International Union
of Forest Research
IUFRO - Call for Task Force Proposals
IUFRO Task Forces are established on a temporary basis to advance inter‐disciplinary forest science cooperation in fields spanning IUFRO Divisional interests. They focus on emerging key issues that are of strong interest to policy makers and groups inside and outside the forest sector, and contribute to international processes and activities. Since 1991, over 30 IUFRO Task Forces have brought together scientists, policy-makers and other stakeholders to conduct innovative work across a broad range of topics.
The activities of Task Forces are varied, but commonly involve: development of expanded global collaboration and information-sharing networks on their focal topics, the organization of meetings or workshops, publication of interdisciplinary scientific syntheses as books or in special issues of peer-reviewed journals, and presentations in major regional or global science-policy platforms. Task Force coordinators are non-voting members of the IUFRO Board, and are invited and expected to attend IUFRO's annual Board meetings. For more information on the activities and accomplishments of current and earlier Task Forces please visit: https://www.iufro.org/science/task-forces/)
During the current (2014-2019) Board term, Task Forces were established for an initial 2-year period with the possibility of an additional two-year extension. In order to encourage activities across the full spectrum of IUFRO's disciplinary expertise, we will continue this practice. This will enable IUFRO to establish new Task Forces on a periodic basis throughout the 2019‐2024 Term to take advantage of emerging needs and opportunities.
Proposals for new Task Forces will be evaluated on the following criteria:
* Potential to strengthen inter‐Divisional collaboration on specific topics of global relevance related to one or more Emphasis Areas and/or Institutional Goals of the IUFRO Strategy (1);
* Specific contribution of the proposed Task Force to addressing broader policy processes or interdisciplinary science‐policy initiatives;
* Engagement of two or more Divisions by involving relevant Divisional units (Research Groups and/or Working Parties). Proposal should be jointly developed with the relevant IUFRO Divisions and their units, but may involve additional experts currently outside of the IUFRO network and partner institutions, as required.
* Task Force activities should not duplicate current work within IUFRO Divisions, but rather complement and expand their activities;
* Rationale for their involvement of (non-IUFRO) partner institutions (if relevant);
* Task Force membership reflecting required spectrum of scientific expertise (including both natural and social sciences), as well as geographical, cultural and gender diversity, and providing opportunities for early-career scientists;
* Clarity of timelines for proposed Task Force activities and their deliverables; while Task Forces can be proposed for up to the full length of the upcoming IUFRO term (until the July 2024 World Congress), it is highly recommended that proposed Task Forces consider more focused activities to be undertaken in the first two year period;
* Clarity of operational aspects (roles and responsibilities of Task Force coordinator and members, roles and responsibilities of partners involved, if any), budget for activities and funding sources.
(1) Please refer to the IUFRO Strategy at https://www.iufro.org/discover/strategy/ <http://www.iufro.org/discover/strategy/> for details.
In order to proceed with the development of new Task Forces prior to the start of the new Board term in October 2019, we invite IUFRO officeholders and members to prepare, by 31 December 2018, a short 1-2 page Concept Note that provides a brief statement of the objectives/aims and proposed activities of the Task Force within the 2-year time frame. This will be reviewed by IUFRO Board members in January 2019, who will provide comments as well as suggestions regarding scientists from the Divisions who may be particularly interested in joining the proposed Task Force.
If the Task Force concept note is viewed favorably by the Board, then a full proposal will be requested, with a due date for full proposals of 31 March for 2019. All proposals will be reviewed (in early April 2019) by the Vice‐President for Task Forces in consultation with the IUFRO Management Committee and other members of the IUFRO Board. If revisions are required following proposal review, prospective Task Force coordinators will be asked to prepare a final revised proposal by late May 2019, after which a final decision on the establishment of new Task Forces within the 2-year time frame will be made by the IUFRO Board in early June 2019.
* Name of proposed Task Force
* Name of proposed Task Force coordinator, affiliation (including IUFRO position) and contact information
* Names of proposed Task Force members, their affiliations (including IUFRO positions), experience, proposed roles in the Task Force, and contact information
* Brief overview of the rationale, goals, and objectives of the proposed Task Force (1 paragraph)
* Description of specific proposed Task Force activities, deliverables and timelines. This should include planned focused meetings with tangible outputs such as ‘state‐of‐knowledge' reviews, journal papers, dedicated volumes, etc.
* Budget table listing major activities and funding sources, if known – indicate if these funds are already secured.
