Journal of Forest Economics<>
Call for papers: Special Issue on Mining and the Forest
The preoccupation with shrinking forests has existed for a long time. Today, deforestation and forest degradation are critical issues because forests are not only habitats for biodiversity but also act as aboveground and underground carbon sinks, influencing global weather patterns while providing livelihoods for many people, especially the poorest.
Meeting climate goals requires halting deforestation while implementing low-carbon technologies that rely on mineral ores. One challenge is that the necessary transition increases the pressure on the forests since many forest landscapes contain numerous ores. While other drivers, such as agriculture, often overshadow their contribution to global deforestation, mining activities trigger direct and indirect pressures on forest ecosystems. Mining fuels forest clearances and fosters population shifts: people may be forced to quit their land and relocate, and legal and illegal mining generates new employment opportunities. Moreover, a growing body of literature highlights the urgent need to restore forested landscapes impacted by mining activities worldwide.
In the urgent context of the fight against global warming and protection of the environment, an innovative concept is emerging, namely Forest-Smart Mining, implying mining that recognizes and understands the relationship between forests and other land uses while actively seeking to reduce the damage caused by the latter. Therefore, smart mining requires an understanding of forest ecology and communities, including ecosystem services. However, forests and mining are often considered competing resources due to optimal valuation and management challenges.
The special issue aims to attract cutting-edge research on how mining activities interact with forest preservation in developed and developing countries. It welcomes contributions that:
* Assess the impact of mining on forests and forest-dependent livelihoods.
* Explore the design and implementation of forest-smart mining policies.
* Address the challenges of restoring forest landscapes affected by mining.
The special issue is open to studies employing various methodologies, including economic analytical tools, qualitative and quantitative econometric research, simulation or economic modelling, spatial analysis, and country-specific and cross-country studies.
Submission guidelines
Deadline for submission: June 30, 2025. Manuscripts must adhere to the Journal of Forest Economics guidelines found on the Journal's website. Authors submit their manuscript through the Journal's electronic system When submitting your contribution to the special issue, please select the manuscript type "Special Issue on Mining and the Forest". The submitted manuscript will undergo the Journal's peer-review process.
Guest editors
Pascale Combes Motel, University Clermont Auvergne, Journal of Forest Economics Associate Editor, pascale.motel_combes(a)<>
Jean-Louis Combes, University Clermont Auvergne, j-louis.combes(a)<>
Youba Ndiaye, University of Lorraine, youba.ndiaye(a)<>
Dear Colleagues in Precision Forestry
This is more or less a final reminder for registration for the upcoming Precision Forestry Symposium, to be held here in Stellenbosch ( just outside Cape Town), South Africa, 5-7 February, 2025.
We have a very interesting programme lined up, starting with a PhD workshop, a day of commercial workshops, and three days of presentations in the beautiful Winelands of the western Cape. Keynote speakers include Div 3 co-coordinator, Prof. Ola Lindroos, a Precision Forestry expert from a large industrial plantation owner, Ms Miranda Wilson, and the Director of School for Data Science and Computational learning here at Stellenbosch University, Prof. Kanshu Rajaratnam.
Commercial workshops will include sessions with amongst others, Remsoft, Microforest, Softree (RoadEng) and Timbeter.
Please take a look at the website for more information on the programme and how to register:
Looking forward to meeting you in Stellenbosch in February !
Kind regards | Ngemibuliso emihle | Vriendelike groete
Bruce Talbot
Associate Professor
Head of Department: Forest and Wood Product Science
Faculty of AgriSciences | Fakulteit AgriWetenskappe | IFakhalthi yeeNzululwazi zoLimo
Paul Sauer Building, room 1003, Bosman Street, Stellenbosch | South Africa
Chairperson: Southern African Institute of Forestry (SAIF)
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1935-5429<>
T: +27 21 808 3293 | Cell: +27 0677 961 382 E: bruce(a)<><> |<>
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Dear all,
If you want to learn more about Japanese forestry, and seeing if/how I manage to present and discuss (Swedish) forestry for a very diverse audience, you are warmly welcome to follow an online seminar on Monday 21st October at 4 pm Japanese time.
Please note that you have to register by 10 am the same day as the seminar.
I apologize for the late information, but with a little luck some interested individual will nevertheless have the chance and possibility to join.
If you want to attend, register to the online seminar via this link
Kind regards,
// Ola Lindroos
Ola Lindroos, PhD
Professor of Forest Operations
Vice Dean for Education, Faculty of Forest Sciences
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
SE-901 83 Umeå, SWEDEN
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17
Phone: +46 90 786 86 36
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