From: Daniela Kleinschmit <daniela.kleinschmit(a)>
To: "div9(a)" <div9(a)>, "div6(a)" <div6(a)>
Cc: Bikash Rath <bikash.rath(a)>, "Schusser, Carsten" <carsten.schusser(a)>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 12:24:53 +0000
Subject: Conference announcement and cfp: Community Forestry
Dear colleagues,
It is my pleasure to inform you about the conference “New Challenges for Community Forestry: Sharing Scientific Knowledge in a South – North Perspective” to be held in
Remscheid, GERMANY, 23. – 25. September 2013. The conference is collaboratively organized by the University of Göttingen and the Ministry of Climate, Environment and Agriculture in North Rhine-Westphalia and supported by IUFRO.
Major topic of the conference will be the contribution of community forestry toward overcoming current challenges, including community-based forest governance, forest-climate change, the urbanisation of forest owners, biodiversity decline, equity amongst forest users (including gender issues) and the role of community forests as sustainable energy suppliers. Amongst others, keynote speakers are Arun Agrawal, Melanie McDermot, and Wolfram Dressler.
Authors are invited to submit their proposal by sending an extended abstract . Deadline for submission is February, 28 2013.
Please find detailed information about the conference and the call for paper at the following link:…
With best regards
Daniela Kleinschmit
Assoc. Professor
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Unit of Forest Policy
PO Box 7008, SE-75007 Uppsala
Visiting address: Vallvägen 9C
Phone: +46 18 672493 <tel:%2B46%2018%20672493>
<> daniela.kleinschmit(a), <>
Dear Colleagues:
The IUFRO-led Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative will launch its report "Understanding Relationships between Biodiversity, Carbon, Forests and People: The Key to Achieving REDD+ Objectives" and the related policy brief at Forest Day 6, Sunday 2 December 2012, 13:30 - 14:30.
For details, please download the invitation at…
Best regards
IUFRO Headquarters
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Mariabrunn (BFW), Hauptstrasse 7 │ A-1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-0 │ Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website: <> │ Email: office(a)
XXIV IUFRO World Congress: <>
October 5-11 2014, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Call for Presentation and Poster Proposals
The 2013 National Outdoor Recreation Conference and
IUFRO Conference on Forests for People
Reminder - the deadline is seven days away.
The deadline for submitting presentation and poster proposals is Friday, November 16, 2012.
More information about the 2013 National Outdoor Recreation and Forests for People Conference is at <…> Check back often, as updates will be made regularly as the program develops.
<…> Click here to download the Call for Proposals and Abstract Submission Form package. You can also download the submission package at the website listed above.
Brenda Adams-Weyant
Association Manager
Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals
(formerly NARRP)
PO Box 221
Marienville, PA 16239
(814) 927-8212
(814) 927-6659 FAX
<> Brenda(a)
Dear colleagues,
Below is the announcement of an interesting, urban forestry related
conference to be held in Kuching, Malaysia, during early October of this
year. IUFRO Research Group 6.07 Urban Forestry acts as co-organiser of this
Kind regards
Cecil Konijnendijk
From: Noor Azlin binti Yahya (Dr.) []
Sent: 9. august 2012 07:30
Subject: Announcement for Urban Forestry Conference 2012 - Kuching, Sarawak,
Malaysia from 2 - 6 October 2012.
Dear colleagues,
Once again the Forest Research Institute Malaysia will be organizing an
urban forestry conference UFC 2012, with the theme of Forests and Parks:
Communicating Messages for Sustainability which will be held in Kuching,
Sarawak, Malaysia from 2 - 6 October 2012.
Similar conferences were held in 2006 and 2009.
Please find attached the 2nd announcement and call for papers with extended
submission deadlines. The brochure can also be used for registration apart
from replying direct to this email after filling the registration
inforamtion in the this email body text.
Could you also please forward this information to others in your list of
contacts who may be interested.
For registration and any enquiries, kindly contact the below:
1) Sharmillah Saleh: sharmillah(a) or +603 - 6279 7252
2) Nazimatul Azma Nazeri: <>
nazimatulazma(a) or +603 - 6279 7615
Sustainability of urban forests and parks is the current desirable trait in
park management. Sustainable parks can be described as self-sufficient with
regards to resource management as well as providing ecological and
socio-economic functions. Different cities within various regions in the
world have different experiences in park management. The conference will
provide opportunities for collaborations and information sharing on urban
forest and park development and management towards sustainability.
Communication is an important tool for sustainability where messages about
nature conservation and human impact can be related. Effective communication
will ensure sharing of responsibilities between managers and users.
The conference is organized with the following themes:
1. Ecological functions and sustainable resource management of urban forests
and parks.
