Dear friends and colleagues,
This is the second announcement and an invitation to the IUFRO Div. 7 Working Parties
Tree health - from Cities to Forests
which will be held in Zurich-Birmensdorf, Switzerland, from 19-23 May 2025.
The meeting is jointly organised by 4 IUFRO working parties:
"Foliage, shoot, and stem diseases" (7.02.02)
“Rusts of forest trees" (7.02.05)
“Ecology and management of bark and wood boring insects” (7.03.05)
and “Tree health in urban forests” (7.03.17)
Registration and abstract submission are now open.
For more information, registration, etc., see
If you have any questions, please contact
Valentin Queloz (<>)
Photo credit:
We hope to see many of you in May!
Valentin Queloz, Ecki Brockerhoff, Iva Franic, Benno Augustinus, Ludwig Beenken, and the
entire organising committee
Eckehard Brockerhoff, PhD
Head of Research Unit 'Forest Health and Biotic Interactions'
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Tel +41 79 819 0882<>