"Forest and Society": free-of-charge, peer-reviewed, OA journal
by Lukas Giessen
Dear colleagues,
As a young and strongly emerging research journal Forest and Society<http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/fs > (F&S) is openly welcoming submissions with a main geographical focus on Southeast Asia.
We are also inviting proposals for themed special sections, currently compiling one on agrarian transformations in Thailand and forest politics in Indonesia.
Our F&S journal is:
* University-driven (UNHAS Indonesia)
* interdisciplinary
* peer-reviewed
* open-access (non-predatory)
* free of charge
We lately completed Volume 1, which includes 2 issues, consisting of 13 articles that cover various topics and research approaches, at different scales. All articles are open access and can be downloaded here<http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/fs/issue/archive >. We are eager to expand our network and are open to new initiatives and collaborations that increase accessibility and exposure on land, forest, politics-policy, and society issues across Southeast Asia.
All papers are overseen by our diverse editorial team<http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/fs/about/editorialTeam > and we hand submissions for blind review among subject and country-specific experts for a quick and timely review process..
Please help us spread the word and do not hesitate to contact us, and check us out on facebook<https://www.facebook.com/forestandsociety/ > and twitter<https://twitter.com/forstsociety >.
Many thanks & looking forward to your submission!
The Editorial Team of Forest and Society (F&S)
Lukas Giessen
Principal Scientist "International Forest Governance"
European Forest Institute (EFI), Bonn Office
Editor in Chief, Forest Policy and Economics (Elsevier)
Google Scholar:
6 years, 10 months
Conference Announcement: Cool forests at risk? 17-20 September 2018
by Brigitte Burger
<http://mailchi.mp/af9aef4741b1/conference-announcement-cool-forests-at-risk… > View this email in your browser
On the occasion of the International Day of Forests 21 March 2018
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Cool forests at risk?
The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems
for people, bioeconomy, and climate
17-20 September 2018, Laxenburg (near Vienna), Austria.
The International Boreal Forest Research Association is pleased to announce, in collaboration with the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and supported by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) the IBFRA18 "Cool forests at risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate” conference to be held in Laxenburg, Austria.
The event will focus on both boreal and high altitude forests. It will launch an initiative to raise awareness, maintain, and promote the multiple, critical values provided by those ecosystems.
Hosted by IIASA on 17-20 September 2018, the event will bring together and support the dialogue of academia and decision makers from policy, business, and civil society as the start of a collective effort to create solutions for a sustainable future for the earth system.
<https://ibfra.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=396aea89a262d8672c84122a9&i… > Latest conference information on the IBFRA18 website
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Sign up to be an Ambassador for Cool Forests and join the collective effort to work together to create solutions for a sustainable future for boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and our climate.
<https://ibfra.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=396aea89a262d8672c84122a9&i… > Find out more
We are proud to present a first list of speakers:
Jaana Bäck
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR / Forest Sciences University of Helsinki, Finland
Alexander Buck (to be confirmed)
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
Markku Kulmala
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), University of Helsinki
Werner Kurz (to be confirmed)
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, Canada
Woo-Kyun Lee
Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University
Raisa Mäkipää
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Christiane Schmullius
Department for Earth Observation, Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU), Germany
Anatoly Shvidenko
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Eugene Vaganov
Siberian Federal University, Russia
For a constantly updated list of speakers <https://ibfra.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=396aea89a262d8672c84122a9&i… > check the website.
