Dear all please find for your information SilviLaser 2015 Conference announcement, all details are below via the GeosaptailWeek website ( )
SilviLaser 2015
La Grande Motte Conference Center, 20 km south of Montpellier, France
September 28-30, 2015
It is our pleasure to announce SilviLaser 2015, an international conference focusing on Lidar Applications for Assessing and Managing Forest Ecosystems.
For its 14th edition, SilviLaser is organized jointly with the ISPRS Laser Scanning Conference and the joint conference is part of the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015, a scientific event hosting a bundle of high quality ISPRS or non ISPRS conferences and workshops on the topics of geospatial data acquisition, data processing, data visualization and dissemination.
The ISPRS Geospatial Week will take place from 28 September to 3 October 2015 in La Grande Motte, France. Further information on conferences and workshops that are part of the ISPRS Geospatial Week events can be found on the Geospatial week website (
In this context, the purpose of SilviLaser 2015 is to present advancements in the field of Lidar applications for understanding forest ecosystem functioning and assessing, monitoring, and managing these complex ecosystems. Themes and topics will cover a wide range of laser technologies, from terrestrial to spaceborne lidar and their use across a diversity of forest environments for forested-related applications.
Delegates to SilviLaser typically represent research organizations, universities, agencies, and the private sector.
Please consider attending and submitting an extended abstract to present a paper or a poster. Online abstract submission is to be opened soon, as well as the online registration for all the events of the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015. Information about abstract submission and guidelines for authors are already available on the SilviLaser website at . Abstracts will be due before April 5, 2015.
An Exhibition and Sponsorship Brochure will be available very soon (at Meanwhile, information about exhibition and sponsorship opportunities can be obtained by sending an email at the following address: sponsorship(a)
If you are willing to support more specifically Silvilaser 2015, please let us know in your message and send also a copy at the contact addresses indicated in the contact section of the SilviLaser 2015 website ( )
Please hold the dates and make your plans to join us from 28 to 30 September 2015 in la Grande Motte, in France!
We are looking forward to your participation,
Best regards,
Sylvie Durrieu and Cédric Véga, conference Co-Chairs, on behalf of the SilviLaser 2015 Scientific and Technical Committee
Dear all
So it is time to plan for this year conferences! Remember to plan for the IUFRO biannual Landscape Ecology conference on "Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Forest Landscapes". The conference will be in beautiful Tartu, Estonia, 23-30 August - Visit the site for more details
IUFRO 8.01.02 Working Party Division 8: Forest Landscape Ecology conference
The organizers have put together a fantastic venue and set of plenary speakers; we now need you to make it a terrific conference!
Please note that early registration for the conference with a reduced fee is open till 30 April, see details
Next important deadline is abstracts submissions 15 March 2015 see details
Also check the Pre-conference workshop "GuidosToolbox workshop: image pattern, connectivity, and fragmentation"
The organizing committee is looking forward to see you in Tartu this year !!
For those of you planning to attend the IALE World Congress in Portland, Oregon USA 5-10 July, 2015, please plan/beg for budgets to attend both great conferences!
Looking forward to see many of you in Tartu, Estonia! I am certain this will be another conference from the WP to remember for a while!
We would appreciate if you can spread the information among your networks
Kindest regards to all, wishing you a fantastic 2015
Sandra Luque on behalf of the Organizing (Urmas Pederson, Chair) and Scientific (Ajith Perera, Chair) Committees
Dr Sandra S. Luque
Chair IUFRO 8.01.02 Working Party
Deputy coordinator IUFRO Division 8
Director of Research at
IRSTEA - National Research Institute of Science and Technology
for Environment and Agriculture, France
From: Bhaskar Vira []
Sent: Dienstag, 13. Januar 2015 12:00
Subject: Call for papers on Forests and Food Security - reminder deadline 31 January
----- Call for Papers for Special Issue of Environmental Conservation on 'Forests and Food Security' -----
The aim of this thematic issue is to provide a forum for research that explores the different ways in which forests and agroforestry systems can be managed as food provisioning systems, in addition to their existing contributions to the conservation landscape. Potential audiences for this contribution include scholars and policy makers working in forest and related sectors, as well as those working in the areas of food and nutrition security both locally and internationally. A reminder that the deadline for the submission of papers is 31 January 2015. Details are attached.
Bhaskar Vira
Department of Geography
Downing Place
Cambridge CB2 3EN
E-mail: bv101(a)
Ph: +44 (0)1223 339823
Fax: +44 (0)1223 333392
Coppice forests have been a focal topic in forestry, ecology and nature conservation over the past decades. This short-rotation management system has a long tradition in the temperate regions of Europe and Asia. As a result of its multi-purpose functions, such as biomass production and biodiversity conservation, the importance of coppicing is widely recognized. Today, coppice forests are confronted with new challenges in an economically, climatically and ecologically changing environment. At this interdisciplinary conference, we strive to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss the past, present and future of coppice forests in the world.
Please find attached the revised Second Call for this conference and note that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 15 January 2015!
We look forward to welcoming many of you at the conference!