Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that WP7.02.13 Forest Health in Southern Hemisphere Commercial Plantations announce our second meeting:
Novel and classical strategies to manage forest health in plantations
Where: Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
When: 17-20 September 2023
Carlos Frederico Wilcken, Caroline Dias de Souza, Edson Luiz Furtado, and Leonardo Rodrigues Barbosa will be the local organisers.
Attached is the first announcement. Also available online here:…
March: call for abstracts - Registration open
May: abstract submission deadline - Early registration close
June: abstract acceptance communication
September 17th: Opening session at 7 p.m.
Please share this announcement with your forest pathology and entomology colleagues.
Apologies if you receive this message more than once as we will be circulating through several channels.
Best wishes,
Stuart Fraser
Research Group Leader, Ecology and Environment
Titokorangi Drive (formerly Long Mile Road), Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand
DDI +64 7 343 5500 | Mobile +64 22 160 1097…
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Dear Forest Pathologists,
As you know, the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP2023, will take place in the beautiful city of
Lyon, France, from August 20 to 25, 2023. During the congress, there
will be at least 6 concurrent sessions devoted to forest or tree pathology.
On behalf of the Forest Pathology Subject Matter Committee of the
International Society of Plant Pathology (ISPP) and of IUFRO Division 7,
Tod Ramsfield kindly asked me to organize a Forest Pathology Field ahead
of the conference, as is the case at every ICPP.
Together with three colleagues from the French Department of Forest
Health (DSF), we have put together an exciting program for this
excursion. The field trip will take place on *Saturday, August 19*, all
day from 8am to 8pm. We will go to the Chautagne Forest, near the
Bourget Lake in the Alps, about 2 hours by bus from Lyon, to discover
several forest diseases (see attached file).
The number of participants to this field trip will be *strictly limited
to 50 persons* (1 bus) on a first come first served basis. Therefore, I
would advise those interested *not to wait too long to register*.
Registration for the field trip is already open and can be done at the
same time as registration for ICPP by choosing among the satellite
events ( The fee for the field
trip is the same as for all other satellite events (90€ per person,
including transportation, coffee break, lunch at restaurant, and visit
of the Hautecombe Abbey).
In addition, I would like to have an idea of how many forest
pathologists would be interested in participating in this field trip.
For this, please answer this very short survey (3 questions):…
Please note that this survey is purely indicative and does not replace
your registration on the ICPP2023 website.
I look forward to meeting many of you in Lyon in August!
Best regards,
Pascal Frey
Dr Pascal FREY
INRAE, University of Lorraine
Department of Tree - Microbe Interactions
Ecology of Forest Pathogenic Fungi team
F-54280 Champenoux
Office: +33 (0)383 39 40 56
Mobile: +33 (0)631 45 94 07
Twitter: @pascal_frey
Dear Iufro colleagues,
On the occasion of the International Day of Forests on March 21st, a
group of forest scientists of the Forests and Societies Research Unit of
Cirad, thought it would be an opportunity to publish an opinion column
to recall the urgent need to conserve and to safeguard the tropical
forests. This opinion column will be published in the French online
newspaper Reporterre which has about 1.5 million readers per month.
Please take few minutes to read it and if you agree with the contents,
please sign it by filling the form available on this link:
If you want to sign the form, please do it before *March 13th, Midnight
By signing this paper you are signing as an individual but you can also
indicate your institution. The list of signatories and their institution
(if you indicate it) will also be published on the Reporterre website
with the paper.
The original text is in French but I attached an English version of it
for the non French speakers.
We hope that this opinion paper will reach a large public and will be
of interest for others medias. With this, we hope that we will be able
to increase our visibility and get opportunities to talk further about
the urgency in saving the tropical forests.
Please do not hesitate to disseminate this message to your scientists
and students networks.
Plinio Sist #2708
Directeur-Director UR Forêts et Sociétés
Tropical managed Forests Observatory (TmFO) Coordinator
IUFRO 1.02.00 Silviculture of tropical forests
Plinio Sist #2708
Directeur-Director UR Forêts et Sociétés
Tropical managed Forests Observatory (TmFO) Coordinator
IUFRO 1.02.00 Silviculture of tropical forests
Campus International de Baillarguet, TA C-105/D
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
Tél : +33 4 67 59 39 13
Tel.Portable/Mobile Phone: +33 786 3289 46
Dear all,
Please share with your networks:
Together with Richard Sniezko (USDA FS, Pacific Northwest Region's Dorena
Genetic Research Center), and Geoff Williams (USDA FS, International
Programs), we have organized a 1-hour webinar on Assisted Migration for
SAF continued education portal).
*When: *1:00 pm ET on March 23, 2023 (The archived webinar will then be
accessible for future viewing through March 23, 2024)
Thanks to the sponsorship of the Western Forestry and Conservation
Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources, we
were able to have registration fees waived and make it a *FREE for all
attendees *event, including non-SAF members.
*Assisted Migration: Forestry in the Future Under a Changing Climate*
Assisted migration, which is the movement of genotypes, populations,
species, or forests, has been extensively researched as an approach to
minimize the expected negative impacts of climate change on the health,
productivity, and ecosystem services of future forests. The local seed
source may no longer be adapted or optimal to meet land management
objectives, and this issue may be one of the most important challenges
foresters will need to deal with in the coming years. Fortunately, many
people study the issue and can provide tools to land managers to make the
best choice under the available data. The two talks here are aimed at
providing the why, the what, and the how of assisted migration to a general
audience including current knowledge, implementation, and future plans for
public lands. Before the conclusion of the session, participants will be
able to discuss the available tools that can facilitate decision-making to
ensure the resilience of their forests.
