Dear all,
the Call for Abstracts for Session 34 "Institutional drivers and
barriers for the management of climate related hazards in the forest" at
the IUFRO 125^th Anniversary Congress, “Interconnecting Forests, Science
and People” 19.-22. September 2017 in Freiburg, Germany is now open.
Deadline for Submissions: 30th November 2016
Please find details here:…
and below in this Email.
We are looking forward to contributions from political science, planning
studies and organisational research.
Best regards,
Marco Pütz, Roderich von Detten and Sylvia Kruse
Session 34: "Institutional drivers and barriers for the management of
climate related hazards in the forest"
Forest-related hazards, e.g. wild fires, pest infestations, storms, are
expected to increase in a changing climate. Thus climate change is
expected to introduce so far unknown hazards and risks to some regions
while increasing already existing ones in other parts of the world.
While silviculture and forest planning already investigate the
consequences of these potentially harmful climate related hazards for
adaptive planning and management, socio-economic, institutional and
organisational factors are only rarely explored in forest research. We
want to address this research gap and invite both empirical and
conceptual contributions focussing on the socio-economic, institutional
or organisational factors as well as on their interlinkages that drive
and hinder the management of climate related hazards in the forest. The
following not exhaustive list of research questions could be addressed:
·Which institutional and socio-economic factors increase climate change
related hazards in the forest, such as wild fires, pest infestations,
droughts or storms? Which factors reduce the risks?
·What are the consequences for adaptation responses and how can these
responses be supported by policy and governance?
·How can institutional settings of forest management and other
interrelated policy fields (e.g. spatial planning, nature conservation)
support prevention of climate change induced forest-related hazards?
·How can adaptive governance of climate change induced forest-related
hazards be designed and what adaptive policies have already been put in
place and implemented?
·Which particular role do organizations, private or public, play for the
implementation of strategies regarding the management of climate change
hazards and risks?
·What are the particular approaches and strategies of dealing with
climate change effects with regard to different institutional/
management levels, management cultures or organizational types?
·How is the management of forest ecosystems in the face of climate
related hazards characterized in comparison with other/ “neighbouring”
sectors from natural resources management such as coast/ water
management, landscape management or agriculture?
Dr. Sylvia Kruse
Akademische Rätin/Lecturer
Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik/Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy
Universität Freiburg/University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D- 79106 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0) 761/203-3721
Dear Member of the IUFRO Communications and Public Relations Working Party:
We had a very productive workshop in Portland, Oregon, this summer. For those who attended or missed the workshop, another opportunity exists next year for our working party to get together and present at the 125th Anniversary Congress. Our session proposal was accepted for
the upcoming IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress in Freiburg Germany, 19-22 September, 2017.
The call for abstracts is now open for this congress at and the deadline for abstract submission is 30 November. Submit abstracts indicating proposal number 174, “Connecting People to Forest Science: Innovative Communication Approaches for Delivering Science” in the Congress segment: All Division 9 (Forest Policy and Economics) Meeting as you first choice for inclusion in the program.
I will soon be sending a link with a summary, presentations, and other information from our Joint UNECE-FAO-FCN and IUFRO Communications and Public Relations Workshop held in Portland, Oregon, USA, 29 August to 1 September, 2016. We are also developing a social network for our working party. You will receive a survey in the near future that will be used to identify the best networking method for us.
Kind regards,
Cindy Miner
Coordinator, IUFRO Communications and
Public Relations Working Party
Assistant Station Director
Communications and Applications
Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station
p: 503-808-2135
c: 503-701-4054
f: 503-808-2130
1220 SW 3rd Ave., Suite 1400
Portland, OR 97204<>
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Caring for the land and serving people
International Union
of Forest Research
IUFRO Anniversary Congress - Call for Abstracts
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Deadline for Submissions: 30 November 2016.
IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress
Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
19-22 September 2017 - Freiburg, Germany
The Congress Scientific Committee invites submissions of abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, "Interconnecting Forests, Science and People". All submissions must be made online at the official congress website at by 30 November 2016.
This Congress provides a platform for the exchange of scientific knowledge across all scientific disciplines relevant in forest research and is open to all scientists regardless of their current affiliation to IUFRO. Abstracts highlighting innovative, interdisciplinary research approaches and the transfer of scientific knowledge on critical global forest-related challenges to national and international policy agendas are encouraged.
We look forward to receiving your abstract for this unique and innovative congress to mark 125 years of active international engagement in forest research by IUFRO member institutions and individuals to be held on 19 – 22 September 2017 in Freiburg, Germany.
The Congress Organizing Committee
IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress
19-22 September 2017 - Freiburg, Germany - iufro2017(a)<>
IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress on Twitter and Facebook
Follow us on Twitter:, #IUFRO2017
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The 18th international conference of the International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) is being hosted by the USDA Forest Service and the University of Maine in Bangor, Maine, USA. Invited keynote speakers, scientific sessions (oral and poster) and panel discussions will explore new scientific findings and their linkages with policy relating to the addressing change in boreal forests. Designed to engage and inform scientists, resource managers and policy makers, the conference themes will address the current and emerging challenges for the boreal, the role of science in addressing those challenges and the links between science, policy and practice.
Topics will include advances in research and policy relating to important regional and global issues around balancing resource use in the boreal with habitat and biodiversity objectives, strategies for mitigation of and adaptation to risks relating to a changing climate and changes in disturbance regimes, and socio-economic changes and impacts. Emphasis will be placed on the use of science to inform management practices and public policy in the boreal.
