Dear colleagues of Division 8,
I hope you and your family are fine even in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Actually, in Japan, the situation is very uncertain, especially in Tokyo
and Osaka.
As for the captioned matter, it was decided that the ACID RAIN 2020
conference would be postponed to late 2021 or early 2022. Although the
actual new date is still under discussion, we have just updated HP to
inform potential participants of the current situation.
The name of the conference "ACID RAIN 2020" will not be changed to
utilize the materials prepared so far (such as logo, HP, registration
system, etc.).
I will inform you when the new date is decided.
Thank you for your understanding on this matter.
Best regards,
Hiroyuki SASE, Ph.D.
Department Head
Ecological Impact Research Department
Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP)
Japan Environmental Sanitation Center (JESC)
Telephone: +81-25-263-0559 (direct)
Facsimile: +81-25-263-0567
Network Center for the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)
Visiting Professor
Atmospheric Environment Sciences in East Asia (Cooperation course)
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Niigata University
APN Project on Sulphur Dynamics:
Von: Alfredo DI FILIPPO []
Gesendet: Samstag, 28. November 2020 09:24
Betreff: Invitation - Workshop "Conservation and restoration of forest and
grassland ecosystems" - Zoom Webinar, Dec 4th 2020
Dear Colleague,
it is a pleasure to invite you to attend the International Workshop
"Conservation and restoration of forest and grassland ecosystems - Strategic
tools for addressing the environmental crisis" to be held in Zoom, December
4th 2020 (8:45 - 13:00 CET).
Please register at: (Deadline: December 3rd, 5 pm CET)
The participation is free, but seats are limited.
You'll receive via email the link to participate the day before the event
(December 3rd)
Best regards,
Alfredo Di Filippo
Stefano Ubertini - Rector, Università della Tuscia
Nicola Lacetera - Director, Department of Agricultural and Forest Science
Alfredo Di Filippo - Work Package #1. Nature, Forests and Sustainable Use of
Heather Keith, Griffith University (Australia)
Carbon stocks in primary forests and accounting of ecosystem services
Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin & Andrea Piotti, Institute of Biosciences and
Bioresources - National Research Council (Italy)
Molecular signature of climate adaptation at different spatial scales in
Mediterranean conifers
Donato Chiatante, Università degli Studi dellInsubria (Italy)
High-quality seedlings to improve forest resilience to global changes: from
Pinus ponderosa forests in USA to the "Green Belt Project" in Mongolia
11:00 - 11:30
Valentin Klaus, ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
Conservation and restoration of biodiversity in European grasslands
Zoltan Kun, Frankfurt Zoological Society (Germany)
The current development of forest and biodiversity related policies, the
role of science and NGOs
Michael Jungmeier, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Hanns Kirchmeier, E-C-O Institute (Austria)
Management of conservation areas, with focus on UNESCO sites
The workshop is organized by the WP1 "Nature, Forests and Sustainable Use of
Ecosystems" of the Research Project "Sustainability of Agricultural and
Forests systems in the Mediterranean under Global Change (SAFE-Med)" that
recognized the Department of Agricultural and Forest Science (DAFNE) of the
Università della Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy) as one of the University
Departments of Excellence in Italy.
Alfredo Di Filippo
Professor in Plant Biology and Ecology
National Geographic Explorer
DendroLab, DAFNE, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy (WEB)
@AlfDiFi (Twitter/FB/Instagram)
Enabling Factors to Scale Up Forest Landscape Restoration
UFRO_FLR_Policy_Study-cover_39715b07a1.jpg> Beschreibung:
FRO_FLR_Policy_Study-cover_39715b07a1.jpgThe time is now to make forest
restoration (FLR) at scale a success. This study seeks to better understand
enabling governance and economic factors that can inform FLR implementation,
based on sound evidence gathered from diverse contexts.
Enabling Factors to Scale Up Forest Landscape Restoration: The Roles of
Governance and Economics. Full Report with Case Studies
Published by WWF-Germany, November 2020
Author: Stephanie Mansourian, environmental consultant and Deputy
Coordinator of the IUFRO Task Force on Transforming Forest Landscapes for
Future Climates and Human Well-Being
WWF and IUFRO have come together to push the forest restoration agenda
forward using our combined scientific, policy and field implementation
expertise. Both of our organizations have been exploring lessons learned in
FLR (IUFRO FLR Snapshot and WWF FLR Field Experiences) to understand what
works and what doesn't as a basis for informing future implementation.
The purpose of this report is to identify the enabling factors at the
national or subnational scale (including specifically governance and
economic factors) that have motivated the initiation of forest restoration,
that have enabled its implementation at scale, and that are key to
sustaining it.
