Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the session organisers, I would like to invite you to submit abstracts for oral talks and posters as part of T5.1 entitled "Artificial Intelligence in Forest Biometry: from predictions to understanding" of the IUFRO World Congress held at Stockholm on 23-39 June 2024. Please submit your abstracts by June 2nd 2023 at<…>.
Best wishes,
Felipe Bravo
Session organisers: Felipe Bravo, Clara Antón-Fernández, Sheng-I Yang
Artificial intelligence (AI) encompasses a wide range of techniques and frameworks dating back tothe mid twenty century. The use of AI in forestry is relatively new, especially when compared to the
early adoption of AI in other fields such as agriculture. In forest biometry, the irruption of AI spins researchers and practitioners to unfold the analysis of complex big data. Narrow AI, defined as an
AI system that is specified to perform a limited task, is commonly applied in forest biometry (e.g., analysis of forest structure with 3D point cloud data). Currently, it is possible to efficiently prototype AI
algorithms thanks to plenty of publicly available databases, open-source libraries, and the accessibilityto computing platforms.
However, the application of AI in forest biometry is mainly focused on improving predictions. Due to the potential power of AI, opportunities are open to broad applications of AI, such as enhancing the
understanding of forest processes. Thus, it is important to discuss, jointly with academia and industrialsectors, about the implications, limitations, and capabilities of this technology as an alternative quantitative method.
Prof. Dr. Felipe Bravo
Catedrático de Planificación Forestal/Professor of Forest Management
Chair SMART Global Ecosystems | Senior Researcher at iuFOR
Instituto Universitario de Gestión Forestal Sostenible | Sustainable Forest Management Research Institute
Universidad de Valladolid
ETS Ingenierías Agrarias, Universidad de Valladolid
Avda. de Madrid, 44 -- 34004 Palencia
Tl +34 979108424 Fx.+34 979108440 | http://www.research4forestry.eu |
Dear Colleagues
We would like to invite your attention to the CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for our sub-plenary session in the XXVI IUFRO World Congress, 23-29 of June 2024, Stockholm
Subplenary Theme 3 Forest Biodiversity and its ecosystem services
S3.1 Assisted migration for adapting forests to climate change
The abstract submission period is open until 2 June 2023, 23:59 p.m. (CEST) and interested individuals are encouraged to apply.
Please visit the submission page at:<…>
We are looking forward to receiving your excellent and numerous abstracts!
Kind regards
On behalf of the organizers
Debojyoti Chakraborty
[Beschreibung: Beschreibung: C:\Users\Schreck\Desktop\Logos\140602186_3793123150750818_7778236705572209686_n.jpg]
Dr. Debojyoti Chakraborty
Senior Scientist
Department of Forest Growth, Silviculture and Genetics
Austrian Research Centre for Forests BFW
Seckendorff-Gudent-Weg 8, 1131 Vienna, Austria
Telefon +43 1 878 38-2101
Mobil +43 660 5086 480
E-Mail debojyoti.chakraborty(a)<>
[Ein Bild, das Text, Screenshot, Schrift, Dokument enthält. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung]Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the session organisers, I would like to invite you to submit abstracts for oral talks and posters as part of session T4.21 National perspective of Forest resources policy and governance in countries of Latin America under a sustainable perspective of the IUFRO World Congress held at Stockholm on 23-39 June 2024.
Please submit your abstracts by June 2nd 2023 at
Session details
T4.21 National perspective of Forest resources policy and governance in countries of Latin America under a sustainable perspective
Session type: Technical
Duration: 120 minutes
Congress theme: 4: Forests for sustainable societies
Note that the Congress organizers reserve the rights of slightly editing the text of your session description for the Book of Abstracts, and that the abstract call will be launched by the IUFRO Headquarters and is open to all, so you may need to include contributions that were not originally proposed for your session.
For sessions involving oral presentations, the Congress Scientific Committee recommends 10-15 min including discussion for standard oral presentations, but you may want to consider also shorter (5-10 min) and even flash talks (3-5 min). All contributions to your session must be submitted in the Call for Abstracts, and that also include speakers in panel discussions.
For sessions involving poster presentations, the Congress Organizing Committee is pleased to communicate that there will be only electronic posters and that the session will be split in two parts - one oral part and one poster part. Session organizers are required to propose a moderator also for their poster session, as it will include short oral presentations of the posters.
