The 2012 IUFRO Small-scale Forestry Conference will be held in Amherst,
Massachusetts USA September 24-27, 2012. This meeting brings together
researchers from around the world interested in the diverse issues
surrounding small-scale forestry including, but not limited to:
- Agroforestry & non-timber forest products
- Changing demographics & land tenure
- Community forestry
- Cross-boundary cooperation
- Education & communications
- Forest management
- Forest markets
- Forest policy & economics
- Landowner attitudes, practices & perceptions
- Landscape change, urbanization & parcellation
Now, more than ever, solutions are needed to help mitigate and avoid the
threats facing forests. This conference will focus on the issues confronting
small-scale forest owners around the world and the solutions that can
benefit landowners, society, and the natural environment. In addition to
plenary and concurrent technical sessions, we will be holding interactive,
structured sessions to synthesize the state of the knowledge and identify
research gaps - all of which will be later published.
Submissions for the first call for papers are due 31 January 2012. Visit for
In addition to the conference itself, there will be a pre-conference
workshop and a post-conference tour. There are numerous interesting ideas
for the workshop and want your input before making a final selection.
Please visit
by 31 December and vote for your favourite. The post-conference tour will
head into the Green Mountains of Vermont where we will explore small-scale
forestry issues, enjoy the scenery of autumn in New England, and partake in
the local culture.
For more information about this conference, visit:
Please distribute this announcement to all whom you think might be
We hope to see you in Amherst in 2012!
Jake Hewes
Research Coordinator
Family Forest Research Center
University of Massachusetts Amherst
160 Holdsworth Way
Amherst, MA 01003-9285
posted on behalf of Jake Hewes by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO Headquarters