Merry Christmas and happy new year!
I. Markoff
>-------- Оригинално писмо --------
>От: "Raffaele Cavalli"
>Относно: [IUFRO Div 3] FORMEC 2010
>Изпратено на: Понеделник, 2009, Декември 14 16:06:47 EET
>Dear Colleagues,
>I would like to remind you that January 9, 2010 will be the submission
>deadline of the abstracts for the FORMEC 2010 Symposium.
>At you will find the
>abstract guideline.
>I look forward to hearing from you and in the meantime I wish you all my
>best for the incoming Christmas holidays.
>Raffaele Cavalli
>Prof. Raffaele Cavalli
>Dip. Te.S.A.F.
>Viale dell'Università 16
>35020 Legnaro PD
>phone +39 049 827 2724
>fax +39 049 827 2774
>mobile +39 335 100 7190
>e-mail raffaele.cavalli(a)
>IUFRO Mailing List
>To post a message to all list members, send email to: div3(a)
>List info and Archive:
Вижте водещите новини от!
XXIII IUFRO World Congress
23 – 28 August 2010, Seoul, Republic of Korea
IUFRO Unit 4.02.01 - Resource Data in the Tropics
Scientific Session No. C-09
“Economic Valuation of Forest Environment Services”
Deadline for Abstracts Submission: 31 December 2009
Submit your abstract
Only 15 days left!
Dear Colleagues and Friends:
This is to inform you that IUFRO Unit 4.02.01 – “Resource Data in the Tropics” is organizing a scientific session No. C-09, during the XXIII IUFRO World Congress, to take place in Seoul, Republic of Korea, from 23 to 28 August 2010.
This scientific session is organized under the theme “Economic Valuation of Forest Environment Services”.
You are kindly invited to submit to submit your abstract (s) to be considered as potential Speaker / Poster Presenter, in this Session. To do it, you have only 15 days left to submit your abstract. Please hurry up to submit your abstract!
You will find, attached, a Call for Abstracts, with the main ojectives, the covered topics, and the format of the scientific Session C-09.
With my best wishes for the new year 2010
Mohammed Ellatifi
Senior Forestry Officer
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 4.02.01 “Forest Resources in the Tropics”
Organizer, Session No. C-09
PO Box 20100 Hay Salam
20210 Casablanca
Tel: +212 (0) 661 328 797 Fax: +212 (0) 522 982 428
E-mail: mellatifi(a)
Attached: Call for Abstracts
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to remind you that January 9, 2010 will be the submission
deadline of the abstracts for the FORMEC 2010 Symposium.
At you will find the
abstract guideline.
I look forward to hearing from you and in the meantime I wish you all my
best for the incoming Christmas holidays.
Raffaele Cavalli
Prof. Raffaele Cavalli
Dip. Te.S.A.F.
Viale dell'Università 16
35020 Legnaro PD
phone +39 049 827 2724
fax +39 049 827 2774
mobile +39 335 100 7190
e-mail raffaele.cavalli(a)
Dear All:
This is to remind you the deadline for abstract submission for the following IUFRO and SWC2010 events:
Only three weeks left to submit your Abstract!
December 31, 2009 at 24:00 GMT is the deadline!
