Dear friends and colleagues,
As we cancelled the all-Division 7 conference in Istanbul that was planned for April 2016 (due to safety concerns), the Research Group coordinators, deputies and I have been thinking about options for a postponed or replacement all-Division conference.
We decided to use the opportunity to schedule our all-Division 7 meeting embedded within the upcoming 125th Anniversary IUFRO Congress next year (19-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany, see ). This will be a special Congress, with participation from all of IUFRO, celebrating the 125th Anniversary of IUFRO. A number of other IUFRO Divisions will be embedding their all-division meetings within the congress and we (Div. 7) were invited to do so too. It is indeed an excellent opportunity to meet in Freiburg, and joining this helps to keep things simple because the congress organising team is helping with the organisational aspects and the venue. Incidentally, Sandy Liebhold (Deputy Div. 7 and Entomology RG coordinator) will chair the Congress Scientific Committee (for the entire congress).
We are also planning a field trip and Hervé Jactel (INRA, France) offered to organise it. This will likely include visits to forests in the Vosges Mountains (to see and discuss some forest health issues) as well as wine tasting in the Rhine Valley.
We encourage you all to consider submitting a session proposal for the all Div. 7 portion within the conference.
The deadline for session proposals is 15 June 2016 (see ). In contrast to the IUFRO World Congress, IUFRO officers are welcome to organize sessions at the Freiburg congress around working party themes. We also may propose the sessions that were planned for the cancelled conference in Istanbul at the 125th Anniversary Congress so organizers of those session are welcome to resubmit them here too. When submitting a proposal online, be sure to check the box indicating that the proposed session would be in the embedded all-Division 7 meeting.
Regarding safety concerns in Europe, as Freiburg is a relatively small city and most probably not a prime target for any malicious activity, it should be safe enough to encourage your participation.
Regarding other options for Div. 7 meetings, there are already a number of working party meetings planned. An overview of the ones coming up has been given in our recently published annual report, see… ). More information on upcoming events is also given on the IUFRO website at
Please get in touch with us if you have any thoughts or questions about this. And please consider submitting a session proposal for the 125th Anniversary Congress.
Eckehard ("Ecki") Brockerhoff, Coordinator IUFRO Division 7, Forest Health
On behalf of the Research Group coordinators:
Elena Paoletti, Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.1, Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change
Jolanda Roux, Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.2, Pathology
Andrew ("Sandy") Liebhold, Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.3, Entomology
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Dear all,
We are happy to announce that the next Working Party meeting (the 8th!) on Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems will be held in Sapa Vietnam in 2017 between 19th-25th March. It is a great venue, a lovely country and there will be plenty to see and talk about. For more details please see the website at:
We look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes
Professor Giles Hardy
Associate Dean Research
School of Veterinary and Life Sciences
Murdoch University
Western Australia, 6150
Work Phone: +61 8 9360 6272
Mobile: 0429207793
Fax: +61 9 9360 6303
email: g.hardy(a)<>
Save the Date: Announcing the 2016 Emerald Ash Borer Research and Technology Development Meeting
October 19-20, 2016
Wooster, Ohio
The Ohio State University and USDA APHIS are pleased to host the 9 th Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Research and Technology Development Meeting at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, Ohio. The program will include submitted oral and poster presentations. Submissions for all EAB related research and technology development will be welcome.
Registration and program information will be forthcoming. If you're interested, please hold the dates and stay tuned for more information.
Please excuse any duplicate email announcements.
Daniel A. Herms
Professor and Chair
Department of Entomology
The Ohio State University
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691
330-202-3506 Office / 330-749-5453 Mobile / 330-263-3686 Fax
email: herms.2(a)<>
Entomology Department:<>
Herms Lab:
Save the Date: Announcing the 2016 Emerald Ash Borer Research and Technology Development Meeting
October 19-20, 2016
Wooster, Ohio
The Ohio State University and USDA APHIS are pleased to host the 9 th Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Research and Technology Development Meeting at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, Ohio. The program will include submitted oral and poster presentations. Submissions for all EAB related research and technology development will be welcome.
Registration and program information will be forthcoming. If you're interested, please hold the dates and stay tuned for more information.
Please excuse any duplicate email announcements.
Daniel A. Herms
Professor and Chair
Department of Entomology
The Ohio State University
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691
330-202-3506 Office / 330-749-5453 Mobile / 330-263-3686 Fax
email: herms.2(a)<>
Entomology Department:<>
Herms Lab:
Von: rg70100-forclimair [] Im Auftrag von elena paoletti
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Mai 2016 07:34
An: IUFRO RG 7.01.00
Cc: div7(a); rg70200-forpath(a); rg70300-forent(a)
Betreff: Re: [IUFRO RG 7.01 FORCLIMAIR] Call for abstracts - Division 7 (Forest Health) sessions at the IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania, 24-27 October 2016
Dear Colleagues,
The deadline for abstract submission to the IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania (Beijing, China, 24-27 October 2016 is coming. There is still room for voluntary presentations in one of the sessions organised by the IUFRO RG 7.01 and its WPs:
No. 1: Impacts of changing climate and atmospheric deposition on forest ecosystem structure, function and management (organisers: Steve McNulty, Enzai Du)
No. 10: Sustainable biomass for Asia’s growing bioeconomy: regional initiatives and promising examples (organizers: Viktor Bruckman, Maliwan Haruthaithanasan)
No. 16: The role of urban forests in improving air quality (organisers: Zhaozhong Feng, David Nowak)
No. 23: Air pollution and climate change impacts on forest ecosystems (organisers: Elena Paoletti, Shang He)
No. 24: IUFRO Task Force on Climate Change and Forest Health (organisers: Elena Paoletti, Marcus Lindner, Andrzej Bytnerowicz, Ecki Brokerhoff)
While the congress focuses on the Asia and Oceania region, participants from other parts of the world are most welcome.
