Von: Luque Sandra [mailto:sandra.luque@irstea.fr]
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Juni 2014 14:53
An: iufro8-l(a)lists.irstea.fr; fuerst; ecopays(a)listes.univ-rennes1.fr; Gosselin Frédéric;
Cordonnier Thomas; Archaux Frédéric; joachim.maes(a)jrc.ec.europa.eu;
Marta.perezsoba(a)wur.nl; markku.simula(a)ardot.fi; kienastf(a)ethz.ch;
Betreff: [iufro8-l] TR: Global Change Research Symposium 2014 (Sept. 16-18, 2014)
Dear Colleagues,
The Global Change Research Symposium 2014 (Sept. 16-18, 2014) promises unrivalled learning
and networking opportunities for those involved in global change issues. The keynote and
invited speakers are experts from multiple sectors and disciplines related to ecosystem
services and global monitoring across regions and scales (see:
This event is organized in partnership with Michigan State University (USA), Nanjing
University of Information Science and Technology (China) and the International Union of
Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).
Official approval has been granted by the journal Environmental Research (Elsevier) to
publish a Special Issue on the topic: The Provision of Ecosystem Services in Response to
Global Change. Therefore, a call for papers will be launched during the Symposium.
Two unique field trips have been planned during the meeting in order to discover the
flavors of our Mediterranean region, e.g. historical sites, excellent cuisine, sea-side
panoramas and walks, etc.
To read more about this event, visit
http://www.global2014.it/. Registration is still
Best regards,
Raffaele Lafortezza and Jiquan Chen
Global Change Research 2014
Symposium Organizers
Many thanks in advance for spreading the information among your networks
P.S: Sorry for cross posting.