2. Planning and design for sustainable green space.
3. Urban forest and parks to support environmental education.
4. Recreation programming for urban forests and parks.
5. Social needs on urban forest and parks.
1. To share the best ways in communicating sustainability messages through
urban forests and parks.
2. To review the progress and status of urban forest and parks development.
3. To exchange information, ideas and to learn about sustainable urban
forest and park management.
4. To establish networking among participants from different countries for
possible collaboration.
Decision makers, urban managers, urban planners, landscapes architects,
urban foresters, park managers, arborists, landscape and tree care
contractors, academicians, NGOs, stakeholders and those interested in urban
forests and parks.
The programme includes keynote addresses, oral and poster presentations on
3rd and 4th of October 2012. Presentations from various aspects of urban
forest and park management will be the highlight of the programme. A
workshop will be held at a local urban park.
Pre and post tours will be organized on 2nd (Sematan and Gunung Gading), 5th
(Bako National Park) and 6th October 2012 (Serikin) respectively.
Participation is optional with additional charge.
The official language of the conference is English.
The conference fee covers a full set of papers/proceedings, tea/coffee
breaks, lunches, conference bag, is as follows:
. Local - RM 800.00
. Student - RM 400.00 (excluding conference bag)
. International - USD 300.00
The conference will comprise oral and poster presentations. Those interested
in presenting papers or posters should note the following dates:
1st September 2012 Submission of abstract
7th September 2012 Notification of accepted papers
21st September 2012 Submission of full papers
Please submit abstracts and full papers via email as an attached word
document to the secretariat at sharmillah(a)
i. Please prepare in Microsoft Word in Times New Roman font
ii. Title - bold, 14 pt and in uppercase letter
iii. Author's name(s) - bold and 12 pt
iv. Author's address(es) - 10 pt, no abbreviation, if more than one author,
please indicate address of each author numerically in superscript. Include
fax number(s) and email address(es)
v. Text of abstract - 10 pt, no abbreviations, no references, one paragraph,
not more than 250 words long. Plants names should be in italics or
underlined. Use standard symbols for measurement and the International
System -(S.I) for units.
vi. Reference should be written according to the APA Style:
Please contact:
The Secretary
Urban Forestry Conference 2012:
Forest and Parks: Communicating Messages for Sustainability
Ecotourism and Urban Forestry Programme
Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)
52109 Selangor Darul Ehsan
(Attn: Ms. Sharmillah Saleh)
Email : sharmillah(a)
Tel : +6 03 6279 7252 / 7615
Fax : +6 03 6280 4625
Dr. Noor Azlin Yahya (Chair)
Email : azlin(a)
Tel : +6 03 6279 7242 / 7243
Mr. Ahmad Azaruddin Mohd Noor
Email : azarudin(a)
Tel : +6 03 6279 7234
Website :
Name :_______________________________________________
Organization :_______________________________________________
Postal Address :_______________________________________________
Tel :_______________________________________________
Fax :_______________________________________________
Email :_______________________________________________
(Please tick)
*Status of participation
O Presenter O Non-presenter
*Dietary requirement
O Vegetarian O Non-vegetarian
*Technical visit to a local park will be arranged.
*Pre and post tours will be arranged with sufficient number of participants.
50% surcharge will be imposed for late cancellation after 1st September 2012
Payment should be made either by cheque or postal order (local participant
only) or banker's draft. For outstation cheques, please include inland
exchange commission. Payment should be made payable to : Director General
I enclosed hereby cheque/postal order/ banker's draft
no._____________________amounting to RM/USD_____________________for the
Details as follow:
(Please tick)
O Registration fee - RM800/USD300
O Bako National Park - RM120/USD60
O Sematan & Gunung Gading - RM100/USD50
O Serikin - RM20/USD10
Dr Noor Azlin Yahya,
Ecotourism and Urban Forestry Prgrammame
Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM),
Kepong, 52109 Selangor Malaysia
Tel : +6 03 - 6279 7242
Fax : +6 03 - 6280 4625
Email: azlin(a)
Please Post to your members:
Urban Forests & Political Ecologies: Celebrating Transdisciplinarity *
*Toronto, ON - April 18-20th, 2013*
Registration is now open!
This three-day conference covers a wide range of topics related to urban
ecologies and political transgressions.
We are delighted to announce our *keynote speakers* and the panel themes
for the 2013 Conference:
1) Historical Narratives - Dr. Joanna Dean, Carleton University
2) Urban Tree Cultures: Identities and Perspectives - Dr. Owain Jones,
University of Gloucestershire
3) Social Inclusion in the Urban Forest: Scalar injustices and community
connections - Dr. Nik Heynen, University of Georgia
4) From Government to Governance: Redefining politics - Dr. Cecil
Konijnendijk, University of Copenhagen
5) Urban Ecology Pedagogies: Innovative approaches to education - Dr.
