We would like to announce that the joint meeting of the IUFRO "Foliage, shoot, and stem diseases" (7.02.02) and "Rusts of Forest Trees" (7.02.05) working parties will take place during the last week of June 2022 in Durham, New Hampshire…<…>…<…>
The importance of forest diseases increases as global environments are affected by pandemics, invasive species and climate change. Interested scientists are encouraged to submit abstracts on research involving foliar, shoot, stem and rust diseases of trees as we deal with this dynamic environment. The workshop scientific program will be organized in oral and poster presentations. We invite all interested participants to submit abstracts for scientific presentations. Although we will try to accommodate as many presentations as possible, the Scientific Committee, will reserve the right to change your application from an oral presentation to a poster presentation where necessary if time constraints become a problem. A selection of papers submitted to the meeting will be published in a special issue of the journal Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. To present a paper or a poster, you must submit your completed abstract by February 2022 as an attachment to isabel.munck(a)<>.
We look forward to hearing from you, Isabel Munck and Salvatore Moricca
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Dear all,
The IUFRO symposium on pine wilt disease* (working party 7.02.10) will
take place from Nov 22nd to 26th, 2021 as a virtual meeting. Talks will
be related to :
- the situation of the pine wood nematode invasion in infested regions
or countries,
- the insect vectors,
- the host trees and development of the pine wilt disease,
- the interactions within this complex multi-player system, and
- the management of the pine wood nematode.
The schedule is available here :
To register and obtain your connexion links to this webinar (it is
free), please visit :
Feel free to circulate this information.
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees,
Christelle Robinet
* This event corresponds to the rescheduling of the symposium that was
initially planned in Orleans (France) in March 2020 and that was
cancelled due to COVID-19.
*Dr. Christelle ROBINET*
Research Director
Coordinator of IUFRO WP 7.02.10
INRAE Val de Loire, site d'Orléans
Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière (URZF)
2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin - CS 40001 - Ardon
45075 Orléans cedex 2
Tel: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
E-mail: christelle.robinet(a) <>
Dear Forpath member
Please join us for the next IUFRO webinar next Wednesday.
Webinar 3: Molecular tools for the advancement of research on Vascular Wilt Pathogens
Date: 10th November 2021
Time: 16:00 Johannesburg (10:00 EDT)
1) Nicola Luchi (CNR, Italy): Advanced methods for diagnosis of invasive forest pathogens with a particular focus on Ceratocystis platani.
2) Frances Lane (FABI, South Africa): Transformation systems for the Ceratocystidaceae.
3) Thais Campos de Oliveira (Laval University, Canada): Functional analyses of Elm-Ophiostoma interactions.
4) Marc Hughes (University of Hawaii): Diagnosing and managing Rapid Ohia Death, an emerging threat to native Metrosideros sp. of the Pacific.
For Zoom link, please register (tab @ top left hand side) for the event: at…
Irene Barnes, Alberto Santini and Louis Bernier
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