Von: Luque Sandra [mailto:sandra.luque@irstea.fr]
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Juni 2014 00:37
An: iufro8-l(a)lists.irstea.fr; iufrole.communication(a)gmail.com; iufro8-l(a)mtu.edu; openness-all(a)environment.fi; ecopays(a)listes.univ-rennes1.fr; benjamin.burkhard(a)gmx.net; kienastf(a)ethz.ch
Cc: urpe(a)to.ee
Betreff: [iufro8-l] Call for Symposium pre‐proposals for the IUFRO 8.01.02 Working Party Forest Landscape Ecology
Dear all,
Before some of you leave for a summer break or others for some serious field work (sorry for the ones in the SOUTH but you already had your summer…), I have the great pleasure to announce our next conference from our IUFRO Forest Landscape Ecology WP. The topic of our 2015 conference is “Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Forest Landscapes”. Please find the call for Symposiums proposals attached and visit the web site for more details http://iufrole2015.to.ee/
I would appreciate if you can spread the information among your networks. The Scientific Committee will be looking forward for your ideas and inputs putting together great symposium proposals and inviting your colleagues.
Looking forward to see many of you next year in Tartu, Estonia!
My very best regards to all
Sandra Luque
IUFRO Office holder
Dr Sandra S. Luque
Research Director at
IRSTEA - National Research Institute of Science and Technology
for Environment and Agriculture, France < /p>
Senior Visiting Researcher
University of St Andrews
Centre for GeoInformatics
School for Geography & Geosciences
North Street
Fife, KY16 9AL, Scotland, UK
Phone: +44-1334-464019
Von: Luque Sandra [mailto:sandra.luque@irstea.fr]
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Juni 2014 14:53
An: iufro8-l(a)lists.irstea.fr; fuerst; ecopays(a)listes.univ-rennes1.fr; Gosselin Frédéric; Cordonnier Thomas; Archaux Frédéric; joachim.maes(a)jrc.ec.europa.eu; Marta.perezsoba(a)wur.nl; markku.simula(a)ardot.fi; kienastf(a)ethz.ch; benjamin.burkhard(a)gmx.net
Betreff: [iufro8-l] TR: Global Change Research Symposium 2014 (Sept. 16-18, 2014)
Dear Colleagues,
The Global Change Research Symposium 2014 (Sept. 16-18, 2014) promises unrivalled learning and networking opportunities for those involved in global change issues. The keynote and invited speakers are experts from multiple sectors and disciplines related to ecosystem services and global monitoring across regions and scales (see: http://www.global2014.it/keynote-speakers/)
This event is organized in partnership with Michigan State University (USA), Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (China) and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO).
Official approval has been granted by the journal Environmental Research (Elsevier) to publish a Special Issue on the topic: The Provision of Ecosystem Services in Response to Global Change. Therefore, a call for papers will be launched during the Symposium.
Two unique field trips have been planned during the meeting in order to discover the flavors of our Mediterranean region, e.g. historical sites, excellent cuisine, sea-side panoramas and walks, etc.
To read more about this event, visit http://www.global2014.it/. Registration is still open!
Best regards,
Raffaele Lafortezza and Jiquan Chen
Global Change Research 2014
Symposium Organizers
Many thanks in advance for spreading the information among your networks
P.S: Sorry for cross posting.
--------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: "Jean-françois Trebuchon" <jean-francois.trebuchon(a)cirad.fr>
To: bft_news(a)cirad.fr
Cc: jean-francois trebuchon <trebuchon(a)cirad.fr>, philippe menozzi <philippe.menozzi(a)cirad.fr>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 12:47:28 +0200
Subject: BFT-CIRAD-DIVECOSYS-Formation à l'écriture d'article scientifique au Bénin
<http://www.cirad.fr/> LogoCirad_Recherche_web
<http://ur-hortsys.cirad.fr/actualites/formation-a-l-ecriture-d-articles-sci…> DIVECOSYS
Dispositif en partenariat
<http://bft.cirad.fr/> logobftvct
Journal des sciences forestières
Revue en Open Access à facteur d’impact
Formation à l'écriture d'article scientifique
Le Cirad, en collaboration avec les équipes du dispositif en partenariat DIVECOSYS et de la revue Bois et forêts des tropiques, organisent une formation à l'écriture d'article scientifique à :
Cotonou, Bénin - Lundi 13 au vendredi 17 octobre 2014
Vous trouverez en fichier joint toutes les informations pour une inscription.
Pour avoir de plus amples informations, vous pouvez prendre contact avec :
Jean-François Trébuchon
Coordinateur éditorial
<mailto:jean-francois.trebuchon@cirad.fr> jean-francois.trebuchon(a)cirad.fr
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques
TAC 105/D
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5
Fax : +33 4 67 59 37 55
Tél. : +33 4 67 59 37 81
Philippe Menozzi
<mailto:menozzi@cirad.fr> menozzi(a)cirad.fr
UPR 115 AIDA (Agroécologie et Intensification Durable des cultures Annuelles)
Correspondant du Cirad au Bénin
CIRAD-IRD, 08 BP 841, Cotonou, BENIN
Centre du Riz pour l'Afrique (AfricaRice)
01 BP 2031, Cotonou, BENIN
tel. mob.: (00 229) 96 72 53 57
Von: Luque Sandra [mailto:sandra.luque@irstea.fr]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Juni 2014 15:03
An: iufro8-l(a)lists.irstea.fr
Betreff: [iufro8-l] TR: RR 21-2014 - registration now open
Dear Colleagues,
Please find information from our partners from the European Land Institute, if you have any further questions or interests , please contact Christine: <mailto:cfuerst@uni-bonn.de> cfuerst(a)uni-bonn.de
Best regards,
Sandra Luque
IUFRO Office holder
De : cfuerst [mailto:cfuerst@uni-bonn.de]
Envoyé : mardi 3 juin 2014 14:45
Dear all,
thanks to the great efforts of Jan Bondaruk and his team and Rene, we have now finished the registration routine - please note this year´s dead-line is July, 31 for early-bird registrations. For information on the nice excursion and learning a bit more about this years´ conference location, please feel also invited to have a look into the attached extended program.
The registration routine is available under: http://regioresources21.eli-web.com/ => registration (left side menu).
Please note also the following launches for articles:
· Landscape and Urban Planning (attached)
· Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems (will be launched soon)
· International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management (paper series 2014 - will be launched at the conference)
For questions, please feel warmly invited to contact me under cfuerst(a)uni-bonn.de or +49 228 734922.
Warm wishes
PD Dr. Christine Fürst
Senior Researcher
Center for Development Research (ZEF)
Dept. Ecology and Natural Resources Management
University of Bonn
Walter-Flex-Str. 3
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 734922
Fax: +49 228 731889
elm: cfuerst(a)uni-bonn.de
skype: peusquens1
Dear Colleague,
We are very pleased to announce a call for abstracts for a contribution in a special issue on « Reconciling environment and production in managed ecosystems: is ecological intensification a solution? » to be published in the international scientific journal Environmental Management (http://www.springer.com/environment/environmental+management/journal/267)
The provisional planning is the following:
* Deadline for submission of abstracts (250-300 words): 07th March.
· Deadline for review of abstracts: 04th April.
· Deadline for submission of articles: 04th July.
An outline of the article can be added to the abstract.
Details on the scope of the special issue can be obtained from and your abstract must be sent to:
We are looking forward to reading from you
Best regards
Thomas Cordonnier & Jean-Luc Peyron
Thomas Cordonnier
Irstea Grenoble
2 rue de la Papeterie BP76
F-38402 Saint-Martin-d'Hères Cedex
Tel: 33(0)4 76 76 27 81
Fax: 33(0)4 76 51 38 03
Dear Colleagues,
A reminder that the 7th International Conference on Wind and Trees is to be held Águas de São Pedro, Brazil; 3-8 August 2014.
Here is a link to the conference website: http://fealq.org.br/iufro-2014-wind-and-trees-international-conference/
We have received a number of excellent abstracts, but there is still room for more and we have extended the deadline to February 28, 2014.
If you would like to present an oral or poster presentation in the conference, please submit your abstract to Dr. Jose Garcia (jngarcia(a)usp.br<mailto:jngarcia@usp.br>). It is preferred that you send the abstract as a document attached to your email. Instructions for formatting the abstracts can be found here: http://fealq.org.br/iufro-2014-wind-and-trees-international-conference/
Steve Mitchell
8.03.06 Coordinator
Steve Mitchell, PhD, RPF
Associate Professor
Director - Master of Sustainable Forest Management Program
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
University of British Columbia
3041-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604 822 4591
Fax: 604 822 9102
The IUFRO All-Division 5 Conference is held every 5 years. It is an apolitical, international forum open to all nations, for conduct of the Division’s business, and for exchange of scientific, professional and technical information on forest products related subjects consistent with the Division's structure.
Division 5 is currently soliciting bids for the 2017 All-Division 5 conference. If you and your institution are willing to host this conference, please visit the Guidelines and Bidding Rules at http://www.iufro.org/download/file/9492/2068/all-d5-2017-guidelines-bidding… for further details.
Please note that the deadline for the submission of bids is 28 February 2014!
We are hoping for and looking forward to receiving many outstanding bids!
Best regards
Andrew H.H. Wong, D. Phil
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
IUFRO Headquarters
Dear Colleagues,
The 7th International Conference on Wind and Trees is to be held Águas de São Pedro, Brazil; 3-8 August 2014 .
Here is a link to the conference website: http://fealq.org.br/iufro-2014-wind-and-trees-international-conference/
If you would like to present an oral or poster presentation in the conference, please submit your abstract to Dr. Jose Garcia (jngarcia(a)usp.br<mailto:jngarcia@usp.br>) by January 31, 2014. It is preferred that you send the abstract as a document attached to your email. Instructions for formatting the abstracts can be found here: http://fealq.org.br/iufro-2014-wind-and-trees-international-conference/
Steve Mitchell
8.03.06 Coordinator
Steve Mitchell, PhD, RPF
Associate Professor
Director - Master of Sustainable Forest Management Program
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences
Faculty of Forestry
University of British Columbia
3041-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604 822 4591
Fax: 604 822 9102
Please find below a message concerning the International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests. There is also a concept note for this event at <http://www.fao.org/forestry/39186-035b90975b9178b56e16bfeec57dc8f5d.pdf> http://www.fao.org/forestry/39186-035b90975b9178b56e16bfeec57dc8f5d.pdf
Best regards
Brigitte Burger
IUFRO Headquarters Vienna
Von: FO-PES-Forum [mailto:FO-PES-Forum@fao.org]
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. Januar 2014 16:18
An: undisclosed-recipients:
Betreff: International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests, 7-10 April 2014, San José, Costa Rica
Message sent on behalf of Eva Muller, Director, Forest Economics, Policy and Products Division, FAO
Dear colleagues,
I am writing to inform you that FAO, ITTO and the Government of Costa Rica, will jointly convene an International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests in San José, Costa Rica, from 7-10 April 2014.
Ensuring sustainable supplies of goods and services from forests to enhance their vital contributions to socio-economic development lies at the core of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). Yet, SFM in the tropics is often less profitable than other land-uses because many of the goods and services forests produce lack formal markets. Payments for forest environmental services (PES), such as biodiversity, tourism and recreation, water conservation, soil protection and climate change mitigation, is regarded as one such innovative means of financing SFM.
The International Forum aims to highlight the importance of developing and implementing PES mechanisms in tropical countries and to share best practices and lessons learned from the many activities and projects that have been undertaken in recent years to scale up global efforts to promote PES. The Forum is expected to recommend actions at local, national and international levels for the development and effective implementation of PES mechanisms in support of SFM in the tropics. It will bring together policymakers, researchers and academicians, practitioners, civil society, the private sector, and regional and international organizations engaged in the development, implementation and support of PES mechanisms.
On behalf of the organizers, I would like to invite you or your representative to attend the International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests. More details including a concept note, and registration form are available on FAO (http://www.fao.org/forestry/84884/en/) and ITTO (www.itto.int) websites. A preliminary programme will be made available shortly. Sponsorship is available for a limited number of participants from developing countries to attend the Forum. Those in need of sponsorship are required to fill in the respective section of the on-line registration form. Participants to be sponsored will be selected by the organizers based on the information provided as well as ensuring a geographical and gender balance.
Yours sincerely,
Eva Muller
Forest Economics, Policy and Products Division, FAO
Dear stakeholder in ?forest ecosystems?
5 minutes - 7 questions
Provide your view on forest ecosystem visions and ecosystem services.
We would be very grateful if you or someone from your organization could
spend 5 minutes answering 7 questions related to ?Ecosystem visions?
within forestry and ecosystem services from forests.
The questions can be accessed at this link: -
We are an EU-ESFRI preparation project ANAEE (www.anaee.com) working to
prepare a common experimental research infrastructure in terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems Europe to investigate impacts and responses of
ecosystems to environmental changes and pressures.
Such an infrastructure will include facilities of relevance to forest
In order to guide the way we plan such an infrastructure, it will be very
helpful to know how different stakeholders related to forest ecosystems:
view the threats to forest ecosystem services
the potential support which could be obtained from experimental research.
We believe that you or your organization can provide an important input to
our work and would be very grateful for your contribution.
Thank you in advance
On behalf of ANAEE
Claus Beier
Research Director
Center for Catchments and Urban Water Research
NIVA, Gaustadalléen 21, NO-0349 OSLO
Mob.: + 47 98215463
Fax.: + 47 22185200