Dear Colleagues,
The Turingian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environmentand Nature Conservation
(TMLFUN) and the Erfurt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Forestry have
released a DVD that considers a total of 19 timber methods that can be applied in steep
and moderately terrain, including the methodological documentation together with photos
and video clips.
The DVD also demonstrates the requirement of each method with respect to infrastructure,
tecnical equipment, preparation and coordination, and evacuate all methods regarding
ergonomic (work load and safety), ecological (soil and stand conservation) and economic
(productivity and cost) aspects.
Copies of the DVD can be required from:
Fachhochschule Erfurt - Fachrichtung Forstwirtschaft
Leipziger Straße 77
99085 Erfurt
Tel: 0361 6700-268
Fax: 0361 6700-259
E-Mail: <> erik.findeisen(a)
The content of the DVD can be also downloaded from:
forwarded on behalf of Raffaele Cavalli by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO Headquarters