ForPath Users:
Copied below and attached is a position announcement.
Please pass onto anyone that you believe would be interested.
I apologize for any duplicates due to cross posting on the ForEnt Listserve.
Have a good day.
Scott Enebak
Assistant/Associate Professor - Forest Health
Auburn University's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences invites nominations and applications for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor in the area of Forest Health and the interactions of introduced and native fungi and insect vectors in forest ecosystems located in the southern US. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position, with 80% research and 20% teaching responsibilities. Additional information about the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and its programs can be found at our website:
Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply
Responsibilities: The incumbent is expected to develop a significant research program through active pursuit of extramural funding, recruitment of graduate students, and publications in high-quality refereed journals. The incumbent also is expected to teach a core undergraduate course in the forestry curriculum and develop one graduate course in their area of expertise.
Qualifications: PhD in Entomology, Pathology, Forestry, Biology or a closely related field is required. We seek candidates with research/teaching interests focused on contemporary research and how forest management practices influence stand/ecosystem health. Those with a strong forest pathology and entomology background and having worked in an applied decision-making context on habitat restoration, risk mapping systems and habitat restoration are preferred. Experience in working with southern pine ecosystems is desirable. Evidence of collaboration at the international level on forest declines would be desirable for Associate level. The incumbent must present evidence of the potential for teaching excellence and a solid record of research productivity including ability to obtain extramural grants and publish findings in high-quality refereed journals. The selected candidate must be able to meet eligibility requirements for work in the United States at the time of appointment and continue working legally for the proposed term of employment. Excellent communication skills required.
Review of applications will begin April 1, 2012 and will continue until a successful candidate has been identified.
Application: To apply, submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, official transcripts, and names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to Mrs. Pam Beasley (beaslpa(a) School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, 3301 Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Building, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5418.
For additional information contact: Dr. Art Chappelka, Chair, Search Committee, phone 334-844-1069, fax 334-844-1084, or e-mail: chappah(a)
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
Scott Enebak
Professor & Director
Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative
Forest Health Dynamics Laboratory
602 Duncan Drive
Auburn University, AL 36849
334.844.1028 Office
334.844.1084 Fax
Dear colleague,
in a few days the deadline for submitting abstracts for the upcoming IUFRO PWD symposium will end. So I like to remind all of you who have interesting research results in the framework of pine wood nematode, pine wilt disease and the related vectors and are willing to participate at the meeting to sent their abstract using the conference tool on the symposium website
The topics which will be covered by the symposium are:
. Pine Wood Nemtode (PWN) Biology, Population dynamics, Epidemiology, Modeling
· PWN in international trade, pathways and impacts
· Systematic and diagnostics
· PWN interactions with bacteria and fungi
· Insect Vector
· Pine Wilt Disease management and contingency planning
Choose the "registration" button and you will be linked to the conference tool. Currently we have still enough possibilities for presentations, so I like to inform you that we postponed the deadline for one week to give you the opportunity to submit your papers calmly. So the final deadline will be 7th of July. All the other deadlines will stay as they are. For the first round of abstracts you may only submit a very brief summary of your intended presentation. This will be the basis for the review by the scientific committee. At the end of July you will be informed about the acceptance of your presentation and we will also provide guidance for the abstracts intended to be published as conference proceedings. Additional information are available on the homepage:….
In the meantime the conference homepage was updated and several additions were made. So there were made special arrangements with two hotels and we reserved 70 rooms: The keyword for the room reservation and special price is "IUFRO". I like to advise you to choose one of the two hotels because the bus transfer to the conference room will only depart from those hotels.
To give the local organizers more time for their work I like to ask you to resister timely, not only because the early bird fee payment is only valid until 31 July 2013. In the framework of paying the conference fee I like to request participants from non European Union countries to pay the registration fee by credit card to avoid additional bank charges which have to be paid by the participant. Thank you for your cooperation.
The organization committee would be grateful if you could share this email with people you think could be interested to participate and especially to those whom you sent the first call. Thank you!
I hope to see you in Braunschweig!
With best regards
for the local organizing board
Thomas Schroeder
P.S.: As I combined several email lists it might be the case that you got my email repeatedly. Sorry for any inconvenience which is caused by that!
Dr. Thomas Schroeder
Julius Kühn-Institut, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
Institute for National and International Plant Health
Messeweg 11-12
D-38104 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 531 299 3381
Fax: +49 531 299 3007
Email: thomas.schroeder(a)<>
URL: http://pflanzengesundheit.jki.bund.de
From: Sniezko, Richard -FS [rsniezko(a)]
Sent: 14 June 2013 16:38
To: Sniezko, Richard -FS
Cc: Schoettle, Anna -FS
Subject: June 2014 Colorado: IUFRO Genetics of Five-Needle Pines and Rusts Conf.
A joint meeting will be held June 15-20, 2014 in Ft. Collins, Colorado, U.S.A. bringing together scientists working with white pine species (5 needle pines) as well as those working with Rusts of Forest trees. See below for some information on the three groups convening.
