de Biólogos de la
Comunidad en Jardines Urbanos Centinela (ICBUGS) en asociación con el
Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (GCABA), el Instituto
Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), el Jardín Botánico Carlos
Thays (JBCT), la Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu), la Universidad de
Buenos Aires (UBA) y The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
USFS-IP contratará un(a) Responsable de Proyecto para coordinar, liderar y
apoyar la implementación de un programa de monitoreo de la sanidad forestal
en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA), con un enfoque
biológico/ecológico y de ciencia ciudadana.
Considerando lo anterior se inicia la convocatoria para contratar a un(a)
profesional para desarrollarse como Responsable de Proyecto.
Los aplicantes interesados deberan enviar lo siguiente a
antes de 9 Junio 2023, 2400h Argentina:
1) Carta de presentación
2) CV breve (3 pgs max)
3) Nombres y contactos de 3 referentes
Gracias a todos!
*Geoff Williams, PhD International Sentinel Network Coordinator*
*Forest Service *
*International Programs*
*Office of the Chief*
*Office: +1 (202) 263-9231*
*WhatsApp: +1 (208) 874-7604 **geoffrey.williams(a)
<geoffrey.williams(a)> *
3101 Discovery Dr., Suite F
Lansing, MI 48910
*Caring for the land and serving people*
Dear all,
Division 1 (Silviculture), Division 2 (Physiology and Genetics), and Division 7 (Forest Health) co-organized a technical session at the IUFRO Congress in Stockholm, 2024. The goal of the session is to showcase complementary research conducted within these divisions that can be brought together to address significant problems for future forests:
“Forest genetics tools to improve forest resilience to climate change and forest health” - T1.12
Trees are under increasing threat from pathogens and pests that can potentially cause a reduction in growth and wood quality, increasing levels of tree mortality, and functional extinction of tree species and disruption of associated ecosystems. The effects of climate change are likely to increase the impacts of these biotic agents and lead to drastic changes in the dynamics of forest ecosystems. Genetics is a basic building block for organisms and species to evolve and help mitigate impacts of damaging biotic and abiotic agents and can be especially valuable in long-lived tree species. The use of forest genetic knowledge and tree breeding is a valuable tool in helping to ensure the forests of the future are healthy and resilient. The presentations in this proposed technical session will examine successful breeding programs for both commercial tree species and keystone tree species valued for a myriad of ecosystem
services. Much of the current afforestation, reforestation, or restoration efforts use local seed sources, but under climate change, the adaptability of these populations may no longer be optimal; therefore, assisted migration is a tool widely being debated to replace or supplement local populations and help establish forests that will have the best chance of being healthy and resilient into the future. Success will require broad inter-disciplinary inputs from forest genetics, tree breeding, silviculture and forest health specialists at all stages of development and implementation. The technical session will address what is needed for success in both breeding and assisted migration, providing examples of successful applied programs and efforts that are underway. The current understanding of the genetics of the host-pathogen interaction will also be included. Understanding the interactions between hosts and pathogens may provide enhanced ways of increasing resistance to pathogens, such as targets for genetic engineering techniques. The topics addressed are broad but are all focussed on preventing forest trees from damage caused by pathogens. We will particularly encourage the participation of early career scientists and graduate students and invite posters to be presented.
The session includes talks and posters and the deadline for submission is 2 June 2023:
We hope you will consider contributing to this session!
Best regards,
Caterina Villari, Rosario Garcia Gill, Tod Ramsfield, Santiago Gonzalez-Martinez, and Jens Peter Skovsgaard
Caterina Villari (she/her)
Associate Professor
Co-Director - Southern Pine Health Research Cooperative
706-389-5031 Office
706-542-0119 Lab
Villari Forest Pathology Lab<><>
D.B. Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
University of Georgia
180 E Green Street
Athens, GA 30602
Integrated Plant Sciences:<>
Dear Forest Pathologists,
As you know, the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP2023, will take place in the beautiful city of
Lyon, France, from August 20 to 25, 2023. During the congress, there
will be at least 6 concurrent sessions devoted to forest or tree pathology.
On behalf of the Forest Pathology Subject Matter Committee of the
International Society of Plant Pathology (ISPP) and of IUFRO Division 7,
Tod Ramsfield kindly asked me to organize a Forest Pathology Field ahead
of the conference, as is the case at every ICPP.
Together with three colleagues from the French Department of Forest
Health (DSF), we have put together an exciting program for this
excursion. The field trip will take place on *Saturday, August 19*, all
day from 8am to 8pm. We will go to the Chautagne Forest, near the
Bourget Lake in the Alps, about 2 hours by bus from Lyon, to discover
several forest diseases (see attached file).
The number of participants to this field trip will be *strictly limited
to 50 persons* (1 bus) on a first come first served basis. Therefore, I
would advise those interested *not to wait too long to register*.
Registration for the field trip is already open and can be done at the
same time as registration for ICPP by choosing among the satellite
events ( The fee for the field
trip is the same as for all other satellite events (90€ per person,
including transportation, coffee break, lunch at restaurant, and visit
of the Hautecombe Abbey).
In addition, I would like to have an idea of how many forest
pathologists would be interested in participating in this field trip.
For this, please answer this very short survey (3 questions):…
Please note that this survey is purely indicative and does not replace
your registration on the ICPP2023 website.
I look forward to meeting many of you in Lyon in August!
Best regards,
Pascal Frey
Dr Pascal FREY
INRAE, University of Lorraine
Department of Tree - Microbe Interactions
Ecology of Forest Pathogenic Fungi team
F-54280 Champenoux
Office: +33 (0)383 39 40 56
Mobile: +33 (0)631 45 94 07
Twitter: @pascal_frey
Calling all those involved in forests, energy and livelihoods!
A new multi-agency issue brief highlights the links between these sectors and the leap forward that could come from them working more closely together.
Do you work in forests, energy or livelihoods? Are you searching for ways to boost progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals?
If so, take a moment to look at this new FAO/IUFRO/UNDP/UNFF issue brief, Forests, Energy and Livelihoods<…>, which neatly sums up the current state of play in these sectors and why they are inextricably linked. It explains why managing forests more sustainably brings huge benefits to all those who depend on wood for fuel or forest products for a livelihood. And calls for more joined up thinking across these sectors to accelerate progress towards SDGs on poverty, hunger and clean energy.
Now is the time to put heads together on this!
Join the global event on April 4 (10.00-13.00 EDT) on UN Web TV<> and follow the discussion about integrated approaches across these sectors ahead of the 2023 SDG Summit at the UN General Assembly high-level week in September.
Make sure you are part of this. Read the issue brief<…> and join the event<…>.
See you there!
Related links
Building on the nexus of forests, energy and livelihoods to accelerate achievement of the SDGs - An event organized by the UNFF18 Bureau<…>
Issue brief: Forests, energy and livelihoods<…>
More information on forests and energy<>