The Department of Entomology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is inviting applications for the post of Assistant Professor, twelve-month, tenure track appointment, research responsibility (75%), teaching responsibility (25%).
The successful applicant will develop and conduct an active research program in the area of Forest Entomology to include development of strategies to manage forest pests or forest health. This position requires a balance of research to improve our fundamental understanding of insects in forest ecosystems as well as field-oriented research to address evolving pest problems. Expertise of the incumbent and needs of the stakeholders will influence research direction. Applications are solicited from individuals with a wide range of expertise (e.g., chemical ecology, invasive species, insect pathology, global climate change, population dynamics, or ecosystem and landscape ecology). The position requires cooperation and collaboration with research and extension personnel in LSU's School of Renewable Natural Resources, the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, other state and federal agencies, and with stakeholders in the forest industry. The successful applicant will be expected to obtain competitive, extramural funding, participate in graduate student training as a member of the Graduate Faculty of Louisiana State University, and serve as a liaison to the forestry industry. The incumbent will be responsible for teaching a course in insect ecology and an additional course in their area of expertise and will contribute to other aspects of the academic program of the Department.
Find more details in the attached document.
Posted by: Allison, Jeremy <Jeremy.Allison(a)>
Gesendet: Montag, 22. November 2021 22:19
Jeremy Allison
Forest Insect Chemical Ecologist
Great Lakes Forestry Centre - Sault Ste Marie
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
jeremy.allison(a)<> / Tel: 705-255-3628
Coordinator IUFRO Working Party Behavioral and Chemical Ecology of Forest Insects
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Insect Behavior
We would like to announce that the joint meeting of the IUFRO "Foliage, shoot, and stem diseases" (7.02.02) and "Rusts of Forest Trees" (7.02.05) working parties will take place during the last week of June 2022 in Durham, New Hampshire…<…>…<…>
The importance of forest diseases increases as global environments are affected by pandemics, invasive species and climate change. Interested scientists are encouraged to submit abstracts on research involving foliar, shoot, stem and rust diseases of trees as we deal with this dynamic environment. The workshop scientific program will be organized in oral and poster presentations. We invite all interested participants to submit abstracts for scientific presentations. Although we will try to accommodate as many presentations as possible, the Scientific Committee, will reserve the right to change your application from an oral presentation to a poster presentation where necessary if time constraints become a problem. A selection of papers submitted to the meeting will be published in a special issue of the journal Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. To present a paper or a poster, you must submit your completed abstract by February 2022 as an attachment to isabel.munck(a)<>.
We look forward to hearing from you, Isabel Munck and Salvatore Moricca
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I am writing you on behalf of IUFRO WP 7.03.16 to let you know about a new initiative to highlight graduate student research on the behavioural and chemical ecology of forest insects. Beginning in January 2022 we will host a series of three webinars that will provide a platform for graduate students to present their work and develop their networks.
Talks will be pre-recorded and submitted in advance of each symposia for judging. The top three from each region will be presented for a total of six student presentations per symposia. The best talk from each region (i.e., two will be selected from each symposia) will be recognized and our goal is to offer financial assistance to each winner to attend the IUFRO All-Division 7 meeting in 2022 in Portugal where the winners will present their talks in a symposium highlighting student research in the working party (the symposia has been approved by the organizing committee of the All-Division 7 meeting and we have some funding already secured).
The first webinar will occur 24-January at 12:00 UTC and will have talks from graduate students studying in Europe (n=3) and Africa (n=3).
The second webinar will occur 21-February at 18:00 UTC and will have talks from graduate students studying in North America (n=3) and Central/South America (n=3).
The third webinar will occur 28-March at 04:00 UTC and will have talks from graduate students studying in Asia (n=3) and Oceania (n=3).