This attachment is a First Announcement to those involved in white pine (5 needle pine ) genetics related work and conservation of these species. We are updating our email mailing list – please forward to your colleagues and have them contact us. More detailed information will be included in future announcement, but please get the dates and location on your calendars and begin planning to attend. Also, please see the ‘survey’ at the end of this email (or in the attached announcement) – a reply to Anna or myself would be VERY helpful as we continue planning for this conference.
Please pass the meeting information along to your colleagues interested in this subject (or in the Rusts of forest trees research).
Upcoming International Meeting – June 2014 in Colorado, USA
A joint international meeting of three groups: IUFRO 2.02.15 (Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines), IUFRO 7.02.05 (Rusts of Forest Trees) and Strobusphere is being scheduled for June* 2014 in Colorado (USA). This will be the first time these three groups have met together to share research in genetics-pathology of five-needle pines. The conference will feature advances in gene conservation, genomics, rust resistance, evolutionary dynamics and other related topics. There will be some joint sessions as well as concurrent sessions organized by each respective group for other topics of interest.
Visit the websites below for future updates on this meeting, or contact Richard Sniezko (rsniezko(a)<>), Anna Schoettle (aschoettle(a)<>), Richard Hamelin (rhamelin(a)<> ) or David Neale (dbneale(a)<>) . We are building a mailing list for this meeting, if interested please send your name and email address to Richard Sniezko (rsniezko(a)<>).
2.02.15 – Breeding and genetic resources of five-needle pines
Our Working Party on Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines is concerned with research cooperation and exchange of information on all aspects of genetic research on the five-needle pines. This includes provenance and progeny testing, gene conservation, landscape genomics, breeding, species hybridization, clonal propagation and testing, tissue or cell culture, molecular genetics, and the genetics of host-pathogen interactions, as well as ecology, evolutionary dynamics and management of these species. Increasingly though we are using this knowledge to address issues related to climate change, land use pressure and conservation
7.02.05 – Rusts of forest trees
Our Working Party aims to bring together scientists and investigators working on tree rusts. Our goal is to foster scientific discussion and exchanges relating to tree rust epidemiology, biology, host-pathogen interactions, resistance, control and management, and genomics. Our working group meets approximately once every 4 years in locations in Europe, North America or Asia. We usually meet in locations that allow us to discuss our scientific findings and have field trips in a friendly and relaxed environment which is conducive to exchanges and debates. We want to place a strong emphasis on participation of young investigators and students, as these meetings provide unique experiences to meet and exchange with the related community.
In North America, a collaborative effort among researchers has begun, starting with a multi-national White Pine Genomic Resource Workshop<> held on October 22-23, 2008 at the Dorena Genetic Resource Center in Cottage Grove, OR. The objective of this workshop was to discover and identify research objectives, strengths, scope and resources among the various working agencies. This collaborative effort is designed as a foundation to build wider scientific participation with a scope that spans molecular to landscape models, from host to pathogens and alternative hosts. The Strobusphere working group arose from this 2008 workshop. A notable work in progress: the sugar pine genome sequence is slated for completion in 2013 by PineRefSeq project ( The sugar pine genome will be mostly finished and released to the public before the meeting in June 2014.
NOTE: there will be some joint sessions as well as concurrent sessions organized by each respective group for other topics of interest Genetics of five-needle pines and rusts in mountain landscapes – Conservation, utilization and evolution in a changing climate International IUFRO Conference * June 15-21, 2014 * Fort Collins, CO, USA
Name _______________________________ Email address __________________________________
Are you likely to attend the meeting?
Yes __________
No __________
Maybe __________
Will you want to present?
Yes __________
No __________
Maybe __________
Would you consider a:
Oral presentation ___________
Poster presentation ___________
Either type of presentation ___________
Are you interesting in a post-meeting multiple day field trip to the Greater Yellowstone Area?
Yes __________
No __________
Maybe __________
Would you have additional family members joining you?
Yes __________
No __________
Maybe __________
Please send responses to Richard Sniezko (rsniezko(a)<>) and Anna Schoettle (aschoettle(a)<>) to be added to the mailing list.
Center Geneticist
USDA Forest Service - Dorena Genetic Resource Center
34963 Shoreview Road, Cottage Grove, Oregon, U.S.A. 97424
Phone: (541) 767-5716 Fax: (541) 767-5709
Cell: (541) 954-6793
email: rsniezko(a)<>
IUFRO 2.02.15 – Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines webpage:
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Dear Colleagues,
Apologies for posting this again. It looks as if the attachment in the previous posting did not get through and, therefore, I am posting the text directly below:
FP1002 PERMIT (Pathway Evaluation and pest Risk Management In Transport)
EU COST Training School 2013: Field and laboratory methods for detection of invasive pests and pathogens
Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
1-5 July, 2013
Local Organiser:
Professor Mirza Dautbašić,
Faculty of Forestry
University of Sarajevo
Zagrebaèka 20
Phone: +387 33 61 40 03
Fax: +387 33 61 13 49
Web site: <>
Professor Boris Hrašovec, Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Professor Milka Glavendekic, Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Professor Dušan Jurc, Department of Forest Protection, Slovenian Forestry Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Professor Hugh Evans, Forest Research, Aberystwyth, UK
Further trainers to be confirmed.