Vitor Afonso Hoeflich, D. Sc. em Economia Rural
Professor do Departamento de Economia Rural e Extensão - Universidade Federal do Paraná -
- Coordenador do Grupo de trabalho da IUFRO
4.05.03 - Managerial economics and accounting in Latin America
-Vice-Coordenador do Grupo de trabalho da IUFRO 9.05.08 - Forest and natural resources policy and governance in Latin America and the Caribbean
Contatos: Whatsapp 5541-99602.9350,
Recados: 41-3360.4206 41.3360.4212
skype: vitorah.hoeflich
"Se precisar imprimir este e outros emails, fique tranquila(o). O papel é biodegradável, reciclável, e sua produção é sustentável, pois é produzido a partir de florestas plantadas,renováveis, que capturam CO2 e reduzem o aquecimento global."
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the session organisers, I would like to invite you to submit abstracts for oral talks and posters as part of T1.34 entitled "Transitioning to Continuous Cover Forestry in Times of Climate Change and Energy Crisis" of the IUFRO World Congress held at Stockholm on 23-39 June 2024. Please submit your abstracts by June 2nd 2023 at
Best wishes,
Arne Pommerening
Session organisers: Arne Pommerening, Aine Ni Dhubhain, Jørgen Bo Larsen, Per Angelstam, Hubert Hasenauer
T1.34 Transitioning to Continuous Cover Forestry in Times of Climate Change and Energy Crisis
Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) is forest management based on ecological principles with a view to avoid degradation effects. Throughout the world and in the literature the concept goes by many semi-synonyms which do not exactly mean the same but are headed approximately into the same direction. For example, one of these semi-synonyms is nature-based forest management. CCF has a long history in Central Europe but is comparatively new to other parts of the world. Currently the popularity of CCF is on the increase again for its potential to mitigate climate change, to increase or at least maintain biodiversity in forest ecosystems, to provide valuable tools for forest conservation and to enhance the appeal of woodlands used for recreation. Recently the EU forest strategy for 2030 stated clearcutting should be “used only in duly justified cases, for example, when proven necessary for environmental or ecosystem health reasons” and the strategy promotes “the creation or maintenance at stand and landscape level of genetically and functionally diverse, mixed‐species forests.” Early in 2022, the European Forest Institute (EFI) has launched a new strategy underpinning CCF principles with scientific evidence. It is particularly the early phase of transitioning towards CCF, i.e. the introduction of CCF to a country or region where this management type has not been commonly used before, which usually constitutes a major challenge for forest practice and stakeholders. For example, this was the situation 20 years ago in Ireland and in the UK and CCF is now being considered for introduction in the congress host country Sweden. A long-standing and crucial question is how natural disturbances can be more directly included in the design of CCF methods. The recent global energy crisis has added another challenging facet to implementing CCF and methods like the coppice selection system and coppice with
standards may now assume greater importance than they did in the past. A topic close to the heart of forest practice is the important question how, in the context of these current challenges, the sustainability of ecosystem goods and services can be ensured in CCF and its variants. Effective methods of safeguarding ecosystem goods and services may, for example, require forest inventory designs to be adopted.
Arne Pommerening, PhD (Göttingen), Habilitation (Vienna)
Professor in Mathematical Statistics Applied to Forest Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU
Faculty of Forest Sciences
Department of Forest Ecology and Management
Skogsmarksgränd 17
SE-901 83
Twitter: @ArneTanYrOnnen
New textbook: Individual-based methods in forest ecology and management<>
New book on academic mentoring: Staying on top in academia<>
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that WP7.02.13 Forest Health in Southern Hemisphere Commercial Plantations announce our second meeting:
Novel and classical strategies to manage forest health in plantations
Where: Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
When: 17-20 September 2023
Carlos Frederico Wilcken, Caroline Dias de Souza, Edson Luiz Furtado, and Leonardo Rodrigues Barbosa will be the local organisers.
Attached is the first announcement. Also available online here:…
March: call for abstracts - Registration open
May: abstract submission deadline - Early registration close
June: abstract acceptance communication
September 17th: Opening session at 7 p.m.
Please share this announcement with your forest pathology and entomology colleagues.
Apologies if you receive this message more than once as we will be circulating through several channels.
Best wishes,
Stuart Fraser
Research Group Leader, Ecology and Environment
Titokorangi Drive (formerly Long Mile Road), Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand
DDI +64 7 343 5500 | Mobile +64 22 160 1097…
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Dear IUFRO Division 7,
We invite you to submit “Resilience of Forest Biodiversity to Climate
Change and Pests: Civic Engagement and Conservation in Seed Banks, Public
Gardens, and Wild, Urban, and Agroforestry Landscapes”. This session is
organized by members of the Society of American Foresters, Kew Gardens,
Morton Arboretum, and the US Forest Service, and one of eight linked to the
International Society of Tropical Foresters. The deadline for abstract
submissions is 2 June 2023 (3 weeks from today). The session proposal is
included below.
NOTE: Presently, we cannot offer funding for travel and registration; we
are exploring options and appreciate any leads you may have.
