Save the Date!
The next Southwide Forest Disease Workshop is scheduled to be held in the Conecuh National
Forest in southern Alabama January 14-16, 2014 near Andalusia, Alabama. Plans are to
have research abstracts, station reports, a field trip, and graduate student competition.
The meeting will be held at the Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center, a 5000 acre
demonstration forest used by a number of University's, State and Federal Agencies
interested in natural resources. If you have any questions feel free to contact Scott
Enebak (334.844.1028) or Lori Eckhardt (334.844.2720)
Deadline for registration is December 1, 2013. Registration fees cover three nights room
(Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday), breakfasts (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), dinners
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), lunch (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), and breaks beginning
on Monday evening through Thursday lunch.
Fees: Professional = $280 while Student = $210
Copied below is the Southwide Forest Disease Workshop webpage with more information.
Feel free to spread this announcement to others in your organization that may be
interested and other regional state forest health specialists.
Scott Enebak