for the following events:
1. SWC2010 International Conference on:
Casablanca, Morocco
May 25-27, 2010
December 31, 2009 at 24:00 GMT is the deadline
for Early-bird Registration and for Abstract Submission
All information related to the conference are available in the website and
More particularly, information related to special conference topics are given in the following table:
Conference Topics
Deadline / web address
Call for Abstracts
Conference Topics
Guidelines for Abstract submission
Guidelines for paper / poster submission
Deadline for Abstract submission
31 December 2009
Programme for Accompanying persons
Registration and Hotel booking
Deadline for early registration fees
31 December 2009
Deadline for hotel booking
at conference special rate
10 April 2010
Conference Registration Form
Hotel Booking Form
Send your abstract to:
Amina El Hassouni
Conference Secretariat
PO Box 20100 Casablanca
Tel: +212 661 328 797 Fax: +212 522 982 428
2. XXIII UFRO World Congress in Seoul, Republic of Korea,
23 – 28 August 2010
Submit your Oral/Poster Abstract through IUFRO website
2.1. Session # C-09
“Economic Valuation of Forest Environment Services”
2.2. Session # C-10
“Impact of Global Environmental Change on Forest Ecosystem Services”
2.3. Session # C-10
“Impact of Global Environmental Change on Forest Ecosystem Services”
2.4. Session # D-04
“Pollution and Climate Change Impacts in Asia”
2.5. Session # D-09
“Changes in Climate and Air Pollution – New Directions in Forest Monitoring, Research and Modeling”
2.6. Session # G-01
“Forest Health in a Changing Environment”
2.7. Session # G-03
“Effect of Multiple Ecosystem Stressors on Tree and Forest Ecosystem Health”
2.8. Session # I-01
“Healthy Urban Forests: Healthy People”
A full call for paper is available at
Mohammed Ellatifi
Dear IUFRO members,
I'm pleased to announce that IUFRO's Working Party 3.01.02 (Forest Road Management) will be co-hosting the 10th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads in Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, July 24-27, 2011. This conference is sponsored by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and held every 4 years.
Call for Papers and Presentations:
Papers are solicited on all aspects of low-volume roads and will be peer reviewed for acceptability. Some suggested areas of interest, with emphasis on low-volume road applications (including unpaved forest roads) are as follows: Planning, Finance and Economics, Design and Construction, Pavement Performance, Structures and Drainage, Sustainability Issues, Case Histories, Operations, Safety, Maintenance, Innovative Materials Solutions, Soil-Stabilization Technologies, Environmental Impacts and Energy-Affected Roads.
Topics that are pertinent and suitable for discussion at the conference are not limited to the above. All offerings relevant to low-volume roads are welcomed. Please consult the following conference website for more information on the conference and submission of papers.
Note that a website for submission of draft manuscripts will be open December 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010.
Should you have further questions, please forward them directly to glen.legere(a)<>.
Thank you!
Deputy Coordinator - 3.01.02: Forest Road Management
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: gdieterle(a) []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. November 2009 23:06
Cc: SDN_Forests_Team(a); ENVCF_FCPF_Team(a);
akutter(a); P
blissguest(a); Rmearns(a); nrai(a)
Betreff: CIF Calls for Nominations of Experts to Forest Investment Program
Wichtigkeit: Hoch
CIF Calls for Nominations of Experts to Forest Investment Program
11 November 2009: The Climate Investment Fund (CIF) has called for
nominations of
experts to serve on the Expert Group for the Forest Investment Program
(FIP), to
work on the selection of country or regional pilots for the FIP.
The deadline for nominations is 27 November 2009.
Call for nominations:
Criteria for Selecting Expert Group Members:
Dear Colleagues,
As you see from below, the CIF/Forest Investment Program is now establishing
operational structures.
A key step is the selection of experts who will advise the FIP sub-Committee
choosing pilot countries. As you see from the documents below about 6-8
with a diverse range of skills and knowledge are to be selected.
It is extremely important for achieving FIP goals that experts with proven
expertise and experience in forestry, climate change and development are
We count on you in helping out in this important matter.
You are kindly requested to spread the information and/or nominate qualified
experts (including yourself) for this assignment.
Many thanks for you cooperation
Forests Advisor
Agriculture & Rural Development
The World Bank
Tel: +1-202-458 7334; Fax: +1-202-614-1402;
E-Mail: GDieterle(a), Room MC5-795 <> <>
a) Forest Specialist (Co-chair). This expert should have a broad general
forestry background as well as specific knowledge of, and experience with,
biodiversity conservation, sustainable management of forests, forest ecology
and forest dynamics, agro-forestry, reforestation, non-timber forest
landscape restoration, desertification resulting from forest degradation and
forest ecosystem services, including biotic and abiotic risks to forest
b) Climate Specialist (Co-chair) . This expert should have knowledge of, and
experience in, climate change mitigation and adaptation related to forests,
sub-national, national and international levels. The expert should be
knowledgeable about national strategies for addressing climate change that
involve forests, the role of forests in addressing the challenges of climate
change, and REDD+ (including avoided deforestation and forest degradation,
forest conservation, sustainable forest management and enhancement of
carbon sinks).