We look forward to seeing you in Beijing
Best regards,
Elena Paoletti
Coordinator, IUFRO Research Group 7.01 Air Pollution and Climate Change Impacts on Forest Ecosystems
2016-05-03 5:48 GMT+02:00 Eckehard Brockerhoff <Eckehard.Brockerhoff(a)>:
Dear friends and colleagues,
In a recent email to our Division 7 mailing lists I mentioned our planned contribution to the IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania in Beijing which will take place from 24-27 October 2016. For details about the congress see
There will be several sessions that are organised by Div. 7, and we hope to have a good level of participation. We are still looking for speakers (and poster presenters) especially for the session on 'Preventing invasions of forest insects and pathogens'.
For this session we are primarily interested in contributions on invasive insects and pathogens; however, we would also consider other entomology or pathology presentations. We have tentatively reserved a double session, and we may be able to split this into two sessions on different topics.
There may still be room also in the sessions that Elena Paoletti and Jolanda Roux are organising.
Please note, the deadline for abstract submission is coming up soon (on 15 May) so there is not terribly much time left.
If you have any questions or comments, for example, if you would like to know whether we would consider a presentation on a particular topic suitable, feel free to get in touch with us (see our email addresses below).
Also, while the congress focuses on the Asia and Oceania region, participants from other parts of the world are most welcome.
We look forward to seeing at least some of you at the regional congress in October.
Best regards,
Eckehard (“Ecki”) Brockerhoff
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 7, Forest Health
With the Division 7 deputies, Elena Paoletti, Jolanda Roux and Sandy Liebhold
Eckehard Brockerhoff
Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute) and
University of Canterbury, School of Biological Sciences - New Zealand
Coordinator IUFRO Division 7, Forest Health
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
Elena Paoletti
National Research Council
Sustainable Plant Protection Institute - Italy
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.1, Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
<> elena.paoletti(a)
Jolanda Roux
Tree Pathology Co-operative Programme (TPCP)
Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute - South Africa
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.2, Pathology
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
<> Jolanda.Roux(a)
Andrew (“Sandy”) Liebhold
US Forest Service
Northern Research Station - USA
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.3, Entomology
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
<> aliebhold(a)
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IUFRO Mailing List
To post a message to all list members, send email to: rg70100-forclimair(a)
List info and Archive:
Dear friends and colleagues,
Cancellation of IUFRO All Division 7 Conference – “Global Change and Forest Health” in Istanbul from 25-29 April 2016
This is addressed to all those who planned to attend the Division 7 conference in Istanbul next month. Given the recent terrorist attacks in Ankara and Istanbul, the threat of more attacks, and several governments now advising caution regarding visits to sites of interest and the use of public transport, the conference organising committee has decided to cancel (or postpone) the conference.
We have been planning this event for about five years, and a huge amount of work has gone into its preparation by Yusuf Serengil and his colleagues, the local organisers, as well as the scientific committee. We are very sad that it has come to this, but under the circumstances we feel it is no longer possible to provide the conference delegates with a worry-free event.
We were hoping that the situation in Turkey would improve or at least that Istanbul remained free of terrorist activities; however, the opposite occurred.
Many of you will already have made travel arrangements, and we appreciate that it is inconvenient to cancel at this stage. Yusuf Serengil and the University of Istanbul have agreed to reimburse the registration fee (less bank charges). Travel agents, airlines and hotels may waive or reduce cancellations fees if you point out the threat of terrorist attacks and government travel advisories. Unfortunately, the conference organisers or IUFRO cannot assist with this.
It is too late to change the venue to another location, while maintaining the dates. However, the Division 7 coordinators will discuss the options for a future Division 7 conference, and we will advise you about this in the coming months. In the meantime there will be other conferences and meetings of Division 7 working groups later this year, including our contribution to the IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania in Beijing in October. We look forward to seeing you at another event this year or in the near future.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
Best regards,
Eckehard (“Ecki”) Brockerhoff
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 7, Forest Health
On behalf of the Conference Committee
Yusuf Serengil
Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University - Turkey
Coordinator IUFRO Working Party WP 7.01.08
Local Organizer, Conference Scientific and Organizing Committees
serengil(a)<>, yserengil(a)<>
Eckehard Brockerhoff
Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute) and
University of Canterbury, School of Biological Sciences - New Zealand
Coordinator IUFRO Division 7, Forest Health
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
Elena Paoletti
National Research Council
Sustainable Plant Protection Institute - Italy
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.1, Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
Jolanda Roux
Tree Pathology Co-operative Programme (TPCP)
Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute - South Africa
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.2, Pathology
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
Andrew (“Sandy”) Liebhold
US Forest Service
Northern Research Station - USA
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.3, Entomology
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
This e-mail and any attachments may contain information which is confidential or subject to copyright. If you receive this e-mail in error, please delete it. Scion does not accept responsibility for anything in this e-mail which is not provided in the course of Scion’s usual business or for any computer virus, data corruption, interference or delay arising from this e-mail.