Dear D8 Members,
Dr. Bjorn Hanell, Coordinator for Division 1, has asked me to publicize
a meeting on "Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing
Climates" scheduled for Umea, Sweden, 25-28 August 2008. Since Division
8 covers some important aspects of this theme, particularly within
Research Groups 8.01 and 8.02, I would encourage you to try to
participate in this meeting. If enough interest arises within D8, we may
want to propose a session for this meeting. It might also provide a good
opportunity for many of us within D8 to meet and discuss issues
pertaining to D8 and its activities.
More information on the meeting can be found here:
a) First announcement:
b) IUFRO Calendar of Events:
Best wishes to all of you,
Alex Mosseler - Coordinator for Division 8
Canadian Forest Service