We ask your assistance in bringing this webinar series to the attention of anyone interested in attending and watching, and in particular helping make graduate students aware of this opportunity. Anyone interested in participating needs to visit the registration page
(see…<…>). Although only the top three talks from each region will be played in the webinars, all submitted talks will be uploaded to the WP 7.03.16 YouTube page where they can be viewed. Registration is now open and in a few weeks we will be contacting students interested in participating to explain deadlines and the submission process.
Thank you for your assistance. Best wishes,
Jeremy, Sigrid, Andres and Quentin
IUFRO WP 7.03.16
Dear Forpath member
Please join us for the next IUFRO webinar next Wednesday.
Webinar 3: Molecular tools for the advancement of research on Vascular Wilt Pathogens
Date: 10th November 2021
Time: 16:00 Johannesburg (10:00 EDT)
1) Nicola Luchi (CNR, Italy): Advanced methods for diagnosis of invasive forest pathogens with a particular focus on Ceratocystis platani.
2) Frances Lane (FABI, South Africa): Transformation systems for the Ceratocystidaceae.
3) Thais Campos de Oliveira (Laval University, Canada): Functional analyses of Elm-Ophiostoma interactions.
4) Marc Hughes (University of Hawaii): Diagnosing and managing Rapid Ohia Death, an emerging threat to native Metrosideros sp. of the Pacific.
For Zoom link, please register (tab @ top left hand side) for the event: at…
Irene Barnes, Alberto Santini and Louis Bernier
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[IUFRO News]
Issue 10, 2021
IUFRO NEWS 10, 2021
Dear Reader of IUFRO News:
We are happy to present to you issue 10 of IUFRO News 2021, volume 50!
This issue of IUFRO News Issue is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at:
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Please also share with us any changes of contact person(s) and email address(es) of your organization(s).
Best wishes,
Alexander Buck
IUFRO Executive Director
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IUFRO World Day - A Journey Around the World of Forest Research Cooperation
[Photo showing IUFRO World Day interactive map (screenshot)]
On 28 and 29 September 2021 IUFRO held the first ever all IUFRO digital online forest science forum: IUFRO World Day. The forum offered 24 hours of networking with 79 live sessions, including three science/policy forums, and 50 contributions of static content on forest-related research topics. More<>…
10 Years of REDD+: Outcomes and Socio-Ecological Impacts
[Photo showing a forest. Photo by Nelson Grima, IUFRO]
One of the sessions during IUFRO World Day was hosted by IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme featuring Dr. Bhaskar Vira, Head of Department and Professor of Political Economy at the Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, in an interview with GFEP's Dr. Nelson Grima. More<>…
IUFRO Congratulates Professor Bhaskar Vira!
[Photo showing Dr. Vira during REDD+ session at IUFRO World Day (screenshot)]
The Academy of Social Sciences in London, UK, has conferred a Fellowship on Professor Bhaskar Vira, in recognition of his contribution to social science. Professor Vira's research crosses disciplinary boundaries, and spans the fields of political economy, development studies and environmental studies. More<>…
Sustainable Forest Management and NTFPs in the Era of Transition under Climate Change: Traditional Knowledge, Cultural Heritage, and Geographical Indication
[Photo showing Presenters and attendees during RG 6.10.00 session (screenshot)]
This IUFRO World Day session was held to share evidence on the roles of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in traditional forest management and maintenance of cultural landscape in different regions of the world. More<>…
FORECOS - Forest Ecosystems under Conditions of Climate Change: Biological Productivity and Remote Sensing
[Photo showing Sample plot in pine stand (Pinus Sylvestris) in the Middle Volga region of Russia. Photo provided by Eldar Kurbanov.]
