Publication: From governance to government in forest and agricultural certification
by Brigitte Burger
Von: Giessen, Lukas []
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. März 2017 16:55
Betreff: Publication: From governance to government in forest and agricultural certification
Dear Div 6 and 9,
we are happy to share with you 50 free downloads from a political science journal (so not all of you might have regular access) of the recent article:
Giessen L., Burns S., Sahide A. M. K., Wibowo, A. (2016): From governance to government: The key role of state bureaucracies in forest and agricultural certification. In: Policy and Society, 35 (1), 71-89, < > .
è free download here: < >
In case you cannot download it anymore, the quota might be exceeded. Then kindly get in contact with me directly.
Best wishes
Lukas Giessen
Senior Researcher and Head of Working Group International Forest Policy
Chair Group of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy, University of Goettingen
Buesgenweg 3
37077 Goettingen / Germany
Tel. +49 551 39 33726
Editor in Chief, Forest Policy and Economics (Elsevier)
< >
Google Scholar link:
<… >…
7 years, 10 months
FTA Focus on Gender
by Brigitte Burger
Von: FTA Gender Theme [] Im Auftrag von FTA Gender Theme
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. März 2017 20:56
An: burger(a)
Betreff: FTA Focus on Gender
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Dear friends and colleagues,
Welcome to the ninth edition of the FTA Gender Integration Team Newsletter: Focus on Gender. In this issue we would like to commemorate <… > International Women´s Day.
This year´s theme is ´the working world of women´. In line with this, the newsletter features a research study on gender and oil palm production and two exciting videos telling the story of the female oil palm farmers in Indonesia. In this issue you can also find an invitation to our up coming side event during the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 2017) in New York (March 13-24). And, as usual, you can find our latest news, publications, updates and upcoming events.
Please feel free to share with us any gender and forests related resources, tools or information you may have. Your comments and feedback on the newsletter are welcome and encouraged. To get in touch, please email <> Ana Maria Paez Valencia.
Warm regards,
The FTA Gender Integration Team
Thoughts on Gender
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Hear from Magdalena Pandan, a 35-year-old oil palm plantation worker in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, who rises before dawn every day to carry out her duties toward her job, her family and her crop lands. <… > Read more
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Hear from CIFOR scientist Bimbika Sijapati Basnett on her team’s research into issues related to gender and women in the expansion of the oil palm industry in Indonesia. <… > Read more
Featured Project
<… > Gender in Oil Palm
Examining gender gaps in Indonesia's palm oil industry
By Bimbika Sijapati Basnett and Leona Liu (CIFOR)
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Oil palm expansion threatens to displace local women from the lands where they cultivate their food crops, and this way help to feed their families. Furthermore, the women´s work contributions to oil palm production are largely unrecognized, and in the rare cases that they are, women are overrepresented in the ‘casual worker’ category, with limited entitlement to decent working conditions. Finally, gender issues are not considered in policies, certification bodies and regulations in the sector. <… > Read more
Focus on Gender Research
This is a brief update on selected gender-related research that is ongoing within the CGIAR research programme on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA).
<… > <… > <… > <… > Gender research at CIFOR
A summary of all CIFOR´s gender related projects. <… > Read more
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<… > Review of guides for gender-equitable value chain development - Taking stock of seven guides for development practitioners on how to design and implement gender-equitable VCD to flush out their strengths, limitations, and gaps. <… > Read more
<… > <… > <… > <… > Celebrating gender and biodiversity – On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Bioversity international has launched a series of factsheets on “Creating mutual benefits: examples of gender and biodiversity outcomes from Bioversity International’s research”. <… > Read more
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<… > Gender, group membership and trees on farms in Nicaragua
This project has the objective to analyze how women’s and men’s participation in groups may influence their capacities to access and implement information on the use of trees on farms in a Climate-Smart Village in Tuma la Dalia, Nicaragua. <… > Read more
News & Highlights
We would like invite you to join our discussion on:
´The impacts of commercialisation in agriculture and forestry on women’s decent employment´.
Kindly remember to register for the NGO CSW61 Forum <… > here.
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<… > Building on past success for better quality science: FTA gender research in 2017
<… > Neil Palmer/IWMI
<… > Can local participation in community forestry foster social inclusiveness and gender equity? (Bioversity)
<… > Photo: Jeremy Weate
<… > Gender relations in community forestry (CIFOR)
<… > Photo: Jeremy Weate
<… > Gender and Forests (CIFOR)
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<… > Subscribe to Focus on Gender
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Article: <… > Gender and forests: climate change, tenure, value chains and emerging issues (Bioversity International)
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Article: <… > Identifying gender-sensitive agroforestry options: Methodological considerations from the field.
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Article: <… > Whose Knowledge, Whose Development? Use and Role of Local and External Knowledge in Agroforestry Projects in Bolivia.
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Article: <… > Gendered Responses to Drought in Yunnan Province, China
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Working Paper: <… > Gender dynamics in Peru and Nicaragua. (CIAT).
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Working Paper: <… > Gendered perspectives of trees on farms in Nicaragua: Considerations for agroforestry, coffee cultivation, and climate change. (CIAT).
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Working Paper: <… > Agroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi series: Women’s participation in agroforestry: more benefit or burden? A gendered analysis of Gorontalo Province. (World Agroforestry Centre)
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Brief: <… > Strengthening women’s tenure rights and participation in community forestry (CIFOR)
Upcoming Events
54th Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation <… > (ATBC) - ICRAF, CATIE, Bioversity and CIAT will be coordinating and contributing to the symposium Trees outside forest: biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services and livelihoods for resilient landscapes at the ATBC.
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This newsletter is a product of the collaboration between the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bioversity International, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) as part of the Research Program on Forest, Trees and Agroforestry of the CGIAR.
Copyright © 2015 The World Agroforestry Centre, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
World Agroforestry Centre
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
PO Box 30677, Nairobi, 00100
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7 years, 11 months
The Role of Women in Mountain Regions; Alpbach/Tyrol, Austria; 18-19 April 2017
by Brigitte Burger
Under the Austrian presidency of the Alpine Convention an international conference entitled "The Role of Women in Mountain Regions" will take place in Alpbach/Tyrol on 18-19 April 2017.
Sustainable development is vital for the mountain regions. Often it is the women who are particularly aware of the changes occurring in their environment and engage with initiatives to confront these changes. The aim of the conference is to provide information, along with fresh input and ideas, and to provide a forum for an exchange of experiences and networking for all those who are interested.
The conference “The Role of Women in Mountain Regions” focuses on the unique role of women in mountain regions and examines their indispensable contribution to the protection, preservation and development of these regions.
Details at:
7 years, 11 months