Dear all,
The IUFRO symposium on pine wilt disease* (working party 7.02.10) will
take place from Nov 22nd to 26th, 2021 as a virtual meeting. Talks will
be related to :
- the situation of the pine wood nematode invasion in infested regions
or countries,
- the insect vectors,
- the host trees and development of the pine wilt disease,
- the interactions within this complex multi-player system, and
- the management of the pine wood nematode.
The schedule is available here :
To register and obtain your connexion links to this webinar (it is
free), please visit :
Feel free to circulate this information.
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees,
Christelle Robinet
* This event corresponds to the rescheduling of the symposium that was
initially planned in Orleans (France) in March 2020 and that was
cancelled due to COVID-19.
*Dr. Christelle ROBINET*
Research Director
Coordinator of IUFRO WP 7.02.10
INRAE Val de Loire, site d'Orléans
Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière (URZF)
2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin - CS 40001 - Ardon
45075 Orléans cedex 2
Tel: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
E-mail: christelle.robinet(a) <>
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Thomas Kirisits <thomas.kirisits(a)>
Sent: Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2021 19:24
Subject: Advertisement for a postdoc position in Forest Pathology at BOKU - application deadline extended until 18 October 2021
Dear colleagues,
Please note that the application deadline for the postdoc position we have advertised in mid-September (see below) has been extended to 18 October 2021.
I encourage interested candidates to apply. Likewise, please circulate the announcements to potential applicants.
With kind regards,
Thomas Kirisits
Dear colleagues,
We are presently advertising a postdoc position in Forest Pathology (or closely related fields) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) in Vienna (Austria).
For the announcement of the position (in German and English) see the following links:……
The positions are limited to 6 years, plus the potential option of a permanent position after this period.
I encourage interested candidates to apply. Likewise, please circulate the announcements to potential applicants. Deadline for applications is
3 October 2021, but depending on the number of potentially interesting candidates applying, this deadline may be extended.
With kind regards,
Thomas Kirisits
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Kirisits Institute of Forest Entomology, Forest Pathology and Forest Protection
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences (WABO) University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 (Schwackhöferhaus)
1190 Wien
Tel.: ++43 1 47-654-91611
E-Mail: thomas.kirisits(a)
The IUFRO conference, "Biological Invasions in forests: Trade, ecology and
management" 20-24 September was a big success. For those of you who missed
any of the talks, videos of each of the in-person and remote presentations
can be viewed at:
Andrew Liebhold
Northern Research Station 304-285-1512
USDA Forest Service 304-285-1505 FAX
180 Canfield St. 724-317-8668 mobile
Morgantown, WV 26505 USA
Dear friends ,
Our University has decided to open my professorship in Forest Pathology. Please feel free to contact for more information.
Best wishes,
An appointment as Professor in Forest Pathology is vacant in the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Our department provides a dynamic and international research environment that comprises experts who conduct fundamental and applied research on interactions between microorganisms and plants, mycology, microbial ecology and evolution, and biodiversity. Central themes are forest and plant pathology and nutrient and carbon cycling in agricultural and forest ecosystems. About half of the research in the department is in the area of pathology of crops and forest trees. The position is placed in the subject area of forest pathology. Current research focus on infection biology of forest pathogenic fungi and resistance biology of trees, and includes systematics and identification of fungi, fungal genomics and population genetics of fungi. Other research areas are biodiversity and invasive species in forest ecosystems, as well as applied research in forest management and resistance breeding. The department is responsible for and participate in teaching in forest and plant pathology in several programs and courses.
Subject Area
The subject area for the position is forest pathology. The subject includes disease on trees and forest ecosystems, primarily those caused by pathogenic fungi. The research can include, but is not limited to, interactions between trees and pathogenic fungi, fundamental biology (genomics, evolution, ecology) of forest pathogenic fungi, disease resistance, and research on invasive species. The research can address both fundamental and applied research questions of relevance for the subject area, forest ecosystems and forest health.
Application deadline: 2021-11-22
For more information and to apply:…
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