Dear colleagues,
We organized a session for the XXV World Congress of the International Union of Forest
Research Organizations (IUFRO2019) to be held 29 Sept – 5 Oct 2019 at Curitiba, Brazil.
Please consider submitting an oral or poster presentation for the session E8a Forest
management practices and the responses of soil carbon, water, nutrients and their
interactions. Abstracts for presentations can be submitted until 31 Dec 2018 at
You will need to be registered for IUFRO2019 to submit an abstract, but you do not need to
pay until later. You will also need to indicate the session of preference.
See for details on abstract submission.
Information on all IUFRO 2019 sessions can be found at… . IUFRO
will have financial assistance available for certain participants (see For more information
Session description
E8a Forest management practices and the responses of soil carbon, water, nutrients and
their interactions
Forests are main terrestrial ecosystems, and play an important role in protecting
biodiversity and regulating global carbon cycling and various other ecological processes
such as hydrology and nutrient dynamics. Forest management practices such as harvesting,
thinning, mixedwood management, riparian vegetation management, road construction can
greatly influence those processes and consequently their associated ecological functions
and services. Understanding the responses of these critical ecological processes
(biodiversity, carbon, water and nutrients) and their interactions to various forest
management practices is essential for designing sustaibale forest management strategies.
In the past several decades, research progress has been grealy made in the proposed
subject, particularly in the interactions of biodiversity, soil carbon, water and
nutrients. For examples, how forest management practices may affect forest carbon and
water coupling? How biodiversity regulates ecosystem functions and what are the
underlining mechanisms? The proposed session is very timely, and will cover a wide range
of topics in relations to forest management practices and their effects on critical
ecological processes and interactions. It is highly relevant to policy makers in making
decisions about sustainable forest management with consideration of protecting soil,
water, biodiversity and their interactions. This session involves Division 8, the Task
Force of Forests, Soil and Water Interactions and several non-IUFRO individuals or
E8a Práticas de Manejo Florestal e as Respostas do Carbono do Solo, Água, Nutrientes e
Suas Interações
As florestas são ecossistemas terrestres essenciais e desempenham um papel importante na
proteção da biodiversidade e na regulação do ciclo de carbono global e vários outros
processos ecológicos, como hidrologia e dinâmica de nutrientes. Práticas de manejo
florestal tais como colheita, desbaste, manejo de povoamentos mistos, manejo de vegetação
ciliar, construção de estradas podem influenciar muito esses processos e consequentemente
suas funções e serviços ecológicos associados. Compreender as respostas desses processos
ecológicos críticos (biodiversidade, carbono, água e nutrientes) e suas interações com as
várias práticas de manejo florestal é essencial para a elaboração de estratégias
sustentáveis de manejo florestal. Por exemplo, como as práticas de manejo florestal podem
afetar a ligação entre carbono e água na floresta? Como a biodiversidade regula as funções
dos ecossistemas e quais são os mecanismos que sobressaem? Esta sessão abrangerá uma ampla
gama de tópicos relacionados às práticas de manejo florestal e seus efeitos em processos e
interações ecológicas críticas.
Best regards
Shirong Liu
Deputy coordinator of Division 8