herbarium sample
by Margaret.Dick@scionresearch.com
Dear Dr Gomez
I am the curator of the National Forestry Mycological Herbarium at Scion,
the New Zealand Forest Research Institute. Our herbarium acronym is
I would like to borrow a specimen from the mycological herbarium at the
University of Murcia. The information for the botanical herbarium is on the
web - but I could not find a reference to the myco;logical herbarium.
Would you be able to forward this message to the right person? The
specimen that I seek is JL 7045.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely
Margaret Dick
Curator NZFRI-M
Forest Biosecurity
NZ Forest Research Institute Ltd
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua
Ph: 07) 3435531 Fax: 07) 3480952