Dear Forpathers and Forenters,
I wanted to alert you to this exciting possibility for promising, high caliber, motivated students to join our Translational Plant Sciences Graduate Program here at Ohio State (see below and attached). I am specifically interested in finding students who may want to work with me, through this program, on forest/tree health matters involving translational aspects of plant biotechnology.
Let me know if you have any questions.
[The Ohio State University]
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office | 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2(a)<><> -<> -<> -<>/
The Ohio State Translational Plant Sciences Graduate Program (TPS - is starting its third year with a call for highly qualified graduate students. This is an exciting program. Please let your students know of this opportunity!
* TPS-GP is designed to offer an individually driven pathway for our students to attain their PhDs. This could include an internship in a company, national lab, not for profit, etc. It could also include an international experience, either via an internship or as a student in our Dual-Degree program, which allows students to earn 2 PhDs at the same time, one from OSU and one from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
* The TPS-GP program is focused on a rigorous research experience that could include laboratory rotations and minimal coursework. Our Graduate Studies Committee is dedicated to tailoring every student's path to their PhD based on what each individual desires.
* Importantly, the TPS program pays a guaranteed fellowship with no teaching requirement, plus $2,000 per year for education & research needs, and 100% tuition remission for the full five years for students that maintain good standing in the program. That is a PhD "full-ride"!
* We are a young program here at OSU, which means our students have the individual attention of not only their advisor(s), but also the Program Chair, Dr. Thomas Mitchell, Program Director, Dr. Erich Grotewold, and all of the other members of the TPS faculty. They are all dedicated to seeing this trans-disciplinary program succeed.
* Students can be placed with faculty members from many different departments. These include Plant Pathology, Entomology, Horticulture and Crop Sciences, Molecular Genetics, Chem/Biochem, Microbiology, and Internal Medicine. Our students have the opportunity to work on novel interdisciplinary projects tailored to our students' long-term goals.
Ohio State is one of America's largest and most comprehensive universities. The main campus is located in the city of Columbus, the state capital ( The University is consistently ranked among the top national public universities. Here is a link to a few of our high points (updated periodically):
Hello All,
Assistant Professor
Forest Pathology
Oregon State University
The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology (BPP) ( seeks applicants for a 9-month, full-time (1.0 FTE), tenure-track faculty position in Forest Pathology. This position is a joint position with the Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society ( with a tenure home in BPP.
The successful candidate is expected to establish an innovative and competitive research program that pursues scholarly work in the area of Forest Pathology. Research specialization within Forest Pathology is open, although as part of the research effort, the candidate will be expected to address emerging and/or re-emerging diseases in forest ecosystems of Oregon. Recognition will be given to collaborative efforts with researchers at OSU and at other national or international institutions.
The incumbent will contribute to the teaching of a course in forest disease management and will teach a course supportive of the Plant Pathology curriculum. There is an expectation that the candidate will mentor and serve as research advisor to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, and will support outreach efforts in forest health.
Required qualifications include a PhD with research experience in plant pathology, mycology or closely related field, and a commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity. Postdoctoral experience is strongly preferred. Other preferred qualifications include research experience in forest pathology, potential for effective teaching and development of an interdisciplinary research program, and a record of/commitment to work with underrepresented/underserved students or other audiences.
To review the position description and apply, go to posting #_0013186_ at OSU is an AA/EOE. For full consideration, apply by 12/10/14 when review of applications will begin. Closing date is 01/15/15.
David Shaw
Associate Professor, Forest Engineering, Resources and Management
Oregon State University<>
Dear all,
(to Division 7, forclimair, forpath, forent-subscribers),
Attached is an invitation to the Division 7 (Forest Health) Business Meeting this coming Friday, 10 October, 19:00-21:00 (US local time), in Room 255E of the Salt Lake City Convention Centre (IUFRO World Congress).
The document also contains my report on the last board term (2010-2014), a list of upcoming Div. 7 meetings, and the latest coordinators and deputies in our Division.
Please note, there will be lots of time for discussion. If you would like to discuss any substantial matters, please let me know and we may be able to give it particular attention and reserve a dedicated spot.
On Monday and Tuesday this week, we will have the Business Meetings of the Research Groups.
First will be RG 7.01.00 (Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems) on Monday, 6 October, 12:00-12:40, Room 150E.
Then on Tuesday, 7 October, we will have the Entomology (7.03) meeting from 12:50-13:30 in Room 150G.
And later on Tuesday, 7 October, will be the Pathology (7.02) meeting from 19:00-19:40, also in Room 150G.
For those who can't be here, if you would like to pass on any messages or comments, please send us an email.
I look forward to seeing you, well, those of you who are here at the congress.
Cheers, Ecki
Eckehard Brockerhoff, PhD
Principal Scientist and IUFRO Coordinator Division 7 (Forest Health)
Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute)
PO Box 29237
Christchurch 8540, New Zealand
Physical address:
Scion, Forestry Road, University of Canterbury,
Ilam, Christchurch, New Zealand
E-mail: eckehard.brockerhoff(a)<>
Tel.: (+64)-(0)3-364 2949
Mobile: (+64)-(0)21-784 750
Fax: (+64)-(0)3-364 2812<>
IUFRO World Congress 2014 - Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 5-11 October 2014
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