It reviews case studies of 10 locations that have scaled up forest
restoration (Bhutan, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kenya,
Madagascar, Viet Nam, the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel, and
Brazil's Espírito Santo State) in order to identify possible enabling
factors related to governance and economics and thereby to guide future FLR
Download report from:
Dear all,
please note that the International Tree Mortality Network, an initiative
of the IUFRO task force on monitoring trends and patterns in global tree
mortality, is organizing a series of online seminars. These seminars
will take place as online web seminars in regular intervals (6 to 8
seminars per year).
Our kick-off meeting took place on Nov 17 and the recording is now
available on the IUFRO youtube channel: <>
*MATT HANSEN*, University of Maryland, author of the *GLOBAL FOREST WATCH*
*Global forest monitoring using satellite data*
_Abstract_: Earth observation data enable the monitoring of forest
extent and change from national to global scales. Consistent processing
of time-series images has made possible the operational production of
global tree cover extent, loss and gain products. However, attribution
of dynamics in the context 1) reference state, for example forest type,
2) change factor, for example fire or logging, and 3) outcome, for
example land use type or natural recovery, is more challenging. In
addition to mapping, the requirement to perform robust sample-based
analyses to report on all themes is underappreciated. This talk will
review our work on characterizing forest dynamics at the global scale
using multi-source satellite imagery, including mapping and sampling, in
the context of current operational versus future aspirational capabilities.
If you are interested in contributing to the seminar series and/or have
suggestions for additional speakers, please contact us at:
Visit us at:
Dr. (habil.) Henrik Hartmann
Group leader
Plant Allocation
MPI for Biogeochemistry
Hans Knöll Str. 10
07745 Jena, Germany <>
De : Conigliaro, Michela (NFO)
Version française en bas/French version below
Dear Colleague,
In the framework of the activities developed by the Silva Mediterranea Working Group on UPF, a dedicated Task Force (led by Mr Artur Gonçalves from the University of Braganza) has been created to work to the definition of indicators for the assessment of urban and peri-urban forest in the Mediterranean context.
I am now sharing with you the link to access a survey launched by the Task Force to collect inputs to define basic characteristics that should be met by the indicators to assess urban and peri-urban forests at municipal level in the Region:
Should you wish to contribute to this effort, we invite you to compile the survey by Wednesday 25 November, for the task force to elaborate the results in time for the XII Workshop of the WG (next Thursday 26 November). On that occasion, in fact, a dedicated working session will be held by the Task Force (see Session 3 in the agenda attached) to inform participants on their advances and involve other colleagues from the Region to brainstorm on how to overcome identified barriers/challenges to the implementation of this activity.
Thank you in advance for your contribution.
Best regards,
Michela Conigliaro
Cher Collègue,
Dans le cadre des activités développées par le groupe de travail sur la Foresterie Urbaine et peèriurbaine de Silva Mediterranea, une Task Force dédié (dirigé par M. Artur Gonçalves de l'Université de Bragance) a été créé pour travailler à la définition d'indicateurs pour l'évaluation des forêt urbaine dans le contexte méditerranéen.
Je partage avec vous le lien pour accéder à une enquête lancée par le Task Force pour collecter des contributions pour la définition des caractéristiques de base des indicateurs a utilizer pour évaluer à l'échelle municipale les forêts urbaines et périurbaines dans la Région Mediterranèe : <>
Si vous souhaitez contribuer à cet effort, nous vous invitons à compiler l'enquête d'ici le mercredi 25 novembre, afin que le Task Force élabore les résultats à temps pour le XII Atelier du GT (qui se tiendra jeudi prochain, 26 novembre). À cette occasion, en fait, une session de travail dédiée sera organisée par le Task Force (voir Session 3 dans l'ordre du jour ci-joint) pour informer les participants de leurs progrès et impliquer d'autres collègues de la Région pour réfléchir à la manière de surmonter les obstacles/défis identifiés vers la mise en œuvre de cette activité.
Nous vous remercions d'avance pour votre contribution.
Meilleures salutations,
Michela Conigliaro
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ngobieng []
Gesendet: Montag, 16. November 2020 03:40
Extended deadline for special issue on forest restoration in the journal
Forest Ecology and Management: 31st of December 2020
Open Call: Active restoration of timber production and other ecosystem
services in secondary and degraded forest.
Extended deadline: 31st of December 2020
Dear Colleagues
I am writing to inform that I am editing a special issue (SI) of Forest
Ecology and Management, entitled "Active restoration of timber production
and other ecosystem services in secondary and degraded forest". From your
research focus, I feel that you may contribute to this special issue.
