Dear colleagues
I would like to share two announcements
1. The Sino-European CLEARING HOUSE project will run its concluding webinar next Friday 2 February 9:00 - 10:30.
**An Introduction to CLEARING HOUSE Tools: Improve Your City's Nature-Based Solutions**
In its concluding webinar, CLEARING HOUSE will present tools designed for municipalities to enhance NBS initiatives.
* Spatial Impact Assessment and Classification tool (SIAC): Models tree cover, assesses street tree density, and evaluates spatial relationships with streets or buildings.
* Spatial Information and Knowledge Hub (SIK-Hub): Facilitates a swift assessment of Urban Forest-NBS and their environmental, ecological, and social settings.
* CLEARING HOUSE Citizen Science: Assists in uncovering feedback loops between Urban Forest-NBS qualities and specific challenges, purposes, uses, or users.
Further info on the website :
Register at: <…>…
2. The European Forum on Urban Forestry has extended the deadline for submitting ideas and abstracts until 31 January.
The EFUF meeting will take place 22 to 24 May in Zagreb, under the theme: Urban Forests for All.
EFUF invites researchers and professionals dealing with urban forests and green spaces to submit abstracts for a wide range of contributions. EFUF emphasises the connection of practice and scientific knowledge, encouraging a variety of possible formats to contribute to the conference. We welcome practice-oriented contributions, research contributions as well as proposals for workshops and demonstrations.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 January 2024 23:59 CET (Brussels time) through this form:
Subtopics are
More information on the scope and requirements at
* Urban Forests for People and Society
* Urban Forests for a Sustainable Tomorrow
* Urban Forests for All Living Beings
Dr Rik De Vreese
Senior Researcher and Team Leader for Urban Forestry - CLEARING HOUSE Project Coordinator
Resilience Programme
European Forest Institute (EFI Bonn)
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 7
53113 Bonn, Germany
+32 485 36 00 78 (BE) or +49 173 658 1628 (DE)
http://www.efi.int - outputs: - socials & blog:
To IUFRO Division 6
A reminder from IUFRO HQ... kindly find attached forms - please share
updates about your RG and WP. I am looking forward to receiving the
information* before 19th January 2024. *
With warm regards,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Andre Purret <purret(a)>
Date: Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 6:56 PM
Subject: REMINDER: Annual reporting by IUFRO Divisions following the
Strategy Action Plan
*From:* Andre Purret
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 6, 2023 8:04 PM
*To:* jps(a); santiago.c.gonzalez.martinez(a);
santiago.gonzalez-martinez(a); Woodam Chung (OSU) <
woodam.chung(a)>; dhodges2(a); Don Hodges <
dhodges2(a)>; pekka.saranpaa(a); Purabi Bose <
purabib2(a)>; Ramsfield, Tod <tod.ramsfield(a)>;
sandra.luque(a); monagabay(a); mgabay(a)
*Cc:* Daniela Kleinschmit <daniela.kleinschmit(a)>;
Alexander Buck <buck(a)>
*Subject:* Annual reporting by IUFRO Divisions following the Strategy
Action Plan
Dear Coordinators of IUFRO Divisions,
CC: Vice-President for Divisions,
It is now again the time of the year to start preparing for annual
reporting following the IUFRO Strategy Action Plan 2020-2024.
Similar to last year, IUFRO HQ would kindly request you to coordinate the
collection of input from within your Division (from Research Groups and
Working Parties). Since this is the final reporting in the current Board
term (2019-2024), the Board decided at its meeting in March 2023 (Dehradun,
India) that all units should report on the activities undertaken in 2023
*and* plans until June 2024 (until World Congress 2024) using the filtered
Strategy Action Plan as a guiding framework (Board Meeting Action 19).
For your convenience and as done last year, the updated *Word version of
the filtered action plan* that can be used to collect input from within
your Division has been attached to this e-mail. Last time round, some of
you had uploaded the Word document and circulated it as a shared online
document. For your information and in case useful, also the full *IUFRO
Strategy Action Plan 2020-2024* has been attached to this e-mail message.
