[Ein Bild, das Text, Schrift, Grafikdesign, Grafiken enth?lt. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung]EXTENSION OF DEADLINE TO 25 MAY 2023 - XXVI IUFRO World Congress: Invitation To Nominate Candidates for IUFRO Awards
to be presented at the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden
Dear Colleagues,
The XXVI IUFRO World Congress to be held from 23 to 29 June 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden provides us with another opportunity to honour outstanding scientific achievements and contributions to forestry with a range of IUFRO Awards. I am pleased to invite and encourage you to nominate suitable candidates for the various categories of awards as listed below. The deadline for submission of nominations has been extended to 25th May 2023.
Up to 10 awards will be given in recognition of distinguished individual scientific achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Nominations may be made by a member of the nominee's parent organization, by Coordinators of Divisions, Research Groups, Working Parties and Task Forces, and by other officeholders and knowledgeable persons associated with the Union (but no self-nominations). Nominees must either belong to Member Organizations or be Individual Members of IUFRO.
Please FILL IN THE NOMINATIONS FORM before 25th May 2023: https://forms.office.com/r/7NnsKKxEn5
One award per IUFRO Division will be given to recognize path-breaking doctoral disser-tations completed in the period 2018-2023 within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Nominations may be made by a member of the nominee's parent organization, by Coordinators of Divisions, Research Groups, Working Parties, Task Forces and by other officeholders and knowledgeable persons associated with the Union (but no self-nominations). Nominees must either belong to IUFRO Member Organizations or be Individual Members of IUFRO. Please FILL IN THE NOMINATIONS FORM before 25th May 2023: https://forms.office.com/r/gjXvQgc2vV
This award recognizes outstanding individual achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or equivalent) completed in the period 2018-2023, in order to encourage their further work within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
One award per IUFRO Division may be made for work related to the themes of the IUFRO World Congress. Nominations can be made through IUFRO Members and through the International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA) via the IFSA Secretariat/Liaison Officer.
The Award shall consist of a certificate, the most economical cost of (air) travel/subsidized travel to attend the World Congress, and waiver of the Congress registration fee. The SAA will be presented at the opening or closing ceremony of the World Congress. For the ODRA and ISA, the awards will be presented in a special session where awardees are given the opportunity to present highlights of their award winning work. All award winners will be announced in a special issue of IUFRO News and in other media.
Please FILL IN THE NOMINATIONS FORM before 25th May 2023: https://forms.office.com/r/FQ3McussKx
In addition to these awards, the Congress 2024 will offer:
Best Poster Award (BPA)
To encourage public dissemination of high-quality research and to recognize distinguished poster presentations during the IUFRO World Congress by under-graduate students, graduate students and individuals who completed their graduate degrees up to 7 years prior to the Congress. A number of awards will be presented for applications submitted by the corresponding author during the online submission of the abstract. Applications shall be finalized two months before the Congress by submitting the final pdf of the poster presentation. Shortlisted poster presentations will be judged directly at the IUFRO World Congress. The awards will be mentioned during the closing ceremony.
IUFRO World Congress Host Scientific Award
This award honours one or more truly outstanding scientists from the Congress host country who has elevated the profile of forest science and research.
For more information and nomination forms, please check the website:
XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024
Stockholm, Sweden; 23-29 June 2024
Congress website: https://www.iufro2024.com/
Dear colleagues,
[Ein Bild, das Diagramm enth?lt. Automatisch generierte Beschreibung]IUFRO, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is hiring a Project Manager to start on 1 July 2023. Candidates should ideally be early- to mid-career professionals holding a Master's degree (or higher) in forest sciences or related disciplines. They should be experienced in planning and implementing projects and have an interest in and knowledge of international forest-related political processes, as well as global sustainable development topics.
The tasks of the Project Manager encompass operational planning and implementation of projects within the Science-Policy Programme of IUFRO, as well as following up and contributing to different intergovernmental processes. This full time (40 hours/week) position in an international team requires skills in personal organisation, planning, priority setting, and managing multiple tasks and the ability to effectively and positively interact with people in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment.
Institution: IUFRO
Duty station: IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Working language: English (command of other UN languages and/or German is advantageous)
Closing date: 19 May 2023, 11:59 p.m. CEST
Details: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/discover/gfep-vacancy-announcement…
Many thanks and best wishes,
Dr. Christoph Wildburger
Science-Policy Programme Coordinator
Find out more about the new IUFRO Science-Policy Programme at:
IUFRO: Science-Policy Programme / Science in IUFRO<https://www.iufro.org/science/gfep/>
Dear Sir or Madame!
This is a kind reminder that the Registration to the IUFRO 4.05.00 & 9.05.03 Conference is open until 19th May 2023. We invite you to register, submit a paper and join the conference "Deal for Green? Contribution of managerial economics, accounting, and cross-sectoral policy analysis to climate neutrality and forest management". The conference will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 25.-26. September 2023 with the post-conference field trip on 27. September 2023.
Find essential instructions attached to this email and check the conference web page<https://www.bf.uni-lj.si/iufro> for further information. Should you have any question regarding the conference, please send us an email at iufro2023(a)bf.uni-lj.si<mailto:iufro2023@bf.uni-lj.si>.
We look forward to receiving your contributions and seeing you in Ljubljana!
