Von: Luque Sandra [mailto:sandra.luque@irstea.fr]
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Juni 2014 00:37
An: iufro8-l(a)lists.irstea.fr; iufrole.communication(a)gmail.com; iufro8-l(a)mtu.edu;
openness-all(a)environment.fi; ecopays(a)listes.univ-rennes1.fr; benjamin.burkhard(a)gmx.net;
Cc: urpe(a)to.ee
Betreff: [iufro8-l] Call for Symposium pre‐proposals for the IUFRO 8.01.02 Working Party
Forest Landscape Ecology
Dear all,
Before some of you leave for a summer break or others for some serious field work (sorry
for the ones in the SOUTH but you already had your summer…), I have the great pleasure to
announce our next conference from our IUFRO Forest Landscape Ecology WP. The topic of our
2015 conference is “Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Forest Landscapes”. Please find the
call for Symposiums proposals attached and visit the web site for more details
I would appreciate if you can spread the information among your networks. The Scientific
Committee will be looking forward for your ideas and inputs putting together great
symposium proposals and inviting your colleagues.
Looking forward to see many of you next year in Tartu, Estonia!
My very best regards to all
Sandra Luque
IUFRO Office holder
Dr Sandra S. Luque
Research Director at
IRSTEA - National Research Institute of Science and Technology
for Environment and Agriculture, France < /p>
Senior Visiting Researcher
University of St Andrews
Centre for GeoInformatics
School for Geography & Geosciences
North Street
Fife, KY16 9AL, Scotland, UK
Phone: +44-1334-464019