The abstract submission site will open on October 1, 2016, and authors will have until January 22, 2017 to submit papers. Sessions may be proposed to Dr. Christopher Woodall at abstracts(a) by January 1, 2017. Any questions may be directed to info(a)
Date: 5-9 June 2017
Location: Bangor, Maine, U.S.A.
Details at: <>
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: "Rik De Vreese | BOS+" < <> rik.devreese(a)>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2016 20:03:05 +0000
Subject: Invitation 'Passion for Nature conference - Integrated Governance: mainstreaming opportunities for Nature & Society' - Lommel (Belgium) October 12-14 2016
Dear colleague,
Please find below an invitation for an interesting conference coming soon in Belgium on Nature Governance and Integrated Sustainable Territorial Development.
This conference includes a High Level Tribute to the Bosland Bottom-up Integrated Partnership with High Level Representatives from the European Commission and the Flemish Minister of Nature.
You are also invited to present your work or organisation at the Knowledge Market on Wednesday evening 12th of October.
Please read further below or directly at this link <> .
The conference is very affordable (110 EUR for 3 days, accommodation in the CenterParcs Hotel 269 EUR for 3 nights (1 or 2 persons) or 419 EUR for 3 nights in a cottage (4 persons).
There will be a shuttle from Eindhoven airport (in the Netherlands) and Hasselt Railway station (connections to Brussels Airport and Brussels main highspeed stations).
Please apologise for cross-posting.
Met vriendelijke groeten, Best Regards,
Ik werk op dinsdag, woensdagvoormiddag en donderdag. I'm available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays (AM) and Thursdays
Rik De Vreese
Projectcoördinator BOS+
Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267 - 9090 Gontrode - Belgium
Tel: ++32 (0)9 264 90 54 <tel:%2B%2B32%20%280%299%20264%2090%2054> – Mob ++32 (0)485 36 00 78 <tel:%2B%2B32%20%280%29485%2036%2000%2078>
Invitation to participate
Passion for Nature – Integrated Governance: Mainstreaming Opportunities for Nature & Society
Lommel, Belgium, 12 to 14 October 2016
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in a major European conference, “Passion for Nature – Integrated Governance: Mainstreaming Opportunities for Nature & Society”.
Linked with the <> Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process, this landmark event marks the tenth anniversary of the Bosland Partnership. This partnership consists of the municipalities of Hechtel-Eksel, Overpelt, and Lommel, the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest, Regionaal Landschap Lage Kempen, and Limburg Tourism. Since its establishment, the partnership has maintained and enhanced core traditional forestry-related activities (timber, wood and biomass production), while successfully developing a wide range of innovative approaches with significant social and scientific benefits. Bosland is a true example of successful multifunctional territorial development and integrated nature governance.
This Conference creates a European-level platform to network with colleagues from around our beautiful continent. Together, participants will have the opportunity to discuss priorities and integrated governance approaches, important not only for nature and Natura 2000 specifically, but also for human health, economic development, job creation, climate adaptation and mitigation, water management, tourism, and many more human dimensions. Working with people’s “Passion for Nature” enables us to position biodiversity, nature and ecosystem services as essential pillars for greening economies, as well as for innovation. To foster the sharing of passion we also invite you to bring along successful projects and innovative ideas to share with others at our Knowledge Market.
The conference provides an important opportunity to compare approaches that can further increase benefits for both nature and society at a European level. For more information, please find a preliminary draft programme <> here. You can also visit the conference web page <> here and register by clicking <> here.
We would be delighted if you would accept this invitation to participate. We look forward to addressing future challenges together and realising new joint opportunities of truly integrated and sustainable regional development in sites across Europe.
Yours sincerely,
The Bosland partnership
Supported by:
Organised by:
Bosland is a statutory partnership between the municipalities of Hechtel-Eksel, Overpelt, and Lommel, the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest, Regionaal Landschap Lage Kempen, and Limburg Tourism
Co-organised by:
Koningin Astridlaan 50 bus 5 - 3500 Hasselt
Please distribute as appropriate.
Papers presented at the upcoming Extension & Knowledge Exchange conference in Kenora, Ontario (September 25-30, 2016) will be featured in a special issue of the Forestry Chronicle. I have attached the special issue advert flyer, so look for us in December!
Janean Creighton
Janean H. Creighton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Extension Specialist
College of Forestry
Oregon State University
321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR
541-737-1049 - janean.creighton(a)<><>
The International Conference "Between Tradition and Increasing Challenges: Future Development of Small-scale and Community Forestry in Times of Global Change", organized by the three IUFRO Units 3.08.00, 9.03.00 and 9.05.06 is coming up soon!
The conference will provide a unique opportunity to bring together researchers from all over the world to share evidence-based knowledge on small-scale and community forestry issues in Latin America, including the ecological, institutional and anthropogenic factors influencing the management and evolution of forests and forest landscapes. As traditional knowledge plays a substantial role in both small-scale and community forest ownership models, the integration of a historical dimension will provide an additional source of information in order to interpret and understand the challenges and constraints related to global change.
Attached are the preliminary program and an overview of the In-Conference Tour for your information!
Registration is still open at - so make your plans and participate in this exciting event!
posted on behalf of the organizers by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO Headquarters