Dear IUFRO members,
I'm pleased to announce that IUFRO's Working Party 3.01.02 (Forest Road
Management) will be co-hosting the 10th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads in
Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, July 24-27, 2011. This conference is sponsored
by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and held every 4 years.
Call for Papers and Presentations:
Papers are solicited on all aspects of low-volume roads and will be peer reviewed for
acceptability. Some suggested areas of interest, with emphasis on low-volume road
applications (including unpaved forest roads) are as follows: Planning, Finance and
Economics, Design and Construction, Pavement Performance, Structures and Drainage,
Sustainability Issues, Case Histories, Operations, Safety, Maintenance, Innovative
Materials Solutions, Soil-Stabilization Technologies, Environmental Impacts and
Energy-Affected Roads.
Topics that are pertinent and suitable for discussion at the conference are not limited to
the above. All offerings relevant to low-volume roads are welcomed. Please consult the
following conference website for more information on the conference and submission of
Note that a website for submission of draft manuscripts will be open December 1, 2009 -
March 31, 2010.
Should you have further questions, please forward them directly to
Thank you!
Deputy Coordinator - 3.01.02: Forest Road Management
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
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