IUFRO HQ would thus like to ask *you as Division** Coordinators **to submit
the final aggregated report of activities of your Division through the
following online form**:* *
<>*. *Each Division is asked to enter
into the text field of each relevant action not more than three (3) bullet
points describing the activities/progress towards implementing a specific
action in year 2023 and not more than three (3) bullet points describing
plans until June 2024. *Please submit your input *latest by 31 January 202*
In addition to using your reports for various suitable purposes within
IUFRO HQ, e.g., for developing the Annual Report, your reports from the
entire Board term will be further analyzed and assessed by the IUFRO
Strategy Action Plan evaluation Advisory Committee (to be formally approved
by the Board shortly). The task of the committee is to evaluate both
quantitatively and qualitatively the implementation of the whole IUFRO
Strategy Action Plan 2020-2024, based on the submitted reports for 2021,
2022, 2023 and half of 2024. The results and recommendations from the
analysis will be presented to the MC and the Board in June 2024, and these
will serve as a basis for the proposal for the next IUFRO Strategy Action
Plan post-2025.
In case of any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you in advance and best wishes from Vienna,
*Andre Purret *
Operations Manager
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877-0151-13 / Fax: +43-1-877-0151-50
Mobile: +372 5370 6685
E-mail: purret(a)
Skype: andre.purret
Dear Brigitte-
I am hoping that this message can be distributed to all of IUFRO. The Terra
Viva Grants Directory can be an important source of funding information for
many in IUFRO.
Thank you,
Sheila Ward
Executive Officer
International Society of Tropical Foresters-Global
[image: TVG-ISTF.png]
Terra Viva Grants Directory (TVG) is now open for subscriptions for 2024!
The Terra Viva Grants Directory (TVG) is
now open for subscriptions for 2024! Now part of the International Society
of Tropical Foresters (ISTF; TVG is the
go-to grants database for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural
resources for the world's developing countries.
TVG saves you time by searching for grants for you. This is very helpful
for low-income countries where internet connections are slow and expensive,
and libraries are often not available.
The Funding News and Profiles of Grantmakers on the website are open access.
Funding alerts via email and the searchable database are available with
modest paid subscriptions. Subscribe at
Until 31 January 2023, annual subscription rates will be at the former
annual rates, with rates increasing on 1 February 2024. Before 1 February
2024, you can buy a 6-month subscription to try us out. We are continually
updating the grants database and payment options. If you have any
difficulty subscribing or any other comments, please contact
[image: TVG table.png]
La Sociedad Internacional de Forestales Tropicales (ISTF) y el Grupo de
Trabajo de Silvicultura Internacional de la Sociedad de Silvicultores
Americanos (IFWG-SAF) ofrecen la 3.era sesión sesión del simposio en línea
*"* *La le**ñ**a en el trópico: **De las cocinas a la deforestación” *en el
viernes 12 de enero de 2024 a las 16:00 horas Costa Rica y México CDMX,
17:00 horas Perú y 22:00 UTC+0. El tema se trata de la dependencia de una
gran parte de los residentes de los trópicos en la leña y el carbón para
cocinar. Se encuentra más información en…
. Busca más información con respecto a su hora en el sitio siguiente Registrarse para la
conferencia en…
¿Preguntas? Contactar por correo-e a tropicalforesters(a)
El programa de la la 3.era Sesión:
a. *Introducción al simposio*. Sheila Ward O Mike Sterner, ISTF (5
b. *Introducción a los presentadores*. Luis Armando Aznar Molina,
Supervision, (Aseguramiento de la Calidad, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente)
ACSMA- Medio Ambiente, México (5 minutos)
c. *Consumo de leña y carbón vegetal y su impacto en la deforestación
de bosques naturales en Comunidades Nativas de Aguaytía - Perú*. Jorge
Álvarez Melo, Profesor, Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, Perú (15
d. *Análisis financiero de una plantación familiar de Gliricidia
sepium*. Carlos Navarro, CATIE, Jubilado, Costa Rica (15 minutos)
e. *Manejo local de rebrotes para el abasto de leña y carbón en una
región indígena de México*. Patricia Gerez Fernández, CITRO - Universidad
Veracruzana, México. (15 minutos)
f. *Leña y carbón en la nueva ruralidad: Percepciones de cambio en
Sierra de Zongolica, México*. Antonio Sierra Huelsz, Investigador
posdoctoral CONACyT, Universidad de Guadalajara, México México (15 minutos)
g. *Discusión abierta* (Moderador: Luis, Mike y/o Sheila ~60 minutos)
Información sobre la primera (1.era) sesión en *ingles* se se encuentra en…
. Los videos de las presentaciones de la 1.era Sesión se encuentra en
. Información
sobre la segunda Sesión *en **ingles* se encuentra en…
videos de las presentaciones de la segunda Sesión se encuentra en .
