Dear Colleagues
It is my great pleasure to make the First Announcement and Call for Papers for the next IUFRO 3.08 Small-scale Forestry conference. The theme of the conference is Small-scale and Community Forestry and the Changing Nature of Forest Landscapes to be held on the Sunshine Coast, Australia from 11 to 15 October, 2015. Further details about the conference can be found at
The first call for papers has opened on 5 February and will close on 6 March, 2015. Details about the call topics of interest and process for submitting abstracts can be found on the conference website.
Looking forward to seeing you in sunny Queensland!
Kind regards
John Herbohn
Dr John Herbohn
Professor of Tropical Forestry
Forest Industries Research Centre
+61 7 5456 5187 or mob 0438621534
University of the Sunshine Coast, Locked Bag 4, Maroochydore DC, Queensland, 4558 Australia.
CRICOS Provider No: 01595D
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Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached a Second Circular for
*Belgrade, Serbia June 3-6, 2015*
Some important dates:
Deadline for Abstracts submission
*15 March 2015*
Deadline for Papers submission
*15 April 2015*
Deadline for early registration
*15 March 2015*
Deadline for registration
*15 April 2015*
More information:
Best regards,
*Dr Vladan Ivetić*
Assistant Professor
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Forestry
Department for Seed science,
nursery production and afforestation
Kneza Višeslava 1
11030 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 3053 873
fax: +381 11 2545 485
mob: +381 64 2383 584
Dear Colleague!
I am contacting you concerning the Conference on Biomass Mobilization
that will be held in Rome on Tuesday 19 May 2015.
This Conference will be presenting in a single day and place the key
results of the three large projects sponsored by the EU on the subject
of energy wood supply chains for agriculture (EuroPruning Project)
forestry (INFRES Project) and dedicated plantations (Logistech
Project). These combined budget of these projects amounts to €15
million, and the projects gather many of the most prestigious European
Institutions dealing with biomass.
The conference is organised by the INFRES, LogistEC and EuroPrunning
projects, and supported by a range of Italian, European, American and
international networks and trade associations, including
· International Union of Forest Research Organizations
· IEA Bioenergy Agreement Task 43 - Biomass feedstocks
for energy markets,
· US Department of Agriculture / US Forest Service
· European Biomass Association
· European Biomass Industry Association
· Italian Biomass Association (Itabia)
· Federazione Nazionale Costruttori Macchine per
We are proud that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) have offered us free of charge a most convenient and
prestigious venue in the heart of the eternal city.
Thanks to funding of the European Commission and the liberal support
of the above partners we are able to make participation in this
conference free of charge – there is no registration fee. Speakers
are invited only.
You can find all the relevant information for this event by clicking
on the following link: [1]
That will lead you to the Conference Flyer, the Programme, the Info
Sheet on logistics and the Conference registration
Please notice that REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY: for security reasons,
no unregistered participants will be admitted to the venue. Also
please notice that the _deadline for registration is Sunday 19 April
2015_. In order to register, please click here:
For further information please visit the conference website or contact
the lead organisers:
· John Vos, BTG, vos(a)
· Raffaele Spinelli, CNR
IVALSA, spinelli(a)
Best regards,
Raffaele Spinelli
2nd Call for Abstracts (and sorry for cross mailings)
Abstract deadline March 1st 2015 – Notification April 1st 2015
SSAFR 2015 – 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources
August 19-21, 2015, Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract submission:…
The SSAFR symposia congregate researchers and practitioners in the area of Operations Research and Systems Analysis in Forest Resources. The symposia are held biannually since the 1980’s and have until now taken place in the Americas; for the first time now in Europe.
Objectives and themes
The aim is to have a representation of presentations and experts that covers this broad and expanding field. Topics of interest include: strategic, operational and tactical planning forest planning, fire and pests, spatial problems, hierarchical problems, forest operations, forest supply chain, multiple objectives, uncertainty, GIS and information technologies, algorithmic developments, exact, heuristic and metaheuristic methods as well as broad problem areas such as economics of sustainability, assessment of ecosystem services, environmental issues, wood for energy, and landscape planning. The following themes are identified for the conference (other may be organized on request, please get in touch with Scientific Committee chair):
* Educational tools in OR/MS
* Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods
* Fire and pest - modeling and control
* Forest Decision Support Systems - construction and use
* OR/MS techniques for forest planning
* Forest operations
* Planning and control systems for the forest-based supply chains
* The forest-based sector – modeling
* The forest-based sector – challenges and policies
Some important dates
* March 1st, 2015: Deadline submission of presentations and posters
* April 1st, 2015: Presentations and posters notification
* June 15th, 2015: Early bird registration deadline
Contact and questions
* Scientific program: Ljusk Ola Eriksson (ola.eriksson(a)<>)
* Organizational issues: Gert Andersson (gert.andersson(a)<>)
* SLU:
* Skogforsk:
Professor Ljusk Ola Eriksson
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Resource Management
Forest Planning
SE-901 83 UMEÅ
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd
Phone: +46 90 786 83 78
Fax: +46907868111