Richard Kahn, Antioch University
6) Adaptation and Vulnerability in the Urban Forest - Dr. Giovanna Di
Chiro, Nuestras Raices Inc., and Swarthmore College
The Call for Proposals is open until October 15th, 2012. We welcome
submissions from academics, graduate students, professionals, practitioners
and artists. We are particularly interested in inter-and-transdisciplinary
approaches and encourage artistic expressions and performance pieces. See
attached for Submission Guidelines.
For more information please visit:
Warm regards,
UFPE Conference Committee 2013
Urban Forests & Political Ecologies: Celebrating Transdisciplinarity
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the Journal for Outdoor Recreation and
Tourism (JORT) has now been launched officially. We are accepting
submissions of full academic papers and research notes. The first issue
will appear in January 2013.
Interested authors may submit papers at:
If you have any questions, please contact one of the Editors.
Kind regards,
p.p. Verena Melzer
Univ.Prof. Dr. Ulrike Pröbstl
Institute for Landscape development, Recreation and Conservation
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Peter Jordanstr.82, A - 1190 Vienna, Austria
Dr. Wolfgang Haider
School of Resource and Environmental Management
Simon Fraser University
Dear colleagues,
SAVE THE DATE! April, 21 to 26, 2013
Starting this year the Executive Director of IUFRO Dr. Alexander Buck,
pointed out that Brazil offers great opportunities to research in
forestry. Subsequently, I was consulted by our colleague Tuija Sievänen
about the possibility of organizing an event in 2013 to Section 6.04.0,
Nature Conservation and Protected Areas.
I accepted the challenge once I understand this is a great chance to
thorough discussions as well as widely disseminate searches and scientific
works with a select group of Brazilian and international researchers.
I would like to announce the Conference "Protected Areas and Place Making:
How do we provide conservation, landscape management, tourism, human
health and regional development?"
When: April 21 to 26, 2013
Where: Foz do Iguaçu, Parana State, Brazil
Why there: We will have the opportunity to do a technical visit the World
Heritage Site, Iguaçu National Park ( at
the Brazilian border and at the Argentina border at Iguazu National Park
Soon we will have more information about key dates and a website will be
available. Please if you have specifically demands or doubts feel free to
contact Teresa Cristina Magro (teresa.magro(a)
Teresa Cristina Magro
Prof Protected Areas Management
University of São Paulo
Fone:+0055 19 2105 8650
Fax: +0055 19 2105 8601
Teresa Cristina Magro
Profa Manejo de Áreas Naturais Protegidas
Fone:+0055 19 2105 8650
Fax: +0055 19 2105 8601
Dear all,
I'm pleased to inform you that there will be a Gender and Forestry Conference on the theme Environmental governance and four decades of gender research: Where do we stand? To be held at Wondo Genet Forest College 27 November - 29 November 2012, with optional Field Tour 30 November - 2 December
It is organized by IUFRO 6.08 Units in cooperation with Faculty of Forest Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Wondo Genet Forestry College, Ethiopia and the project: Gender and REDD - Global Instruments and Changing Forest Governance
Read more about the Conference and Call for Abstracts on:…
The conference announcement is also posted in IUFRO Calendar of Meetings,, it is therefore in the activities page of your Unit, It is in our RSS feed,, and will be in GFIS, the Global Forest Information Service,
Best regards,
Gun Lidestav
Coordinator IUFRO 6.08 Gender and Forestry Research Group
The journal Landscape and Urban Planning is currently soliciting proposals
for Special Issues. This call for proposals is a new process we are trying
with the aim of providing a more systematic way of receiving and evaluating
themes, content, and structure of special issues by prospective guest
editors. The journal will publish up to four special issues per year.
All proposals should be submitted by email attachment on or before July 1st,
2012 to LAND Editorial Assistant Ms. Ying Chen at yingchen1029(a)
Inquiries should be directed to the Co-Editors-in-Chief Wei-Ning Xiang
(wnxiang(a) or Paul Gobster (pgobster(a) Full
details were published in an editorial published in the journal (V105:
345-346) and are available through the Editor's Choice Open Access Articles
link on the journal's website at:
Research Social Scientist
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Landscape and Urban Planning
1033 University Pl., Suite 360
Evanston, IL 60201 USA
Tel: 001-847-866-9311 ext. 16
Fax: 001-847-866-9506
E-mail: pgobster(a)
Dear colleagues,
Please find at
information about an international conference in Zagreb, Croatia, to be held
during September 27-28 of this year. Topic of the event is "Forests for
cities, forests for People - Perspectives on urban forest governance".
Abstracts for this conference can be submitted until May 31.
Kind regards
Cecil C. Konijnendijk
Professor, Green Space Management
Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning
Faculty of Life Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Rolighedsvej 23
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C