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From: Bhaskar Vira [mailto:bv101@cam.ac.uk]
Sent: Dienstag, 13. Januar 2015 12:00
Subject: Call for papers on Forests and Food Security - reminder deadline 31 January
----- Call for Papers for Special Issue of Environmental Conservation on 'Forests and Food Security' -----
The aim of this thematic issue is to provide a forum for research that explores the different ways in which forests and agroforestry systems can be managed as food provisioning systems, in addition to their existing contributions to the conservation landscape. Potential audiences for this contribution include scholars and policy makers working in forest and related sectors, as well as those working in the areas of food and nutrition security both locally and internationally. A reminder that the deadline for the submission of papers is 31 January 2015. Details are attached.
Bhaskar Vira
Department of Geography
Downing Place
Cambridge CB2 3EN
E-mail: bv101(a)cam.ac.uk
Ph: +44 (0)1223 339823
Fax: +44 (0)1223 333392