The FORECOS online meeting on 28-29 September 2021 was hosted by Volgatech University and co-sponsored by the ERASMUS+ project SUFOGIS and the GEMOECO BRICS project. It touched upon issues of remote monitoring of forest cover, international projects and new technologies concerning forest ecosystems in a changing climate. More<>…
Assessing Multi-Taxon Diversity in Forest Ecosystems
[Photo showing Social lunch at the conference venue (photo provided by meeting organizers)]
This Training School was organized within the framework of the COST Action CA18207 "Biodiversity Of Temperate forest Taxa Orienting Management Sustainability by Unifying Perspectives" (Bottoms-Up). It was aimed at giving a comprehensive overview of multi-taxon biodiversity data issues in forest ecosystems with an emphasis on bridging the gap between theory and practice. More<>…
Biological Invasions in Forests: Trade, Ecology and Management
[Photo showing Participants in front of the faculty building. Photo by Andrew Liebhold]
From 21-24 September 2021, a hybrid - in-person and online - conference was hosted by the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, with 65 participants on site and some 40 more online. The meeting involved IUFRO Working Parties 7.03.12, 7.03.07 and 8.02.04. More<>…
Ecology and Silviculture of Spruce in the Boreal Forest
[Photo showing needles of a pine tree. Photo by Alexey Savvin on Pixabay]
Spruce forests are important ecologically, supporting a broad range of ecosystem services, and economically as the basis of many timber industries. This session at the 19th conference of the International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) session focused on the linkages between spruce ecology and management. More<>…
How to Tackle the Climate Change Challenges?
The Spanish language event "Gran Foro Internacional ¿qué hacer para enfrentar el cambio climático? retos y oportunidades" took place on 9 September 2021. The 'foro' was organized to let general audiences know about what the latest IPCC report is telling us about climate change. More<>…
On Sustainable Wildlife Management
[Photo showing roe deer. Photo by Vargazs on Pixabay]
IUFRO's GFEP team joined the Third Wildlife Forum of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) on 26 and 27 September. The Forum dealt with topics such as zoonotic diseases, wildlife use and trade, human-wildlife conflicts, which are relevant for GFEP's current Forests and Human Health study. More<>…
Reports from IFSA Trainees
My Experience as an IFSA Trainee at IUFRO
[Photo showing intern Mirjana Volarev. Photo by Jovan Mitrovic]
My name is Mirjana Volarev, and I am from Serbia. I am an environmentalist and a forester with a passion for climate policy. In September and October 2021, I had the fantastic opportunity to work at the Headquarters of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) in Vienna. More<>…
Coming out of the Pandemic by Interning at IUFRO
[Photo showing intern Agustín Rosello from Chile.]
At the age of 25, a forestry career at one of the best universities of my country, two great years working with the biggest forestry student organization in the world, and an incredibly fruitful two months at IUFRO Headquarters, I've got nothing more than to be grateful for the amazing set of skills IUFRO has added to my toolbox, says Agustín Rosello from Chile. More<>…
IUFRO and Media
More Coherent Global Forest Governance Needed to Reduce Forest Loss
[Photo showing Deforestation, Malaysia. Photo by Victor Bruckman]
On 19 October 2021 four scientists related to the IUFRO network spoke to the press about deforestation, imported deforestation, drivers and possible solutions. The media briefing was jointly organized by IUFRO and the communications agency Revolve. More<>…
The Urgency and Opportunity to Increase the Access of All Canadians to Urban Forests
[Photo showing Toronto, Canada. Photo by Jason Pinaster on Pixabay]
Read an interview with Dr. Cecil Konijnendijk (Coordinator of IUFRO Division 6) on the 3-30-300 rule for creating greener and healthier cities to mark National Tree Day on September 22. More<>…
Addressing Growing Expectations and Threats for Forests
In a special research supplement focused on forests the Austrian newspaper Der Standard published interviews in German with IUFRO Vice-President Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit and IUFRO Deputy Executive Director Dr. Michael Kleine on 20 October 2021. More<>…
Forests, Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: An Expanded Policy Brief Now Available in Portuguese!
IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme launched the Portuguese version of its latest publication, "Forests, Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: An Expanded Policy Brief", on 15 October 2021. More<>…
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IUFRO News Issue 10, 2021, published in early November 2021
by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.
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