c) Forest Finance Specialist and Development Economist.. This expert should
be knowledgeable about the role of forests in economic development and
planning, poverty alleviation and how to enhance the contribution of forests
to improving rural livelihoods, and valuation systems of alternative land
The expert should be well-versed in how to enhance local communities
income and benefits from forests through improved access to markets,
employment creation, and forest product processing.
d) Agricultural Specialist. This expert should be familiar with sustainable
agricultural production systems, and the state of research on food producing
systems. The expert should be knowledgeable about large agribusinesses and
their potential impact on other land uses, as well shifting cultivation and
impacts on natural resources. This expert should be able to clearly
cross-sectoral linkages and impacts between agriculture and forest sectors.
e) Forest Industry and SME Investment Specialist. This expert should be
knowledgeable about the private sector and sustainable management of
forests, forest industry value chain, forest products trade, internationally
recognized independent forest certification systems and standards and
corporate social responsibility standards, community-company partnerships,
and investment opportunities in diverse countries.
f) Governance, Policy and Institutional Specialist. This expert should be
familiar with forest and land institutions, land management and
administration, land tenure, environmental, forest and other land use
legislation and enforcement, transparency, political economy of forests and
g) Indigenous Peoples Specialist. This expert should be familiar with
indigenous peoples and forest-dependent communities issues and rights,
including land tenure issues.
Social Development and Gender Specialist. This expert should be
familiar with poverty alleviation, social, community and gender issues,
particularly as they relate to forest management
Dear IUFRO members,
Im pleased to announce that IUFRO's Working Party 3.01.02 (Forest Road
Management) will be co-hosting the 10th International Conference on
Low-Volume Roads in Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, June 24-27,
2011. This conference is sponsored by the Transportation Research Board
(TRB) and held every 4 years.
Call for Papers and Presentations:
Papers are solicited on all aspects of low-volume roads and will be peer
reviewed for acceptability. Some suggested areas of interest, with emphasis
on low-volume road applications (including unpaved forest roads) are as
follows: Planning, Finance and Economics, Design and Construction, Pavement
Performance, Structures and Drainage, Sustainability Issues, Case Histories,
Operations, Safety, Maintenance, Innovative Materials Solutions,
Soil-Stabilization Technologies, Environmental Impacts and Energy-Affected
Topics that are pertinent and suitable for discussion at the conference are
not limited to the above. All offerings relevant to low-volume roads are
welcomed. Please consult the following conference website for more
information on the conference and submission of papers.
Note that a website for submission of draft manuscripts will be open
December 1, 2009 March 31, 2010.
Should you have further questions, please forward them directly to
<> glen.legere(a)
Thank you!
Glen Légère
Deputy Coordinator 3.01.02: Forest Road Management
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
Message circulated on behalf of Glen Légère by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO
Dear Mailing List Members:
As at past IUFRO World Congresses, there will be the opportunity to honour
special scientific performances and achievements with selected IUFRO Awards
in the Seoul Congress in 2010.
If you know scientists doing outstanding forest research, nominate them for
one of the IUFRO Awards and give them the opportunity to travel to and
participate in the Congress as well as the chance to present their research
to the Congress participants.
Choose among the Scientific Achievement Award (SAA), Outstanding Doctoral
Research Award (ODRA) and the IUFRO Student Award (ISA) and make your
nomination soon. Bear in mind that you can only nominate candidates from
IUFRO Member Organizations, - no self-nominations are accepted - and that
the deadline for submission is 31 July 2009.
