Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the two approaching deadlines for the upcoming
Biochar Workshop in Vienna:
The abstract submission deadline on 18th. March and
The workshop registration deadline on 25th. March!
Please find details and the provisional programme attached and on the FOREBIOM project
We are looking forward to your contributions and hope to see you in Vienna in April.
Kind regards,
MSc Bojana Veselinovic
Scientific project assistant
FOREBIOM - Potentials of Biochar to mitigate climate change
Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
Institute of Forest Ecology,
Univ.of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
Peter Jordan-Strasse 82,
1190 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-47654-4142
Fax: +43-1-47654-4129
Email: bojana.veselinovic(a)