<https://ibfra.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=396aea89a262d8672c84122a9&i… > Preliminary conference program
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6 years, 11 months
Forest Policy and Economics: Alert 08 March-15 March
by Brigitte Burger
forwarded on behalf of Lukas Giessen, Coordinator 9.05.00 – <https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-9/90000/90500/ > Forest policy and governance
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Betreff: Forest Policy and Economics: Alert 08 March-15 March
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Alert: Forest Policy and Economics
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<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa1f&p1=w… > Volume 90, Pages 1-190, May 2018
<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa22&p1=w… > Forest Policy and Economics
<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa81&p1=w… > Volume 90, Pages 1-190, May 2018
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Page ii
Review Articles
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Pages 106-114
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<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa87&p1=w… > Province specific impacts of the 2006 United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement: A seemingly unrelated regression approach Original Research Article
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Rajan Parajuli, Daowei Zhang, Keta Kosman
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Pages 12-21
Jewel Andoh, Yohan Lee
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Pages 22-30
Rita Sousa-Silva, Bruno Verbist, Ângela Lomba, Peter Valent, Monika Suškevičs, Olivier Picard, Marjanke A. Hoogstra-Klein, Vasile-Cosmin Cosofret, Laura Bouriaud, Quentin Ponette, Kris Verheyen, Bart Muys
Graphical abstract
<http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S138993411730374X-fx1.jpg >
<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa87&p1=w… > Assessing the effectiveness of joint forest management in Southern Burkina Faso: A SWOT-AHP analysis Original Research Article
Pages 31-38
Daniel Etongo, Markku Kanninen, Terence Epule Epule, Kalame Fobissie
<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa87&p1=w… > An assessment of collective action drivers of carbon storage in Nepalese forest commons Original Research Article
Pages 39-47
Harisharan Luintel, Randall A. Bluffstone, Robert M. Scheller
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Pages 48-58
Abdul-Razak Saeed, Constance McDermott, Emily Boyd
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Pages 59-66
Ayoade Matthew Adetoye, Luke O. Okojie, Dare Akerele
<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa87&p1=w… > Assessing social values of ecosystem services in the Phewa Lake Watershed, Nepal Original Research Article
Pages 67-81
Kiran Paudyal, Himlal Baral, Rodney John Keenan
Graphical abstract
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<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa87&p1=w… > Can a regional-level forest management policy achieve sustainable forest management? Original Research Article
Pages 82-89
Yusuke Yamada
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Pages 90-96
Rolf Lidskog, Kevin Bishop, Karin Eklöf, Eva Ring, Staffan Åkerblom, Camilla Sandström
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Pages 97-105
Laura A. Henry, Maria Tysiachniouk
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Pages 115-127
Artti Juutinen, Anssi Ahtikoski, Mika Lehtonen, Raisa Mäkipää, Markku Ollikainen
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Pages 128-141
Quy Van Khuc, Bao Quang Tran, Patrick Meyfroidt, Mark W. Paschke
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Pages 142-150
Andrea Sutterlüty, Nenad Šimunović, Franziska Hesser, Tobias Stern, Andreas Schober, Kurt Christian Schuster
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Satyawan Pudyatmoko, Arief Budiman, Stein Kristiansen
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Pages 160-166
Marie-Gabrielle Piketty, Isabel Garcia Drigo
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Pages 167-179
Jan Brusselaers, Jeroen Buysse
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Pages 180-190
Constance L. McDermott, Metodi Sotirov
Research Trends
<http://rt1-t.notifications.elsevier.com/r/?id=h5545e55,4dcaa1c,4dcaa87&p1=w… > Deforestation and the Paris climate agreement: An assessment of REDD + in the national climate action plans
Pages 7-11
Jonas Hein, Alejandro Guarin, Ezra Frommé, Pieter Pauw
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6 years, 11 months
European Forum on Urban Forestry 2018 - Call for Abstracts extended (until Apr3)
by Brigitte Burger
Von: European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) [mailto:info=efuf.org@mail251.suw101.mcdlv.net] Im Auftrag von European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF)
Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. März 2018 08:25
Betreff: European Forum on Urban Forestry 2018 - Call for Abstracts extended (until Apr3)
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European Forum on Urban Forestry 2018 (Helsinki) - Call for Abstracts extended until April 3
EUROPEAN FORUM ON URBAN FORESTRY (EFUF) invites abstracts for contributed oral presentations for the 2018 EFUF conference being held in Helsinki, Finland from 15-19 May 2018. More information: <https://efuf.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=12226dfc5548d5c2ae9d16efe&i… > www.efuf2018.com .