Find more information and nomination forms on our website and send your nominations to the Chair
of the IUFRO Honours & Awards Committee (Dr. Su See Lee, leess(a)
with copy to the IUFRO Executive Director (Dr. Peter Mayer,
Dr. Su See Lee
Chair of the IUFRO H&A Committee
IUFRO AWARDS at the IUFRO World Congress 2010
Scientific Achievement Award (SAA)
Up to 10 awards to recognize distinguished individual scientific
achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO. Criteria for
judgment will be dissemination of results, implementation of knowledge,
methods or techniques in practical forestry and skilled research management
(success in publications, meetings, funding, etc. in a larger group than the
individual) and involvement in IUFRO activities.
Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (ODRA)
One award per IUFRO Division to recognize outstanding individual scientific
achievements among young Doctoral researchers and to encourage further work
within the fields of research covered by the Union.
IUFRO Student Award (ISA)
One award per IUFRO Division to recognise outstanding individual
achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or
equivalent), and to encourage their further work within the fields of
research covered by the Union. Nominations can be made through IUFRO member
organizations or officeholders and through members of the International
Forestry Students Association (IFSA).
Furthermore, the Congress will also offer
Best Poster Award (BPA)
To encourage public dissemination of high quality research and to recognize
distinguished poster presentations by young scientists during the IUFRO
World Congress.
and IUFRO World Congress Host Scientific Award
Honors a truly outstanding scientist from the Congress host
country/countries who has elevated the profile of forest science and
research accomplishments.
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
c/o BFW Mariabrunn, Hauptstrasse 7 │ 1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-877 0151 0 │ Fax: +43-1-877 0151 50
Website: <> │ E-mail:
Dear IUFRO Colleague,
The 2009 IUFRO 3.08 Small-Scale Forestry Symposium, "Seeing the Forest Beyond the Trees: New possibilities and expectations for products and services from small-scale forestry" will be held June 7-11, 2009 in Morgantown, WV, USA. Attached is a list of the presentations slated for the symposium.
The topics include environmental services, bioenergy, landowner typology, fire, policy, timber and nontimber forest products, agroforestry, education and communications, and economics--all concerning small-scale landholders.
To find out more or to register for this symposium, visit our website at:
I hope you can join us in June!
Best regards,
Dave McGill, Chair
Organizing Committee
David W. McGill, Ph.D.
Forestry Extension Specialist
West Virginia University
Appalachian Hardwood Center
PO Box 6125
Morgantown, WV 26506-6125
Ph: 304-293-5930
FAX: 304-293-2441
Email: dmcgill(a)
We are pleased to announce that the first ever compiled global assessment
report on "Adaptation of Forests and People to Climate Change" will be
published officially at the next session of the United Nations Forum on
Forests (UNFF), during the following side event:
Making Forests Fit For Change - IUFRO-Led Activities at the Science-Policy
Wednesday, 22 April
13:15 to 14:45 hours
Conference Room 2 (CR-2)
UN Headquarters, New York City
The report is the first product of the IUFRO-led Global Forest Expert Panels
of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) and presents the
state-of-knowledge about the impacts of climate change on forests and people
and options for adaptation.
One of the key messages that emerged from this assessment is that the
carbon-regulating services of forests are at risk of being lost entirely
unless current carbon emissions are reduced substantially; this would result
in the release of huge quantities of carbon to the atmosphere, exacerbating
climate change.
The report as well as a policy brief (available in all UN languages) can be
downloaded at:
Information for the press is available at:
For further information, please, contact:
Alexander Buck, IUFRO
Mobile +43-664-1426852
Email: buck(at)
About IUFRO and the CPF
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is the only
world-wide organization devoted to forest research and related sciences. Its
members are research institutions, universities, and individual scientists
as well as decision-making authorities and other stakeholders with a focus
on forests and trees.
For further information, please visit:
The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) is a voluntary arrangement
among 14 international organizations and secretariats with substantial
programmes on forests. Its mission is to promote the management,
conservation and sustainable development of all types of forest and
strengthen long-term political commitment to this end.
For further information, please visit:
Sent by c.goestl on behalf of Alexander BUCK, IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna