Dear all,
We are delighted to announce a 3-day workshop on the application of ForestGALES/fgr held at Forest Research (Northern Research Station) just outside Edinburgh, from 9-11 April 2024.
Myself and Barry Gardiner are organising the workshop together with the IUFRO 8.03.06 ‘Working Unit Impact of Wind on Forests’.
The workshop deals with various aspects of wind risk modelling that can be addressed with ForestGALES/fgr. The program is an exciting mix of talks, working on examples, and a field trip to Queen Elizabeth Forest Park near Aberfoyle to look at complex forest stands and discuss the associated wind risk modelling challenges that come with multi-purpose forestry.
There is a possibility of bringing your data and discussing and solving related issues.
The sign-up fee is £100 for non-students and £50 for students. All lunches will be provided. An ice breaker event is planned for Monday the 8th of April for those who can be there.
The number of participants is limited to 30.
Please save the date!
Registration is open at: IUFRO ForestGALES/fgr Workshop 2024 - Registration Form (<…>
More information about the workshop can be found in the registration form.
For any questions about the workshop, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes,
Dr Tom Locatelli, BSc, PhD | Senior Climate Change Scientist | Project Leader – Wind Risk in a Changing Climate
Deputy Coordinator of the IUFRO 8.03.00 Working Unit: Impact of Wind on Forests<>
Northern Research Station, Roslin EH25 9SY
Telephone: +44 (0)300 067 5230
Mobile: +44 (0)7584607055
Forest Research on Twitter<> | Forest Research on LinkedIn<> | @FR_CCRG<>
*Online Symposium: Legacy of the Tropical Forest Foundation 19 Jan 2023*
The International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) and the
International Forestry Working Group of the Society of American Foresters
(IFWG-SAF) are offering the online symposium “Legacy of the Tropical Forest
Foundation” on Friday 19 January 2023 for 2.5 hours, at 7-930am Seattle,
10am-1230pm Washington DC, 10pm-1230am Jakarta.
The Tropical Forest Foundation was active from 1990 to 2015, with
independent branches in Brazil, Indonesia, and Guyana, South America,
continuing today. The TFF was a unique forum that engaged industry,
conservation and researchers in productive dialogue about tropical
forestry. The TFF had much impact by developing techniques and
demonstration projects for low impact logging for the tropics, and the
influence of the TFF continues today.
Symposium information is posted at…
. Find your time zone at Register for the
session at . Questions? Contact
More information on the Tropical Forest Foundation at…
*Symposium schedule:*
*a. **Introduction to ISTF and IFWG-SAF. *Sheila Ward, ISTF (2 min)
*b. Intro **to Symposium and speakers. *Mike Sterner, ISTF (5 min)
*c.* *History of the Tropical Forest Foundation**. *Keister Evans, Forest
Carbon Offsets, LCC. USA. (10 min)
*d**. Development and Implementation of Reduced Impact Logging by the
Tropical Forest Foundation.* Jim Bowyer, University of Minnesota, USA (10
*e.* *Collaboration for the Tropical Forest Foundation: Education,
research, and outreach.* A. L. (Tom) Hammett, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, USA (15 min)
*f**. **Some Lessons Learned from Johan Zweede, Art Klassen, and the Rest
of TFF. *Jack Putz, University of Florida, USA (15 min)
*h. TFF: Reduced Impact, Improved Income & Better Market Credibility. *Hasbie
HASBILLAH, Tropical Forest Foundation-Indonesia (15 min)
*i**. Open Discussion *(Moderators Sterner / Ward – 50 min)
Dear Brigitte-
I am hoping that this message can be distributed to all of IUFRO. The Terra
Viva Grants Directory can be an important source of funding information for
many in IUFRO.
Thank you,
Sheila Ward
Executive Officer
International Society of Tropical Foresters-Global
[image: TVG-ISTF.png]
Terra Viva Grants Directory (TVG) is now open for subscriptions for 2024!
The Terra Viva Grants Directory (TVG) is
now open for subscriptions for 2024! Now part of the International Society
of Tropical Foresters (ISTF; TVG is the
go-to grants database for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural
resources for the world's developing countries.
TVG saves you time by searching for grants for you. This is very helpful
for low-income countries where internet connections are slow and expensive,
and libraries are often not available.
The Funding News and Profiles of Grantmakers on the website are open access.
Funding alerts via email and the searchable database are available with
modest paid subscriptions. Subscribe at
Until 31 January 2023, annual subscription rates will be at the former
annual rates, with rates increasing on 1 February 2024. Before 1 February
2024, you can buy a 6-month subscription to try us out. We are continually
updating the grants database and payment options. If you have any
difficulty subscribing or any other comments, please contact
[image: TVG table.png]
La Sociedad Internacional de Forestales Tropicales (ISTF) y el Grupo de
Trabajo de Silvicultura Internacional de la Sociedad de Silvicultores
Americanos (IFWG-SAF) ofrecen la 3.era sesión sesión del simposio en línea
*"* *La le**ñ**a en el trópico: **De las cocinas a la deforestación” *en el
viernes 12 de enero de 2024 a las 16:00 horas Costa Rica y México CDMX,
17:00 horas Perú y 22:00 UTC+0. El tema se trata de la dependencia de una
gran parte de los residentes de los trópicos en la leña y el carbón para
cocinar. Se encuentra más información en…
. Busca más información con respecto a su hora en el sitio siguiente Registrarse para la
conferencia en…
¿Preguntas? Contactar por correo-e a tropicalforesters(a)
El programa de la la 3.era Sesión:
a. *Introducción al simposio*. Sheila Ward O Mike Sterner, ISTF (5
b. *Introducción a los presentadores*. Luis Armando Aznar Molina,
Supervision, (Aseguramiento de la Calidad, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente)
ACSMA- Medio Ambiente, México (5 minutos)
c. *Consumo de leña y carbón vegetal y su impacto en la deforestación
de bosques naturales en Comunidades Nativas de Aguaytía - Perú*. Jorge
Álvarez Melo, Profesor, Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, Perú (15
d. *Análisis financiero de una plantación familiar de Gliricidia
sepium*. Carlos Navarro, CATIE, Jubilado, Costa Rica (15 minutos)
e. *Manejo local de rebrotes para el abasto de leña y carbón en una
región indígena de México*. Patricia Gerez Fernández, CITRO - Universidad
Veracruzana, México. (15 minutos)
f. *Leña y carbón en la nueva ruralidad: Percepciones de cambio en
Sierra de Zongolica, México*. Antonio Sierra Huelsz, Investigador
posdoctoral CONACyT, Universidad de Guadalajara, México México (15 minutos)
g. *Discusión abierta* (Moderador: Luis, Mike y/o Sheila ~60 minutos)
Información sobre la primera (1.era) sesión en *ingles* se se encuentra en…
. Los videos de las presentaciones de la 1.era Sesión se encuentra en
. Información
sobre la segunda Sesión *en **ingles* se encuentra en…
videos de las presentaciones de la segunda Sesión se encuentra en .