*Session description*
To conserve biodiversity, multiple approaches can be taken on the ground.
This mini-symposium (Panel, Flash-talks & Posters) represents experts who
focus on complementary aspects of conservation and reforestation; threat
assessment, seed collecting and banking from wild trees, collective action
and civic engagement, the roles of public gardens in conserving genetic
resources, developing genetic resistance to pests to conserve biodiversity,
and the importance of conserving genetic diversity in the face of pests and
climate change.
Seed is the unit by which biodiversity is propagated, and therefore,
protected. There is ever increasing pollination disruption with shifting
local climate conditions and more fragmented and degraded native
ecosystems. As forests and genetic diversity are lost, so are mother trees
for seed collection, in a time when people want to greatly scale
reforestation efforts. In addition to potential declines in seed crops,
global trade, biodiversity loss, and fragmentation increase the threat of
emergent insect and pathogen outbreaks, resulting in local or range-wide
extinction of iconic tree species. Therefore, there is a global need for
threat assessments, seed collection and banking of native tree species.
In the context of the above challenges and solutions, public gardens and
arboreta are critical to the resilience of forests and society. In addition
to acting as living collections, seed sources, and refugia of tree species,
public gardens serve as biodiversity hotspots in cities, and meeting places
for public and volunteer conservation efforts and outreach. As sentinels,
trees in public gardens can be used to proactively detect emergent disease
threats. Through collective action, exchange of information, public
engagement, and local expert knowledge, “think global, act local” could be
applied to aid proactive efforts to protect forest biodiversity from the
next major pests across the world. Local experts and civic ecologists can
accomplish this by collecting seed and observing trees in native
environments, plantations, public gardens, and urban forests. Breeding or
human-directed genetic improvement presents a practical solution for
restoration of species that are impacted by emergent pest epidemics,
climate change, or other threats. The utility of breeding to protect
biodiversity also depends on the prior establishments of seed banks and
other germplasm resources. It is critical to generate a prior understanding
of the diversity of populations of tree species valued for their
ecological, horticultural, or economic and commercial characteristics, the
observed or potential effects of threats to those populations, and the role
diversity could play in recovery of species.
*Topic areas*
1: collecting seed, 2: seed banking, 3: assessing threats, 4: think global
act local to address threats with civic ecology and urban forests and
botanical gardens, 5: public gardens supporting conservation efforts, and
6/7: developing genetic resistance to conserve biodiversity and conserving
*Abstract submission details*
The call for abstracts for IUFRO 2024 is at The abstract
announcement is at….
Download the book of IUFRO 2024 sessions t
Submit your abstract at
This document is also available at:…
*Abstract submission instructions*
SESSION: (Search for the session of interest)
TITLE: Spell out words, do not use abbreviations. The title or text is not
to indicate the country of origin, unless it is pertinent to the topic.
AUTHORS: Names and surnames for each author must be provided. Do not
include degrees or titles. The presenting author’s name will be published
in bold.
AFFILITATIONS: Each author should be listed by University/Hospital,
Department and Country. Please make sure to include this complete
information in the Affiliation text box.
TEXT: The abstract must be in English, mention one of the topic areas
above, and should be a maximum of 300 words, excluding the title. It is the
author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in
spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the
author, if accepted. Poor English may be a cause for rejection. The
Programme Committee will accept abstracts for the Scientific Programme
(oral or poster presentation) on scientific merit.
“Only Abstracts of registered participants will be printed. At least one of
the authors must be registered for the Conference.”
We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm for IUFRO 2024.
Jill Wagner, Geoff Williams, Denita Hadziabdic-Guerry, Sean Hoban, Lara
*Geoff Williams, PhD International Sentinel Network Coordinator*
*Forest Service *
*International Programs*
*Office of the Chief*
*Office: +1 (202) 263-9231*
*WhatsApp: +1 (208) 874-7604 **geoffrey.williams(a)
<geoffrey.williams(a)> *
3101 Discovery Dr., Suite F
Lansing, MI 48910
*Caring for the land and serving people*
[Ein Bild, das Text, Schrift, Grafikdesign, Grafiken enth?lt. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung]EXTENSION OF DEADLINE TO 25 MAY 2023 - XXVI IUFRO World Congress: Invitation To Nominate Candidates for IUFRO Awards
to be presented at the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden
Dear Colleagues,
The XXVI IUFRO World Congress to be held from 23 to 29 June 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden provides us with another opportunity to honour outstanding scientific achievements and contributions to forestry with a range of IUFRO Awards. I am pleased to invite and encourage you to nominate suitable candidates for the various categories of awards as listed below. The deadline for submission of nominations has been extended to 25th May 2023.