The webinar will be composed of two presentations, followed by a
Q&A/discussion session. The speakers are *Dr. Brian Palik *(Forest
Ecologist, US Forest Service, Northern Research Station) and *Dr. Greg
O’Neill *(Forest Geneticist, British Columbia Forest Service, Canada)
*CFEs: *Upon successful completion of the webinar, you will earn *1.0 CFEs
in Category 1**.* CFEs will automatically be added to your CFE record
located on
You will receive CFEs for viewing the archived webinar and completing the
Hope to (virtually) see you there!
*Chair of the **SAF Forest Health & Genetics Working Grou*p
*Caterina Villari *(she/her)
*Associate Professor*
*Co-Director - Southern Pine Health Research Cooperative*
706-389-5031 Office
706-542-0119 Lab
Villari Forest Pathology Lab
*D.B. Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources*
*University of Georgia*
180 E Green Street
Athens, GA 30602
Integrated Plant Sciences:
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or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law
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have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete
the email immediately.
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to our technical session for the IUFRO Congress in Stockholm, 2024:
“Improving biosecurity measures to better protect forests”
Alien forest pests and pathogens continue to be spread globally through increased globalization and international trade. When established they can have devastating impacts on native, urban and commercial forests. In this session we discuss control and management tools to minimise the impacts of non native invasive pests and pathogens, as well as highlight new and emerging risks, and the threats they pose to forest ecosystems. Emerging risks include those where abiotic factors such as climate change may provide a changing environment conducive to insect and disease outbreaks.
The session includes 15-minute talks and posters; submissions are now open: Abstracts will be accepted until 2 June 2023.
We look forward to receiving your submissions to this session.
Kind regards,
Beccy, Julio, Barbara and Hervé, session organisers.
Beccy Ganley she/her/ia
Ngā Rākau Taketake Leader, Biological Heritage National Science Challenge
Principal Scientist – Plant & Food Research
[cid:image001.png@01D95335.23210940]<> [B72FD8A7]
M: +64-21-2133876
T: +64-7-928-9854
E: beccy.ganley(a)
The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited
Postal and Physical Address: Plant & Food Research
412 No 1 Road, RD2, Te Puke 3182, New Zealand
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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to our technical session for the IUFRO Congress in Stockholm, 2024.
The title is "Global forests in a hotter and drier world: Assessing forest damage and tree mortality from climate change-accelerated insect outbreaks and infectious diseases".
This session is a joint effort between the IUFRO Task Force on Monitoring Global Tree Mortality Patterns and Trends and Working Group 07.03.06: Integrated Management of Forest Defoliating Insects of Division 7.00.00 - Forest Health.
The session includes 15-minute talks, 5-minute flash talks, posters and a panel discussion. Submissions are now open. Session speakers will be selected by the organizing committee as well as the session organizers.
Here is a link to the meeting and submission details and description:<…><…>
Technical Session: Global forests in a hotter and drier world: Assessing forest damage and tree mortality from climate change-accelerated insect outbreaks and infectious diseases".
Global forest ecosystems are facing unprecedented climate conditions in many parts of the world. Over the last 50 years, observations are accumulating of increasing forest decline and tree mortality following hotter droughts, often caused and accelerated by biotic interactions with damaging insects and infectious diseases. The globalized trade market exacerbates this phenomenon by the displacement of biotic agents across natural barriers to naïve and thus highly vulnerable forest ecosystems. Given the importance that forests play for maintaining global biogeochemical cycles, human livelihood and welfare, and for providing essential ecosystem services, a thorough understanding of current and future states of global forests is badly needed for forest managements planning and, at a higher level, for policy decision making. Current assessments of forest damage and decline as well as rates of tree mortality are often of low spatial and temporal resolution and are not available for many regions across the globe, in particular the large forest regions of the Eurasian boreal forest and the tropical forests of South America and Africa.
This session seeks to initiate a joint effort across scientific disciplines and administrative agencies concerned with forest damage assessments. The goal is to stimulate collaborations across regional and national boundaries with the aim to initiate an international (subcontinental to global) spatially-explicit database on forest damage. We welcome contributions from ground-based assessments of forest condition (e.g., national forest inventories) as well as from international initiatives for monitoring tree mortality and forest insects and diseases. Furthermore, we encourage submissions presenting new methodologies for detection and monitoring of biotic forest disturbances, in particular remote sensing approaches, as well as GIS-driven analytical assessments of forest insect and disease epidemiological dynamics.
We look forward to receiving your submissions to this session.
Best regards,
Deepa Pureswaran (defoliator working group) and Henrik Hartmann (tree mortality task force)
Deepa Pureswaran, PhD
Research Scientist, Forest Insect Ecology
Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Forest Service, Atlantic Forestry Centre
Scientifique, Écologie des insectes forestiers
Ressources naturelles Canada
Service canadien des forêts, Centre de foresterie de l'Atlantique
1350, Regent Street
Fredericton, NB E3C 2G6