The European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) is a unique meeting place for practitioners, managers, architects, researchers, professionals, public authorities and policy makers to share interdisciplinary experience and good practices within the field of urban forestry.
Abstracts may be submitted <https://efuf.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=12226dfc5548d5c2ae9d16efe&i… > online until 3 April 2018.
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Contribution to the conference theme
The abstracts should contribute to the EFUF conference theme and should address one or more of the conference topics. We invite your contribution for an oral presentation in one of the parallel sessions on the topics of:
* Planning of urban forests and other green infrastructure
* Participation in the planning of urban forests and other green spaces
* Management of urban forests and other green spaces
It is possible to present scientific results (scientific-oriented contribution) as well as practical results and experiences (practice-oriented contribution). We encourage practitioners to report their experiences and provide complementary information on projects, research and initiatives contributing to conference topics.
The three topics areas aim at to answer several principal questions that examine issues on how to maintain the provision multitude of services of urban forests and other green infrastructure to diversity of citizens. At the end of this mail are examples of questions as indications of topics that will be covered at the upcoming conference.
Requirements for abstracts
The abstracts in English for oral presentations should include paper title, author names, affiliations and e-mails, keywords up to 5. The abstracts should describe research questions, theoretical approach, material and methods, and main findings. The maximum length is 400 words and the format should be “title.doc” or “title.docx” (no figures, tables or attachments allowed). The abstracts should also include the following information:
* Purpose: scientific or practice oriented contribution
* Conference topic: at least one
* Authors and a presenter: each abstract must have a designated presenter.
Authors will be informed on the acceptance of their paper by April 1, 2018. At least one of the authors should register for the conference, and should have their fee settled by credit card upon registration, otherwise the presentation will be cancelled. The accepted abstracts will be printed in the conference guide.
Review of the abstracts
All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and it will determine whether a work will be accepted for presentation.
The review will consider
1. clarity of the presented objectives,
2. clarity and quality of the methods,
3. clarity and quality of the results and conclusions and
4. its scientific or practical relevance to the themes of the conference.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 10 March 2018
Notification of decision on abstract: 1 April 2018
Registration: 15 January – 30 April 2018
Examples of questions as indications of topics that will be covered at the upcoming conference
1. Planning of urban forests and other green infrastructure
* How we can reserve and sustain enough urban forests and green areas for the people?
* How to maintain and provide health benefits of urban forests for a diversity of citizens?
* Dimensions of green connections – how large and what forest elements and structures are needed for proving health benefits?
* How large urban green and forest areas to sustain ecological processes and connections?
* How can recreation and relaxation and ecological values of narrow or limited green corridors be improved and amended?
* Biodiversity in urban environments – how can we assess and compare biodiversity values?
* What methods are available to simultaneously evaluate biodiversity, recreational, scenic and economic values in urban planning?
* Additional residential zoning, construction and expansion of infrastructure limits urban green areas – examples of successful maintenance of green corridors, biodiversity and other values.
2. Participation in the planning of urban forests and other green spaces
* Urban population is continuously diversifying – how can we make sure that in the planning process citizens’ input is received broadly and it is impartial, unbiased, fair, equitable and objective?
* Whose values are the most important in planning? How can we integrate various and different values in urban forests and green spaces planning?
* What are the best ways to avoid conflicts among and between different interest groups?
* What benefits can digital technology and social media provide for participatory planning?
3. Management of urban forests and other green spaces
* How we can maintain urban forests and other natural green areas in urban stress?
* What are practical methods to maintain ecological connections sustain biodiversity in urban green areas and forests?
* How can we mitigate and adapt to climate change in urban forests and green environments?
* Will adaptability of native plants be adequate broad or will assisted migration from temperate to boreal zone needed?
* How can long-term risks be effectually included in management plans of urban green areas and forests, including pests and diseases, storms, floods, wildfire?
* A risk scenario has happened in an urban forest; how to recover and build new environments?
EFUF 2018 is organized by the City of Helsinki, City of Vantaa, University of Helsinki and Natural Resources Research Institute Finland (Luke).
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6 years, 11 months