Up to 10 awards will be given in recognition of distinguished individual scientific achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Nominations may be made by a member of the nominee's parent organization, by Coordinators of Divisions, Research Groups, Working Parties and Task Forces, and by other officeholders and knowledgeable persons associated with the Union (but no self-nominations). Nominees must either belong to Member Organizations or be Individual Members of IUFRO.
Please FILL IN THE NOMINATIONS FORM before 25th May 2023:
One award per IUFRO Division will be given to recognize path-breaking doctoral disser-tations completed in the period 2018-2023 within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Nominations may be made by a member of the nominee's parent organization, by Coordinators of Divisions, Research Groups, Working Parties, Task Forces and by other officeholders and knowledgeable persons associated with the Union (but no self-nominations). Nominees must either belong to IUFRO Member Organizations or be Individual Members of IUFRO. Please FILL IN THE NOMINATIONS FORM before 25th May 2023:
This award recognizes outstanding individual achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or equivalent) completed in the period 2018-2023, in order to encourage their further work within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
One award per IUFRO Division may be made for work related to the themes of the IUFRO World Congress. Nominations can be made through IUFRO Members and through the International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA) via the IFSA Secretariat/Liaison Officer.
The Award shall consist of a certificate, the most economical cost of (air) travel/subsidized travel to attend the World Congress, and waiver of the Congress registration fee. The SAA will be presented at the opening or closing ceremony of the World Congress. For the ODRA and ISA, the awards will be presented in a special session where awardees are given the opportunity to present highlights of their award winning work. All award winners will be announced in a special issue of IUFRO News and in other media.
Please FILL IN THE NOMINATIONS FORM before 25th May 2023:
In addition to these awards, the Congress 2024 will offer:
Best Poster Award (BPA)
To encourage public dissemination of high-quality research and to recognize distinguished poster presentations during the IUFRO World Congress by under-graduate students, graduate students and individuals who completed their graduate degrees up to 7 years prior to the Congress. A number of awards will be presented for applications submitted by the corresponding author during the online submission of the abstract. Applications shall be finalized two months before the Congress by submitting the final pdf of the poster presentation. Shortlisted poster presentations will be judged directly at the IUFRO World Congress. The awards will be mentioned during the closing ceremony.
IUFRO World Congress Host Scientific Award
This award honours one or more truly outstanding scientists from the Congress host country who has elevated the profile of forest science and research.
For more information and nomination forms, please check the website:
XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024
Stockholm, Sweden; 23-29 June 2024
Congress website:
Dear colleagues,
[Ein Bild, das Diagramm enth?lt. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung]IUFRO, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is hiring a Project Manager to start on 1 July 2023. Candidates should ideally be early- to mid-career professionals holding a Master's degree (or higher) in forest sciences or related disciplines. They should be experienced in planning and implementing projects and have an interest in and knowledge of international forest-related political processes, as well as global sustainable development topics.
The tasks of the Project Manager encompass operational planning and implementation of projects within the Science-Policy Programme of IUFRO, as well as following up and contributing to different intergovernmental processes. This full time (40 hours/week) position in an international team requires skills in personal organisation, planning, priority setting, and managing multiple tasks and the ability to effectively and positively interact with people in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment.
Institution: IUFRO
Duty station: IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Working language: English (command of other UN languages and/or German is advantageous)
Closing date: 19 May 2023, 11:59 p.m. CEST
Many thanks and best wishes,
Dr. Christoph Wildburger
Science-Policy Programme Coordinator
Find out more about the new IUFRO Science-Policy Programme at:
IUFRO: Science-Policy Programme / Science in IUFRO<>
Dear All,
The deadline for submission of nomination materials for IUFRO awards at the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden, is May 15, 2023. The specific awards are:
The Scientific Achievement Award: Up to ten awards. In recognition of distinguished individual scientific achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Outstanding Doctoral Research Award: One per IUFRO Division. To recognize path-breaking doctoral dissertations completed in the period 2018-2023 within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
IUFRO Student Award for Excellence in Forest Science: One per IUFRO Division. Recognizes outstanding individual achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or equivalent) completed in the period 2018-2023, in order to encourage their further work within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Best Poster Award: recognizes distinguished poster presentations during the IUFRO World Congress by under-graduate students, graduate students, and individuals who completed their graduate degrees up to 7 years prior to the congress. For this award, the corresponding author of the poster indicates consideration for the award during the abstract submission process.
Further information on the awards, who is eligible to prepare nominations for consideration, and nomination forms can be found here:…
You are encouraged to consider nominating colleagues and the Honours and Awards Committee looks forward to receiving the nomination materials.
posted by IUFRO Headquarters