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Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Februar 2019 19:54
An: iufrosmallscale Subscriber
Betreff: [iufrosmallscale] IUFRO 3.08 Small-scale Forestry Conference 2019 - Second Call for Abstracts due 1-Mar (Reminder)
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IUFRO 3.08 Small-scale Forestry Conference 2019
8-10 July 2019 in Duluth, Minnesota USA
DUE 1 MARCH 2019
The 2019 International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Small-scale Forestry Conference will be held in Duluth, Minnesota USA from 8 July 2019 through 10 July 2019. This will include an in-conference tour, as well as an optional post-conference tour.
Proposals are being sought for oral presentations and posters. All topics related to the social, economic, and ecological dimensions of small-scale, family, farm, non-industrial, agro- and community forestry are welcome.
To Submit an Abstract
Submissions should include a descriptive title, abstract (not to exceed 2,500 characters), keywords, and the names and affiliations of the authors. Submissions will be assessed for relevance, theoretical soundness, methods, novelty, organization, and technical quality. Abstracts should be submitted at <http://lists.cahnrs.wsu.edu/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/r/iufrosmallscale/9663777…> http://bit.ly/iufrossf2019_abstract_submission by 1-Mar-2019.
Additional Information
For further information, visit <http://lists.cahnrs.wsu.edu/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/r/iufrosmallscale/2627051…> iufrossf.umn.edu or contact Brett Butler ( <mailto:bbutler@eco.umass.edu> bbutler(a)eco.umass.edu) or Stephanie Snyder ( <mailto:stephaniesnyder@fs.fed.us> stephaniesnyder(a)fs.fed.us).
Dear colleagues:
This email is to remind you that we are accepting submissions for a special issue in the Forests Journal titled “Supply Chain Optimization for Biomass and Biofuels". The deadline date for submissions expires on 20th August 2019. Up to now, two papers have been published and two more will be submitted in the next few weeks. Also, a few colleagues have let me know that they are considering to submit a paper to this special issue.
More details about the scope and submission process are in the document attached and on this web site: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/special_issues/supply_chain_optimization
And please, help us to spread the word about this special issue. We look forward to your submissions!
Many thanks,
Guest Editors,
Dr. Mauricio Acuna, FIRC-USC, Australia
Dr. Elena Canga, CETEMAS, Spain
Dr. Mauricio Acuna
Senior Research Fellow
FIRC/AFORA – University of the Sunshine Coast
Locked Bag 4, Maroochydore DC, QLD, 4558, Australia
Phone: +61 3-62291938, mobile: +61 448372340
Email: macuna(a)usc.edu.au<mailto:macuna@usc.edu.au>
USC, Locked Bag 4, Maroochydore DC, Queensland, 4558 Australia.
CRICOS Provider No: 01595D
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