* Narrative addressing the following:
* Contribution to implementation of the IUFRO Strategy;
* How the proposed Task Force will strengthen cross‐Divisional interaction on specified topics related to IUFRO 2019‐2024 Strategy's Emphasis Areas and/or Institutional Goals, and how the Task Force will complement and/or expand activities of existing IUFRO Divisional units;
* Specific contribution of the proposed Task Force to addressing broader policy processes or interdisciplinary science-policy initiatives.
Concept Notes and full proposals should be sent to John Parrotta, jparrotta(a)fs.fed.us, with a copy to Renate Prüller, prueller(a)iufro.org.
You are receiving this message because you are an IUFRO member or officeholder.
Contact us at office(a)iufro.org or visit https://www.iufro.org/
IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.
Imprint: https://www.iufro.org/legal/#c74 * Privacy policy: https://www.iufro.org/legal/#c10397
Dear Division 3 Colleagues,
Greetings! I wish to inform you of the XXV IUFRO World Congress and other Division 3 sponsored events in 2019.
XXV IUFRO World Congress in Brazil - First IUFRO World Congress in Latin America
Call for Abstracts is open for the XXV IUFRO World Congress to be held in Curitiba, Brazil from September 29 to October 5, 2019. Below is a list of just some technical sessions relevant to our research fields. For a complete list of technical sessions and their synopsis, please visit https://iufro2019.com/technical-sessions/. Abstract submission is due December 31st, 2018.
* A1e Raising issues in mountain forests and mountain forest management
* A3a Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management
* A4a Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and knowledge sharing: combining old and new skills to improve decision-making in forestry
* A6k The bioeconomy: Criteria, indicators, circular: A sustainable way forward?
* A6j Strengthening Community and Smallholder Forestry for SDGs and other Forest-Related Goals
* B4a Climate smart forestry or how to integrate adaptation, mitigation and sustainable forest management
* C3a Moving towards sustainable forest operation for a greener future.
* C3b Digital transformation in wood industry
* C3c Forest Operations Engineering and Management - Innovations for the Future
* C3d Global green supply chains as a driver for sustainable forest management in the tropics
* C3e Precision Forestry
* C3f Promoting the environmental, social and economic benefits by monitoring the performance of forest machines: new approaches in precision forest operations
* C3g The Forest and Fire Operations Nexus: Syntheses and Perspectives on Integrating Fire Risk Management with Forest Engineering and Management
* C3h The role of forest ergonomics in Sustainable Forest Management in tropical regions
* C3i Tools for tropical wood identification against illegal logging
* C4a Advancements in digital technologies for dendrometry and qualitative indicators of forests
* C4b Advances in SAR: Sensors, Methodologies, and Applications
* C4c Benchmarking in forestry - Challenges and solutions for establishing benchmarking systems
* C4e Decision Support Approaches for Forestry of the 21th Century
* C4i Innovative Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Forest Science and Management
* C5d New Methods and Applications of Timber Identification
* C5f Quality requirements of forest biomass for biorefinery
* C5j The use of forest and mill residues for advanced bioenergy/biofuels production
* C7c Sustainable biomass for a greener future
* F6b Effective educational strategies for the next generation of forest professionals
* ...
18th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources (SSFAR)
* March 3-7, 2019
* Puerto Varas, Chile
* Abstract submission due: November 15, 2018 (coming up soon!)
* Website: http://ssafr2019.cl/13/en/inicio
Small-scale Forestry Conference 2019
* July 8-10, 2019
* Duluth, MN USA
* Website: http://iufrossf.umn.edu/
First joint annual meeting of FORMEC and COFE
* October 6-10, 2019
* Sopron, Hugary/Forchtenstein, Austria
* Website: https://www.formec.org/; http://cofe.org/
Best regards,
Woodam Chung
IUFRO Division 3 Coordinator
Faye & Lucille Stewart Professor of Forest Engineering
Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management
Oregon State University
267 Peavy Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-5703
Email: woodam.chung(a)oregonstate.edu<mailto:woodam.chung@oregonstate.edu>
Phone: +1-541-737-8248
IUFRO Division 3 Podcast: http://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-3/30000/podcasts/
A position as full professor of forest operations specializing on logistics is open at SLU in Umeå, Sweden.
The final date for application is 13 January 2019.
More information is available at https://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/jobs-vacancies/?rmpage=job&rmjob=1492&rmlan…
// Ola Lindroos
Ola Lindroos, PhD
Professor of Forest Operations
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology
SE-901 83 Umeå, SWEDEN
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17
Phone: +46 90 786 86 36
ola.lindroos(a)slu.se<mailto:ola.lindroos@slu.se>, www.slu.se<http://www.slu.se/>
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