Dear Division 6 Officeholders
Cc: Research Group Coordinators and Working Party Coordinators
Regarding the below email, I invite you to submit your units' report on
the activities undertaken in 2023 *and* plans until June 2024 (until World
Congress 2024) using the filtered Strategy Action Plan as a guiding
framework (Board Meeting Action 19).
In case you need any further assistance do not hesitate to contact me.
If your RG or WP has had no activity in 2023 then do share any plans you
may have until June 2024 including your and your unit's participation at
World Congress 2024. Please find attached a Word file and submit it to
me *before
January 15, 2024.*
Kind regards,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Andre Purret <purret(a)>
Date: Wed, Dec 6, 2023 at 11:34 PM
Subject: Annual reporting by IUFRO Divisions following the Strategy Action
To:Purabi Bose <purabib2(a)>
Dear Coordinators of IUFRO Divisions,
CC: Vice-President for Divisions,
It is now again the time of the year to start preparing for annual
reporting following the IUFRO Strategy Action Plan 2020-2024.
Similar to last year, IUFRO HQ would kindly request you to coordinate the
collection of input from within your Division (from Research Groups and
Working Parties). Since this is the final reporting in the current Board
term (2019-2024), the Board decided at its meeting in March 2023 (Dehradun,
India) that all units should report on the activities undertaken in 2023
*and* plans until June 2024 (until World Congress 2024) using the filtered
Strategy Action Plan as a guiding framework (Board Meeting Action 19).
For your convenience and as done last year, the updated *Word version of
the filtered action plan* that can be used to collect input from within
your Division has been attached to this e-mail. Last time round, some of
you had uploaded the Word document and circulated it as a shared online
document. For your information and in case useful, also the full *IUFRO
Strategy Action Plan 2020-2024* has been attached to this e-mail message.
IUFRO HQ would thus like to ask *you as Division** Coordinators **to submit
the final aggregated report of activities of your Division* *through the
following online form**:* *
<>*. *Each Division is asked to enter
into the text field of each relevant action not more than three (3) bullet
points describing the activities/progress towards implementing a specific
action in year 2023 and not more than three (3) bullet points describing
plans until June 2024.* Please submit your input *latest by 31 January 202*
In addition to using your reports for various suitable purposes within
IUFRO HQ, e.g., for developing the Annual Report, your reports from the
entire Board term will be further analyzed and assessed by the IUFRO
Strategy Action Plan evaluation Advisory Committee (to be formally approved
by the Board shortly). The task of the committee is to evaluate both
quantitatively and qualitatively the implementation of the whole IUFRO
Strategy Action Plan 2020-2024, based on the submitted reports for 2021,
2022, 2023 and half of 2024. The results and recommendations from the
analysis will be presented to the MC and the Board in June 2024, and these
will serve as a basis for the proposal for the next IUFRO Strategy Action
Plan post-2025.
In case of any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you in advance and best wishes from Vienna,
*Andre Purret *
Operations Manager
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877-0151-13 / Fax: +43-1-877-0151-50
Mobile: +372 5370 6685
E-mail: purret(a)
Skype: andre.purret