Training School objectives and outline programme
The Training School is aimed at Early Stage Researchers who have an interest in or are directly involved with detection and/or management of invasive forest pests and pathogens. One of the keys to managing the movement of pests globally is knowledge of pest biology and how the pests are associated with various pathways and, in relation to managing threats, early detection of those pests after they arrive in a new country. This Training School concentrates on how to identify symptoms and life stages of insect pests and tree pathogens in forests and woodland locations and, in support of field diagnosis, how to confirm the initial findings using laboratory diagnostic methods and tools.
The course will, therefore, involve two full days in forest locations near Sarajevo followed by up to two days laboratory diagnostic procedures and seminars on the threats to forests arising from international trade and movement of pests along pathways. Specialists in entomology and pathology will guide the training.
Early Stage Researchers (i.e. up to 8 years after obtaining a higher degree) from COST Countries and near-neighbour COST Countries are eligible for support. This will cover lowest cost economy air or train fares, local travel (not taxis), actual costs of hotel accommodation (estimated to be around €50 per night) and €20 per meal. Transport to forest locations will be provided by the local organiser.
Please apply to Professor Hugh Evans, Chair of FP1002 by email (hugh.evans(a) <> ) with a brief CV and short letter of application indicating experience and the reason for wishing to attend the Training School. Applications will be considered immediately and a response provided within 2 days to enable successful candidates to make travel arrangements. We anticipate that around 30 ESRs will attend the Training School, although this number may be adjusted if there is strong demand.
Professor Hugh F Evans
Pennaeth Ymchwil Coedwigaeth yng Nghymru / Head of Forest Research in Wales
Forest Research in Wales
Adeilad Edward Llwyd / Edward Llwyd Building
Campws Penglais / Penglais Campus
SY23 3DA
Uniongyrchol/Direct: +44(0)1970 621527
Rhif ffôn Symudol gwaith /Work mobile: +44 (0)7917000234
E-bost/E-mail: hugh.evans(a) <> <> <> <>
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Dear Colleagues,
The EU COST Action FP1002 PERMIT (Pathway Evaluation and pest Risk Management In Transport) is organising a Training School for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) (i.e. within 8 years of obtaining a research degree) in Field and laboratory methods for detection of invasive pests and pathogens. This is open to ESRs in COST countries or near-neighbour non-COST countries and financial support will be provided to eligible candidates. Please see the attached information and send your applications to Professor Hugh Evans, Chair of the PERMIT COST Action. The Training School can cater for around 30 participants and therefore anyone interested should apply as soon as possible and will receive a rapid response.
Apologies for the short notice, but we hope to have a successful course.
Hugh Evans
Chair of FP1002
Professor Hugh F Evans
Pennaeth Ymchwil Coedwigaeth yng Nghymru / Head of Forest Research in Wales
Forest Research in Wales
Adeilad Edward Llwyd / Edward Llwyd Building
Campws Penglais / Penglais Campus
SY23 3DA
Uniongyrchol/Direct: +44(0)1970 621527
Rhif ffôn Symudol gwaith /Work mobile: +44 (0)7917000234
E-bost/E-mail: hugh.evans(a) <> <> <> <>
+++++ The Forestry Commission's computer systems may be monitored and communications carried out on them recorded, to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. +++++
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Dear all,
I am forwarding a message from John Innes about an upcoming event of the IUFRO Task Force "Resources For the Future".
See below and attached. For further information please contact John Innes.
Apologies for cross-posting.
Cheers, Ecki
Eckehard Brockerhoff, PhD
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 7
Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute)
PO Box 29237
Christchurch 8540, New Zealand
E-mail: eckehard.brockerhoff(a)<>
From: Innes, John []
Sent: Wednesday, 29 May 2013 5:53 p.m.
To: Eckehard Brockerhoff
Subject: Resources for the Future - IUFRO conference in Vancouver Canada
Dear Dr. Eckehard Brockerhoff (IUFRO Division 7 Coordinator):
The IUFRO Task Force "Resources for the Future" will hold a conference this August (27-29) in Vancouver, Canada. In my capacity as Coordinator of this Task Force, I am asking if you could possibly distribute the message below to your network of Division contacts?
For your interest, I have also attached a 1-page overview about the conference and a document containing speaker biographies.
Thank-you very much for your assistance with this matter,
Dr. John Innes,
Dean, Faculty of Forestry
University of British Columbia
August 27-29, Vancouver, Canada, IUFRO Task Force Conference "Resources for the Future"
You are invited to participate in a Conference, developed by the IUFRO Resources for the Future Task Force. The Conference will take place in the Forest Sciences Centre at the University of British Columbia, August 27 to 29, 2013. The conference will feature world leaders in the forest resources field, and provide them with a venue to collaborate and share ideas with academia, government, industry and NGOs - all stakeholders in the future of the world's forests. The goal is to provide a platform where speakers can share their expertise in various areas and identify potential solutions.
Four topic areas will be covered:
* Globalization and its implications for forests
* Plantations
* Bio-products and advanced building systems
* Forest ecosystem services
Early bird registration cut-off is June 15th. For more information about the conference please check website:
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