Forest Ecology and Management is a peer reviewed journal that publishes
scientific articles linking forest ecology with forest management. 2019
IF: 3.170. 5-year IF: 3.581. Website:
The Open call of the SI is located at:
The submission portal is now open (from the 1st of September), and until the
31st of December 2020.
All submissions will go through the normal FEM review process. The handling
editor of this SI is Cindy Prescott ( <>
Cindy.Prescott(a); the guest editors are Plinio Sist, Bryan Finegan and
We aim to have the special issue ready by December 2021.
We look forward to reading your Manuscript. Please inform your colleagues of
this opportunity.
Marie Ange NGO BIENG
UR Forêts et Sociétés. CIRAD
Campus International de Baillarguet, TA C-105/D
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
Programa Bosques, Biodiversidad y Cambio Climatico. CATIE Edificio
principal. Turrialba. Cartago.
30501. Costa Rica
<> marie-ange.ngo_bieng(a)
<mailto: <>
marie-ange.ngo_bieng(a)> <>
MarieAnge.Ngo(a) <mailto: <>
Skype: Ngo Bieng Marie Ange
Dear colleagues,
Just a reminder for tomorrow, the 2nd webinar of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology WP Webinar Series will take place next Tuesday, November 17, 2020, from 15h00 to 16h00 (CET), on the topic "Urban Green Infrastructure: How can urban green infrastructure contribute to pandemic and climate resilience?".
Visit the website for more details:
We will have the participation of the following outstanding speakers:
Jianguo (Jingle) Wu (Arizona State University, USA) Daniele La Rosa (University of Catania, Italy) Simona R. Grădinaru (University of Bucharest, Romania) Francesca Ugolini (Italian National Research Council, Italy)
Connect to the meeting through this link:…
Zoom meeting ID: 848 4303 0714
Password: 552587
With best regards,
João Azevedo, PhD
Prof. Coordenador
Escola Superior Agrária/Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO) Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Campus de Santa Apolónia
5300-253 BRAGANÇA
Phone: (+351) 273 303 341
e-mail: jazevedo(a)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Henrik Hartmann < <> hhart(a)>
To: <> div8(a)
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 20:38:37 +0100
Subject: Nov 17 @ 5 pm CET - online seminar with MATT HANSEN: Global forest monitoring using satellite data
Dear all,
please note that the International Tree Mortality Network, an initiative of the IUFRO task force on monitoring trends and patterns in global tree mortality, is offering a series of online seminars. These seminars will take place as online web seminars in regular intervals (6 to 8 seminars per year).
Our kick-off meeting will take place on Nov 17 (5 pm, CET) and we are happy to announce our first speaker:
MATT HANSON, University of Maryland, author of the GLOBAL FOREST WATCH
Global forest monitoring using satellite data
Abstract: Earth observation data enable the monitoring of forest extent and change from national to global scales. Consistent processing of time-series images has made possible the operational production of global tree cover extent, loss and gain products. However, attribution of dynamics in the context 1) reference state, for example forest type, 2) change factor, for example fire or logging, and 3) outcome, for example land use type or natural recovery, is more challenging. In addition to mapping, the requirement to perform robust sample-based analyses to report on all themes is underappreciated. This talk will review our work on characterizing forest dynamics at the global scale using multi-source satellite imagery, including mapping and sampling, in the context of current operational versus future aspirational capabilities.
Please join us for this highly interesting seminar and register at:
If you are interested in contributing to the seminar series and/or have suggestions for additional speakers, please contact us at: <> treemortnet(a)
Visit us at:
Dr. (habil.) Henrik Hartmann
Group leader
Plant Allocation
MPI for Biogeochemistry
Hans Knöll Str. 10
07745 Jena, Germany
Contact: <> hhart(a)
Phone: +49.3641.576294
Mobile: +49.171.8188273
Dear colleagues,
The 2nd webinar of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology WP Webinar Series will be on November 17, 2020, from 15h00 to 16h00 (CET) on the topic "Urban Green Infrastructure:
How can urban green infrastructure contribute to pandemic and climate resilience?"
Please find the concept note of the webinar in attachment. Visit the webpage of the WP for updates at:
Connect to the meeting through this link:…
Zoom meeting ID: 848 4303 0714
Password: 552587
With best regards,
João Azevedo, PhD
Prof. Coordenador
Escola Superior Agrária/Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO) Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Campus de Santa Apolónia
5300-253 BRAGANÇA
Phone: (+351) 273 303 341
e-mail: jazevedo(a)
João Azevedo, PhD
Prof. Coordenador
Escola Superior Agrária/Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO) Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Campus de Santa Apolónia
5300-253 BRAGANÇA
Phone: (+351) 273 303 341
e-mail: jazevedo(a)