Yours sincerely,
Vasja Leban
on belahf of the Organizing Committee
IUFRO Conference Ljubljana 2023
web page: https://www.bf.uni-lj.si/iufro
e-mail: iufro2023(a)bf.uni-lj.si
Dear All,
The deadline for submission of nomination materials for IUFRO awards at the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden, is May 15, 2023. The specific awards are:
The Scientific Achievement Award: Up to ten awards. In recognition of distinguished individual scientific achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Outstanding Doctoral Research Award: One per IUFRO Division. To recognize path-breaking doctoral dissertations completed in the period 2018-2023 within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
IUFRO Student Award for Excellence in Forest Science: One per IUFRO Division. Recognizes outstanding individual achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or equivalent) completed in the period 2018-2023, in order to encourage their further work within the fields of research covered by IUFRO.
Best Poster Award: recognizes distinguished poster presentations during the IUFRO World Congress by under-graduate students, graduate students, and individuals who completed their graduate degrees up to 7 years prior to the congress. For this award, the corresponding author of the poster indicates consideration for the award during the abstract submission process.
Further information on the awards, who is eligible to prepare nominations for consideration, and nomination forms can be found here:
You are encouraged to consider nominating colleagues and the Honours and Awards Committee looks forward to receiving the nomination materials.
posted by IUFRO Headquarters
Dear all,
We are currently advertising a 100% postdoctoral position (until February 28, 2025, the possibility of 24 months duration will be negotiated with the funding organization)
in the area of knowledge transfer, forest governance and capacity strengthening in the context of global change, with a focus on Central Africa.
You can find our job posting here:
Deadline for application is April 30 , 2023.
Please also forward this call to potential candidates.
Best regards,
Michael Boecher
Prof. Dr. Michael Böcher
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Institute for Social Science
Chair of Political Science and Sustainable Development
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
Visit us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/Lehrstuhl-Politikwissenschaft-Schwerpunkt-Nachhalt…>!
Call for Abstracts Extended to April 28th:
IUFRO Extension and Knowledge
Exchange (EKE) Working Party Meeting
October 8th - October 12th, 2023
Padua, Italy
(With an optional post conference field trip - October 13th-14th, in the Karst Area of the Slovenian - Italian Border)
Conference Update
Forest Knowledge Exchange:
Advancing Innovation with Tradition
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Extension and Knowledge Exchange Working Party (EKE, IUFRO 9.01.03) invites your submission of an abstract for the Working Party Conference to be held Sunday, 8 October 2023 to 12 October 2023 in Padua, Veneto region of Italy (With an optional post conference field trip - October 13th-14th, in the Karst Area of the Slovenian - Italian Border). The conference theme is Forest Knowledge Exchange: Advancing Innovation with Tradition.
Abstracts will be accepted for either 20 minute oral presentations or 5 minute Lightning round talks.
The deadline for abstract submission is 24:00 CET Italy on 28 April 2023. Presenters will be notified by 29 May 2023 if their abstract is accepted. The official language is English.
All abstracts will be submitted online. Abstracts submitted by post, fax or mail cannot be accepted.
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Please have the following information ready when you submit your proposal:
Contact information for presenter
List of co-author names and affiliations (if applicable)
Title of presentation (*first word capitalized only)
Abstract (1600 characters or less)
Presentation format preference
Click here <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oag-9V9OZHFlcZWndnEr61qEipcj8C6OWDoUXRYi3s2…> to submit an abstract.
The Conference Organizing Committee is finalizing the venue, hotel and travel logistics, field trips and cost and will provide those details in further correspondence in the near future. Please send questions to whubbard(a)umd.edu <mailto:whubbard@umd.edu>.
Visit the XXVI World Forestry Congress website for information on the conference and how to submit an abstract. <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oag-9V9OZHFlcZWndnEr61qEipcj8C6OWDoUXRYi3s2…>
The objectives of the IUFRO EKE Working Party are to:
serve as a forum for information exchange among Extension forestry workers worldwide.
promote the concept of Extension through the transfer of knowledge and technology to improve the lives of people.
improve the quality, quantity, and effectiveness of Extension programs worldwide.
advance the quality and impact of research on Extension methodologies.
Click here to access the IUFRO EKE website <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oag-9V9OZHFlcZWndnEr61qEipcj8C6OWDoUXRYi3s2…>
Want to learn more about IUFRO and how you might get involved in this working party or others? Click on the IUFRO logo above.
2023 Conference Planning Committee:
Bill Hubbard University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA whubbard(a)umd.edu <mailto:whubbard@umd.edu>
Robert Bardon North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC USA rebardon(a)ncsu.edu <mailto:rebardon@ncsu.edu>
Antonio Brunori Secretary General PEFC Italy, Perugia, IT antonio.brunori65(a)gmail.com <mailto:antonio.brunori65@gmail.com>
Mark Megalos National Woodland Owners Association, Raleigh, NC USA mega4nwoa(a)gmail.com <mailto:mega4nwoa@gmail.com> <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oag-9V9OZHFlcZWndnEr61qEipcj8C6OWDoUXRYi3s2…>
Nuala NiFhlatharta Teagasc, Galway, IE, Nuala.NiFhlatharta(a)teagasc.ie <mailto:Nuala.NiFhlatharta@teagasc.ie>
Eric Norland, USDA NIFA, Washington, DC
enorland(a)usda.gov <mailto:enorland@usda.gov>
Ales Poljenic Slovenia Forest Service, Ljubljana, SI ales.poljanec(a)zgs.gov.si <mailto:ales.poljanec@zgs.gov.si>
University of Maryland | 2115A Symons Hall, 7998 Regents Hall, College Park, MD 20742
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